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Everything posted by franze

  1. franze

    Big mech thing, by nobody.

    Uh, you should have started a fresh topic. This one is three months old.
  2. franze

    The north korea thread

    Hmm, I remember when I was 14 and I was in Kansas... I was thinking about how to solve the problems with getting cold fusion to work right because none of the other stuff in school was worth my time. Bub, I'll take that as a insult, but I'll leave it be for now. You get experience as you age of course, which includes education, and so on. Whether or not you're smart or clever does not have anything to do with age or education, but rather how your mind is built. Hey, Kansas might be a grass desert, but I'd prefer living here than anywhere else in the world.
  3. franze

    Operation sci-fi center

    Eh, I wouldn't go as far as Heavy Gear, but it'll work for a lot of things. HG is a bit complex if you understand, and the results would probably be undesirable.
  4. franze

    Operation sci-fi center

    Actually the animation is shaping up very well. That's about the way AT-AT's walked in the movies. Just need some better timing on it and it should work.
  5. franze

    Multiple machine gun firing points

    Many thanks deadmeat!
  6. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    Try under West/East and look for "Mini Gears". They have their own "vehicleclass" now, so you dont have to sift through the "Soldier" class to find 'em.
  7. franze

    Multiple machine gun firing points

    Thanks deadmeat, thats what I was looking for. Next question is, how do we define what weapons come out of the konec/usti hlavne points? The "spice rakety" firing point will only work with guided missiles, or any rocket type weapon?
  8. franze

    Multiple machine gun firing points

    Depbo'ed the BIS M2A2, and while the config file is a bin and the model is encrypted, I did see some sense out of the config file; most notably, this line: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">shotFromTurret Now its hard to tell much about it aside from this line is in the cfgweapons section, but it is a lead. I've already tried the line though and it doesn't appear to work. Also, just checked out the BMP2, and it has multiple firing positions as well - the AT6 comes out of the small tube launcher at the top, cannon shells come out of the main barrel, and machine gun rounds come out of the machine gun barrel to the right of the main barrel.
  9. franze

    Multiple machine gun firing points

    Assuming if I find it. Haven't messed with it a whole lot, but as long as I'm trying to get some eventhandlers to work on my Jaguar I might as well try with it.
  10. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    I don't know if I'll go that far, but its worth a thought. Just need to figure out dynamic textures, and everything will be good to go then...
  11. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    ROFLMAO!!!! Good one... very good one!
  12. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    Need to figure out dynamic texture paths so you can skin them however you want... But dynamic texture paths always give me trouble. If you want to reskin them, though, the model isn't encrypted and the textures are already there of course.
  13. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    Mini Gears beta 0.1 is now ready to go. No new animations yet, some untextured things here and there, but I need input from you people. New mass, so you won't go flying unless hit REAL hard. Also, new Mini Gear for the east - the Jaguar. Get the Minigears!
  14. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    Whoa whoa whoa, relax farside. Uncle_Sam probably already got the point, as the others have said. Anyways, about the special version gears, its still going to take a bit. I *did* just get done making a separate texture for the grenade launcher, but custom animations are still a no-go. And it's not like the textures for the things are good to go either. I'll get to it, but I need to optimize them first. I'll put out another beta here in a bit after I fix some texture paths and sound paths.
  15. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    Yes as in wait, or yes as in you want it now?
  16. franze

    Operation sci-fi center

    How is the animation done? Through selections and axises or .rtm?
  17. Ok, I have a new hand grenade, works like a charm and all, BUT: if you're the leader of a squad in multiplayer, you can't select the hand grenade and you can only take, say, two grenades off a soldier who has three of 'em. Now if you're not the leader of the squad, the grenades function normally (except for the take two bug). Also, I have a grenade launcher and the soldiers don't want to use it for some reason either. Finally, about soldiers - is there any way to change the command picture from that greyish soldier to something completely different? And how do you change the soldiers name from appearing as "soldier" to something else?
  18. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    You have to admit though, the ability to grab a M16, put a mortar on it, shoot it at your feet and go flying 300m into the air was a lot of fun. About some parts being disconnected - thats because they dont fit the default BIS animations very well. Hence why I'd like to find a animator or make my own before I put the next version up. Although I could put the next version up once I finish with a few weapons...
  19. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    They had the default soldier mass (90). So of course they went flying all over the place if some HE suddenly went off nearby 'em! That's been changed now - whether or not it's a good thing is questionable.
  20. franze

    Named selections flaps

    AFAIK there are only two flap selections: ls klapka and ps klapka. Sorry!
  21. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    To Sxep: Limp problems? You mean when the legs are hit, how the soldier will go prone and stay prone? There are two solutions to that, if that's what you mean: I can remove the hit points for the legs or I can put a new animation in (but that could take a bit). To murkyfox: No way am I making a Black Talon gear!!!! I might make a Chameleon or Snakeye though; Snakeye has a Sniper Laser Cannon and I'm sure that'd be close enough for you. BUT I've barely gotten started on animations. They look awfully funky right now, wouldn't you say? Plus theres no LODs and it can get real laggy with a lot of these guys at once. So, first things first. About the Lightning - fastest model IIRC went about 414MPH. Pretty fast, but not as fast as the P-51 or P-47, or the late war Bf-109K4. But no other plane could outstall zeros or get into turn fights despite the size.
  22. franze

    Named selections flaps

    Flaps or ailerons?
  23. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    Heres what I have in mind: The Mini Black Mamba (one already released) and the Mini Jaguar. I just got finished making some weapons for 'em and giving correct geo+fire LODs. These buggers will cause loads of trouble for tanks and everything else!
  24. franze

    Gears & striders pack 1

    In light of Uncle_Sam's "kind words", I've started work on another mini gear! I'll post pics of it soon, but I'm going to give custom animations a shot first. These little suckers make me laugh so hard... EDIT: While I'm at it, I might as well ask around to see if someone will help me animate these things.
  25. franze

    The tiger by t_roc

    Does the model have a kulas memory point?