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Everything posted by franze

  1. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    Still have that one. Those wouldn't be all that hard to do, but you'd probably want something more complex than the sliding animation and you'd want it to be a vehicle. There may be some workaround to the no vehicle animations, but I don't know of it (yet). Taking the soldier class and enlarging the model to 5 meters, then making new animations for it is a strong route, IF you don't mind no torso twist, and IF you don't mind it not being a vehicle anymore. Theres also a lot of work to be done for animations as well. But I won't stop anyone who wants to try doing it. For the most part, if you want the really complex stuff, you need to pick up MW4 or find a copy of HG2. Me, I prefer to have fun making the models and using them, no matter if they're animated or not, textured well or not, in OFP.
  2. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    You wanted toy animated gears, you got em: It will include a mobile transport unit which, according to the manufacturer: "The ULTIMATE revolution in gear transport technology! the MINI Transport! Â Fit 4 gears into a space smaller than an MBT!!!!!!" So there! :P
  3. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    It's quite simple, really. You basically take a M113 or BMP, give it one crewman (driver), and you ought to be good to go. Assuming thats what you mean, of course...
  4. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    It's something to think about. But... no torso twist? No 5 meter tall gears as they were meant to be? What about the SMS functions availible to the gears, giving boosts of speed to 72 - 90 KPH? AFAIK, the current way of doing them may not be fancy, but it works, plain and simple. Doesn't mean I won't try anything new or different, just means that it's not my primary goal with these addons.
  5. franze

    Opf sci-fi tread

    Hovertanks....Mmmm... Guess I will have to do a Scythian to make people happy! Oh wait, thats right, I can't texture worth a damn. Nevermind.
  6. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    They are balanced so that the center of gravity is in the feet. They can tip over if hit hard enough, but if you "fall" they'll tip back upright momentarily. And usually when tank weapons of 100mm+ caliber are brought about, the gears tend to be obsolete... unless going fast or is one of the support gears.
  7. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    It's not necessarily that. I've got some animations setup, but the problem is - how do you get the engine to allow custom vehicle actions? One workaround might be to set the model as a infantryman object when the player is in it, and when the player gets out set it as a static object. But last time I tried to make a 5 meter tall infantryman, the game crashed on me. If it were within the bounds of the engine, I'd go for it. But alas, the engine doesn't accept vehicle animations outside of rotation, and these things would need something beyond a toy soldier walk you'd get out of rotation animations.
  8. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    Afraid thats the way they'll have to stay for a bit. Look at the bright side - I'm workin' on it.
  9. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    Not yet - the cavalry crews and the northern pilots are really, really, REALLY unfinished. But they're underway...
  10. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    'Fraid not (darnit!).
  11. franze

    O2 and normals

    I'm afraid the only way I know if doing it is to zoom in with the numpad + and - keys. I thought there was supposed to be a way to manually modify the normals as well, but I can't remember it.
  12. franze

    O2 and normals

    Uhm, wrong forum bud. The mods will probably come in and move this soon, but have you tried anything in the surfaces area? Or Faces>Recalculate normals?
  13. franze

    Animation problem

    Try creating new vertices for the first and second door, and name them "doorarea1" and "doorarea3", then changing the "position" in the cpp from "osa_dvere1" and "osa_dvere3" to "doorarea1" and "doorarea3". Thats about the only thing I can think of, because everything else appears to be fine, and almost certainly a model problem rather than a config problem.
  14. franze

    Animation problem!

    I found recently the hard way that if you have any "};" between cfgvehicles and animations that it won't load the animations or will crash. What Bratz said - wheres the rest of the .cpp?
  15. franze

    Help with bulldozer

    You have a object loaded? It displays land/sea by default 'till you load a object. Theres a command to turn off the land and sea but I can't remember it off the top of my head.
  16. franze

    Messerschmitt bf-109

    "Please ignore the textures"? Those textures are top-notch! Exactly what version of 109 is this? G-2? Freidrich? At this rate, we'll have WW2 dogfights in no time!
  17. franze

    Corsair f4u released !!

    Must add my 2 cents to this - GREAT ADDON! Textures are very good, so lifelike, the cockpit is one of the best I've seen, and the appearance is absolutely beatiful! Guess I'll have to dig up the old P-38 I was working on and shove it out the door so I can make a Fw-190 to face this thing!
  18. franze

    Mass - how's it work?

    We all know mass adds just that to a object/model - the ability of other objects to bounce against it, go through it and whatnot. So, I have a question: Is the mass amount equal to a value of weight? Simply out of sheer curiousity. Mass of course basically defines how, in simple terms, "thick" a object is. How much mass should a MBT have? How much mass should a APC have? A jeep? A truck? A airplane? I usually use a standard of about 5000 mass value on my objects and it usually works fine, but on many occasions I'll take a value of weight for a realistic vehicle and tack it on, and it usually works as well. And objects with more mass seem much more stable than objects with less mass.
  19. franze

    Is a decent tank too much to ask?

    Straying off topic, but they're MBTs from Heavy Gear. The top one is a Aller and the bottom one is a Visigoth. The Aller weighs about 67 tons while the Visigoth is 58 tons (metric). The Aller has a railgun while the Visigoth has a field gun... both have similar sub weapons (like, of course, machine guns). They were probably based off of real-world counterparts somewhere, but I wouldn't know which ones. In the meantime, they're not as far fetched as many people would think, but like some other guys said, the usefulness of a MBT is running low in modern warfare.
  20. franze

    Is a decent tank too much to ask?

    Well yeah, they're close to toys. I mean, they're the most unrealistic sort of thing out there, with all those heavy weapons and armor amounts. Surely, no other tank has tried to fit a field gun, a couple rocket pods on, and a 30mm cannon on all at once! That's just plain nonsense! Really.
  21. franze


    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> unitInfoType="UnitInfoAirplane"; Theres more like "UnitInfoTank" but I can't remember them all. The above one gives altitude, speed, armor, and fuel, as well as ammo and weapon.
  22. So far in my experiences, raketa doesn't work, only strela.
  23. franze

    Input after end of file?

    I removed one "};" from eventhandlers and changed the base class from "AH64" to "Hind". <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class eventhandlers { init = [_this select 0] exec "\titan\gear.sqs"; }; //}; <-- removed I probably shouldn't have posted this here, but for future reference...
  24. This one has me stumped; I've tried just about everything to get this config to work, but I still get the "Input after end of file" error. Problem is, I'm not sure where it thinks the end of the file is. Here's the code: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// some basic defines #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches { class titanhg { units[] = {titanhg}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.20; }; class LACtitan { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {LACtitan}; requiredVersion = 1.20; }; class ATMtitan { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {ATMtitan}; requiredVersion = 1.20; }; class LRPtitan { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {LRPtitan}; requiredVersion = 1.20; }; }; class cfgModels { class Default {}; class Vehicle: Default {}; class Helicopter{}; class titanhg: Helicopter { sectionsInherit="Vehicle"; sections[]={"velka vrtule staticka","velka vrtule blur","mala vrtule staticka","mala vrtule blur"}; }; class Weapon: Default {}; class optika_flir_gunner: Weapon {}; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class Default {}; class AT3: Default {}; class Hellfire: AT3 {}; class ATMtitan : Hellfire { hit=1600; indirectHit=200; indirectHitRange=2.500000; initTime=0.000000; thrustTime=5.500000; thrust=1200; model = "\titan\stores\damocles"; proxyShape="\titan\stores\damocles"; }; class BulletSingle : Default {}; class LACtitan: BulletSingle { hit=35; indirectHit=5; }; class Zuni: Hellfire {}; class LRPtitan: Zuni { hit=200; indirectHit=25; indirectHitRange=2; minRange=100; minRangeProbab=0.200000; midRange=200; midRangeProbab=0.200000; maxRange=400; maxRangeProbab=0.050000; simulation="shotRocket"; simulationStep=0.050000; cost=1000; soundHit[]={"Explosions\expl1",100.000008,1}; model="ZUNI"; maneuvrability=0; maxControlRange=0; thrustTime=3; thrust=1200; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default {}; class LAWLauncher: Default {}; class CarlGustavLauncher : LAWLauncher {}; class AT3Launcher: CarlGustavLauncher {}; class HellfireLauncher: AT3Launcher {}; class HellfireLauncherCobra : HellfireLauncher {}; class ATMtitan : HellfireLauncherCobra { ammo="ATMtitan"; displayName="AT-6 Damocles"; displayNameMagazine="ATM"; shortNameMagazine="ATM"; count=8; }; class MGun: Default {}; class MachineGun7_6: MGun {}; class MachineGun30: MachineGun7_6 {}; class LACtitan: MachineGun30 { displayName="PRF-25 Autocannon"; displayNameMagazine="LAC"; shortNameMagazine="LAC"; ammo="LACtitan"; count=2400; reloadTime=0.0610000; sound[]={"\hunter\lacshot.wav",4.162278,1}; aiRateOfFire=0; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=0; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero }; class ZuniLauncher38: AT3Launcher {}; class LRPtitan: ZuniLauncher38 { ammo="LRPtitan"; displayName="Vogel-8 Rocket Pod"; displayNameMagazine="LRP"; shortNameMagazine="LRP"; count=128; reloadTime=0.25; aiRateOfFire=0; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=0; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero sound[]={"Weapons\rocket1",11.279965,1}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All {}; class AllVehicles: All {}; class Air: AllVehicles {}; class Helicopter: Air {}; class AH64: Helicopter {}; class titanhg: AH64 { side=TWest; scope=public; displayName="HA-7 Titan"; model="\titan\titan"; maxSpeed = 330; weapons[]={LACtitan,ATMtitan,LRPtitan,LaserDesignatorHG}; magazines[]={LACtitan,ATMtitan,LRPtitan,LaserDesignatorHG}; nameSound="chopper"; vehicleclass="Heavy Gear - Helicopters"; hasGunner=1; armor=200; transportSoldier=8; accuracy=0.08; simulation=helicopter; driverAction = ManActUH60Pilot; gunnerAction = ManActUH60Gunner; enableSweep=true; gunnerIsCommander=false; crew="SoldierWPilot" animated=1; class Turret { gunAxis = "OsaHlavne"; turretAxis = "OsaVeze"; soundServo[]={,db-40,1.0}; gunBeg = "usti hlavne"; gunEnd = "konec hlavne"; minElev=-45; maxElev=+30; minTurn=-80; maxTurn=+80; body = "OtocVez"; gun = "OtocHlaven"; }; class Animations { class NoseGear { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; selection="nosegear"; axis="osa_nosegear"; angle0=0; angle1=1.553337; }; class LeftGear { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; selection="leftgear"; axis="osa_leftgear"; angle0=0; angle1=-1.5; }; class RightGear { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; selection="rightgear"; axis="osa_rightgear"; angle0=0; angle1=1.5; }; }; class UserActions { // Raise and lower gear from pilot or copilot's seats class LowerLandingGear { displayName="Lower landing gear"; position="GearArea"; radius=3 condition="this animationPhase ""nosegear"" >= 0.5 and player in this"; statement="[this, 0] exec ""\titan\geardown.sqs"""; }; class RaiseLandingGear { displayName="Raise landing gear"; position="GearArea"; radius=3 condition="this animationPhase ""nosegear"" < 0.5 and player in this"; statement="[this, 1] exec ""\titan\gearup.sqs"""; }; }; class eventhandlers { init = [_this select 0] exec "\titan\gear.sqs"; }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyWeapon {}; class Proxystores : ProxyWeapon {model = "\titan\stores\damocles"; simulation = "maverickweapon";} }; }; Any help is appreciated.