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Everything posted by franze

  1. franze

    My small weapon pack

    From JAM3 Readme: There's also SD and subsonic JAM magazines for it.
  2. franze

    My small weapon pack

    HYK infantry take around 2-3 hits with JAM 7.62x54R to the torso or other parts, but a single shot to the head will kill them. Use BIS infantry for a better comparison.
  3. franze

    LSR US Helicopter Pilots 1.00

    I guess there's a big difference between carrying a couple torpedoes and sonar bouys compared to carrying 8 Hellfires/TOW, some rockets and a gatling gun.
  4. franze


    Can't seem to reproduce the bug.
  5. franze

    LSR US Helicopter Pilots 1.00

    Thanks Bobcatt, that clears a lot of things up. @KyleSarnik Yeah, and in the 30s and 40s a patch of leather on your scalp was called a helmet.
  6. franze

    LSR US Helicopter Pilots 1.00

    Ah, ok then. Anyways, the thing I like most about Laser's pilots are the weapons. They look and work amazingly well on the models; I was also surprised to find a few ground crew units as well.
  7. franze

    LSR US Helicopter Pilots 1.00

    Yeah, "Helmet Mounted Display", or "Helmet Display Unit". Bell has this on their AH-1Z page: Sorry gatordev, I assumed you'd know; don't you have some time on the Whiskey? EDIT: @meyamoti: That helmet is a NVG compatible helmet that I've heard some units adopted. It might be the new standard but I can't say for sure.
  8. franze

    LSR US Helicopter Pilots 1.00

    Straying a bit off topic, isn't the AH-1Z supposed to upgrade to a HMD as well?
  9. franze

    LSR US Helicopter Pilots 1.00

    Laser did a pretty good job on the helmets, but I couldn't tell you how accurate/inaccurate they are. I think they are a bit too large, and the Attack Helicopter HDU looks to be a different type than in use by the US Army. But thats mostly just nitpicking, they work for what we'll use 'em for. I think they recently adopted this helmet as standard: HGU-56 Helmet Naturally, in black color; that picture is of the civilian variant AFAIK. The AH-64 pilots seem to use a mix of new, old and NVG compatible helmets, so I can't really give a definate answer for them. This is one of the older types I believe. I wish I could dig up some more photos but AH-64 pilots seem to use various types of helmets; the only standard item seems to be the monocle, which is probably the largest error on Laser's pilots. The HDU on Laser's pilots looks like the HMD system proposed for the Comanche.
  10. franze

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Larger: Projects Addons: Various MAS unreleased
  11. franze


    Er, I meant is it the CH-53D, CH-53E, CH-53 Navy, MH-53 Pave Low...?
  12. franze


    No such error here. Which version is it?
  13. franze

    Mi-8/17 Pack - Beta 2

    I can't hold this anymore. When I first started the AH-64, it took me about 2 days due to my inexperience to get a working model that even looked like the helicopter. From there, through all the implementations, I spent a hell of a lot of time banging my head trying to figure out the solution to script problems, which at the time I had very little experience with. Eventually I got so tired with it that I shelved it. Fast forward 6 months later, and I finally figure that out, and shelve it again. Then around 9 months ago, I decided I'd try making a RAH-66. It took me around... 8-10 hours to make that model. Drastic change from the 2 days on the AH-64, no? So, while looking at that aircraft, I found myself using the old rotten AH-64 more than the RAH-66. I decided to see what I could do to make it at the very least a passable addon for people to try, and release it. I did this at the time only as a test to see how people reacted to it. Considering what a mess it was at that time, I really lucked out in how people thought of it. Then eventually I shelved it again and kept to myself. Around 5 months ago, Nodunit got ahold of me, wanting to get the aircraft better textured and improved. I didn't have anything better to do so I went along with it. It took 5 months of heavy remodeling, rescripting, testing to finally get it where it is now - which is still in a barely acceptable state (note the problems some people have had with lag). Every single piece of that addon was a lot of work, most especially the modeling point, but also to a degree the scripting. I mashed together scripts with totally unrelated purposes to get a relatively ineffecient script that barely pulled along. To boot, I based it off of a lot of other folks' work. There was a time where I sat there and thought "Maybe it isn't a good idea to release this. A lot of the scripting work still retains all that hard work they put into this script. I don't think I want to get any fallout from those people, and they'd be justified, too." What I did? Well, I credited them. A lot of those guys who contribute to OFPEC, the BAS team, DKMM, Col. Klink, and others make a lot of the advanced scripting functions we have today possible, because of the work they did for free and no charge. These guys worked their butts off for something that isn't even real. Now, think about this for a moment: If all these guys came along and suddenly decided after their first addons, that they didn't want to put all this work into something that is purely imaginative, and so quit doing it completely, what are we left with? Almost every modern addon these days has some root towards the philosophies set forth by those teams and individuals. Where would we be without the hard work that they put into this fictional world? This isn't even actually limited to the physical ideas they proposed, but also the ideas that never got written out. The concept of DKMM's Mi-28, the design of BAS's MH-60s, the scripters wild ideas from OFPEC all contributed a lot to this game for absolutely no reason at all, with no real incentives except for a community demanding all these implementations for them to use. Is it all open source? Yes. Does that make it free? No. Why not? Because the actual work people put into this game is worth more than money. And we get it all for free. Think about that for a bit, then come back and tell me that it's ok to take the hard work of others without crediting them or even mentioning them. I think a lot of you have a pretty flawed perception of what goes on down here sometimes.
  14. franze

    Couple of new addons

    And there's something wrong with that, because...? Footmunch puts a lot of work into these things, and he's done upwards of 20 of them. I think he deserves some credit for that. It isn't easy making such a vast array of aircraft.
  15. franze


    I think FK decided to release these three packages, errors or not, because he's closing up shop for ArmA. I don't see the harm in that.
  16. franze

    Portable repair kit.

    Operation Flashpoint: Crescent Wrench Insurrection <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;; Select our repair guy first _dude = _this select 0 ;; set a jeep or similar to make it repairable ;; could make it any object but it might be kind of ;; silly to have a wrench start fixing trees and lightposts _jeep = nearestobject [_dude,"jeepMG"] ;; exit the script if engineer is too distant from jeep ?(_jeep distance _dude > 2): _dude sidechat "There's no jeep within range of my uber armada defeating wrench!" and exit _dude sidechat "Behold! My awesome wrench power display begins NOW!" ;; If jeep too damaged we exit ?(damage _jeep > 0.2): _dude sidechat "My wrench won't fix this scrap heap!" and exit ;; get the jeep damage and repair it _dam = damage _jeep ;; set the amount of repairs we want to do to the jeep ;; in this case we divide the damage by two for the heck of it ;; and repair it by the amount _repair = (_dam/2) ;; put in a few seconds delay just to make the player bored ;; mwahahahaha ~5 ;; Then we repair our lovely jeep _jeep setdammage _repair _dude sidechat "Repaired! If I knew mathematics, I would tell you if I really fixed it!" ;; and just for the heck of it, we'll do a format ;; but stall a bit more again because our engineer cant do ;; a simple math problem ~10 _dude sidechat format ["Ok the jeep status is at %1 points.",damage _jeep] ;; Then we exit the script like the lunatics we are and go ;; back to breaking jeeps exit
  17. franze

    Couple of new addons

    Working tail turret, holy cow. I bet that caused you a lot of headaches to get working.
  18. franze


    Well, this one does include a Avenger, which seems to be rather uncommon among HMMWV packages.
  19. franze

    Semper Fidelis

    Thanks for your hard work, FK. Hope you come back for ArmA!
  20. franze


    D-20 D-30 M-30 Hope this helps.
  21. franze

    Semper Fidelis

    In regards to the AV-8, what kind of armament is it looking at? Will we be able to get the usual rockets and bombs with maybe a few smart weapons?
  22. franze

    Franze & NodUnit Present...

    Ok, I'll let you know when I make some large changes.
  23. franze

    Franze & NodUnit Present...

    Aye, we often go at each other without meaning it. I just hope the issue can be fixed; it's real annoying to know there's a issue but with only a vague idea of what could be causing it. Would it be OK if I PM'd you with some script/config upgrades to see if any of those work? And just for final clarification, you're running w/ 1.3 now right? Oh trust me, with 2048x2048 jpeg textures around every corner, your PC would likely commit suicide.
  24. franze

    Franze & NodUnit Present...

    Ok, now I can set out to really fix it for good. Thanks for testing.