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FA Dalai Lamar

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Everything posted by FA Dalai Lamar

  1. FA Dalai Lamar

    East vs West (OFP inspired mod)

    You are awesome man...With the M113 and Btr60 My wishlist is complete! Lamar
  2. FA Dalai Lamar

    East Static Weapons Pack

    A t55, a functional BTR 60 and an M113 would make my year complete.
  3. FA Dalai Lamar

    East Static Weapons Pack

    Can't wait for new stuff....You were right on the SPG9. I did notice that the gunner does not die when hit though. He remains attached to the weapon. I will research that solution and get back to you.
  4. FA Dalai Lamar

    East Static Weapons Pack

    Hey Just tinkering around with the SPG9 because I noticed it didn't have any back blast. I fixed it if you would like to include it in future versions. It has to do with the coding of the ammo. I did this back in Arma and Arma 2 days for our mod....basically same principle here. class RDS_R_PG9_AT : M_Titan_AT { hit = 320; indirectHit = 10; indirectHitRange = 1; model = "\RDS_StaticW\SPG9\PG9_Projectile"; initTime = 0.05; irLock = 0; manualControl = 0; timeToLive = 3; cost = 400; maxSpeed = 700; thrustTime = 1; thrust = 500; fuseDistance = 5; CraterEffects = "ATRocketCrater"; explosionEffects = "ATRocketExplosion"; effectsMissile = "missile2"; whistleDist = 2; }; just put that in and it works. Best, Lamar
  5. FA Dalai Lamar

    East Static Weapons Pack

    Seriously Reynard if I could hug you right now I would. Game Is coming together now! Lamar
  6. FA Dalai Lamar

    Kaelies' South Zagorian Army Mod

    The arrangement you mentioned sounds great Kaelies.... I have a ton of models I made years ago that I would love to share with this mod. Tons and Tons. Let me know if I can help. In addition to some vehicles I have a bunch of Helmet models and that sort of thing. I am a little Rusty but would be willing to help as best I can. Lamar
  7. FA Dalai Lamar

    Kaelies' South Zagorian Army Mod

    Hey man you just made my year. Looks great. On thing Could you please put the old leather flap holster (which I have been waiting for forever) up on the belt. It looks a little weird on the leg. This is what I have been waiting for a long time. Let me know if I can help. Lamar
  8. FA Dalai Lamar

    German Weapon Pack for A3

    Go bless you dude. Your weapon pack is one of my favorite in Arma. Hoping for your RPD and Uzi! Keep up the awesome work. Lamar
  9. To Get the flares working just change to this works like a champ LockDetectionSystem = "2 + 8 + 4"; incomingMissileDetectionSystem = 16;
  10. FA Dalai Lamar

    RH M4/M16 pack

    any chance to get an M16A1 with 30 Round mag. Need one for some 3rd World Government forces. Lamar
  11. any way to get flares working on aircraft...Awesome planes!! Lamar ---------- Post added at 21:29 ---------- Previous post was at 21:26 ---------- @apilon Planes cannot be locked on because you have IRtarget=1 on the planes Cfgvehicles. just put to O and it's fine. Any help you need just let me know. I would like some help porting some old vehix of ours into Arma 3 if you could message me. Thanks for great work. Lamar
  12. FA Dalai Lamar

    German Weapons Pack by Marseille77

    Will somebody please convert these to Arma 3!! I love this weapon pack. Ryan
  13. Recently Wld427 and I have been talking about some ne Takistan and CDF forces. We started project RACS together and while I can't speak for him I know I would like to help. I am sure he will too though he is still pumping out RACS units of super high quality. I just made police units for CDF. I have also started making ethnic Chernarusian units for the border region. You know kind of a ethnic spill over into takistan. As a persecuted minority in Takistan they are supported and armed by Chernarus in an attempt to destablilize the regime.They will be a CDF sponsored proxy in takistan but I am also working on the ethnic takistanis in Chrenarus as well. have a great scenarionwhere takistan is harboring insurgents for chernarus too. Let you know how there coming along and let me know what i can do to help. Lamar
  14. One very cool expansion on the Green Sea region would e the Chernarus/Takistan Border. This could really allow some sweet border dispute scenarios. Lamar
  15. FA Dalai Lamar

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    What we need is a map of the Chernarus/Takistan Border so they can play out border disputes in a Takistan Army vs. Chrenarus battle royale. You can have kind of an interesting ethnic clash with militias, police and civilians too since border regions often have spill over populations from neighboring countries. Great mission potential!
  16. FA Dalai Lamar

    Location of Chernarus in the world

    Actually I am pretty sure Chernarus is supposed to be Republic of Georgia. Georgia has two separatists factions and borders middle Eastern Countries.
  17. FA Dalai Lamar

    Invasion 1944 - DDay 2.0

    Really great MOD. Cannot wait till the final version is out. Completely me bak to actually playing the game again. Any chance of releasing your amazing Wounded function and animation as a standalone. It adds so much to the game. Lamar
  18. FA Dalai Lamar

    VILAS addons release thread

    Since last beta patch the hand anims on the akm_gl and the amd do wierd things to the player models. The arms appear to be 10 foot stilts and the gun floats aound the chest? Lamar
  19. God almighty guys, been dreaming of this one for 2 years. You guys as alway naileed it. Please tell me the BMP1 is on the way and redoing the 152. Thank you guys for your awesome work. Lamar
  20. FA Dalai Lamar

    VopSound 2.1

    You still need the BAF stuff? Let me know and send me your info on messnger. Lamar
  21. FA Dalai Lamar

    JTD Mines 05a public beta

    Any way to get troops from walking around the bouncing betties. Put like 50 of them in close concentration and the AI uncharacteristically wove through them like they were going through a maze. The AI really do well avoiding them all. Maybe increasing the trip radius? Amazing addon though. Lamar
  22. FA Dalai Lamar

    VopSound 2.1

    If you need any help with BAF expansion sounds let me know... The L85 sound matchs up with your sounds pretty good, but the SAW, M2 and Vehcle weapons need updating
  23. FA Dalai Lamar

    Ai thread

    Most US casualties in War in Iraq and Afghanistan happened and happen during convoy operations. So i ask why would a game that touts ultrarealistic combat not fix the major flaw in the game that prevents vehicles from operating in a convoy. In OFP i had 12 truck convoys that worked perfectly. FIX THIS PLEASE!!! Other than that game is terrific.
  24. FA Dalai Lamar

    VopSound 2.1

    The fix for the G36A problem is that it's missing some code that defins the modes. muzzles[] = {"MuzzleFar"}; class MuzzleFar : G36C { optics = true; opticsDisablePeripherialVision = true; modelOptics = "\ca\weapons\G36\G36_optics"; opticsPPEffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera1", "OpticsBlur2"}; opticsZoomMin = 0.0623; opticsZoomMax = 0.0623; distanceZoomMin = 100; distanceZoomMax = 100; modes[] = {"Single", "Burst", "Fullauto"}; Another problem I have found is the zu23, the burst does not match the sound. The 2A14 is not coded right. Manual is the only moddefined and it's not defined like the original. Thought this could help. Will post corrected code when i fix that. Lamar
  25. FA Dalai Lamar

    VopSound 2.1

    G36A camo has stock sounds as well. Didn't see it posted. Btw My favorite sound mod ever. Lamar