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Everything posted by FSPilot
So if we signed a tready 9 years ago banning nuclear testing why are we developing new nuclear weapons? We can't use them.
Only the medic qualification is available? That cant be right since I qualified sniper last night with 1.9. Don't tell me I'll have to do it again when they open up the servers!
Apparently the servers are down for 1.9, and you cant join a 1.8 server. This would explain every time I click the "medic" button I get booted to the main menu. Does anyone have an idea when the 1.9 servers will be open? Why 1.9 was released early when there are no servers available?
If it's under 150 kilotons it's not banned by the Threshold Test Ban Treaty, wihch is the only treaty relevant to underground testing. There are, however, lots of treatys against any nuclear tests.
Old news: Iraq Buried it's planes.
I'm sure they'd take the proper care to not contaminate these underground waters. Then again the whole operation of getting rid of WMDs is risky. It'd be safer to do it with a team of scientists than with a large explosion. Banned by who?
... ohhhh So when will they be up?
I know it wouldn't reduce the radiation, but it would contain it. And yes there's a risk of contaminating underground lakes, but I'd think that we'd have the common sense to make sure there wasn't an underground lake (being used by humans at least) that would be contaminated by the device.
and the median being , i think , between 90 and 100 , i think 120/30 is a bit high IIRC 100 is average by default. the "100" changes from year to year to make the average kids get a 100 score. so a 100 scored in 1980 is going to be different than a 100 in 2003
Unless it's completely contained. Denoir's information is getting confusing. A 5kt detonation is contained under 650 feet of earth but a .1kt detonation needs 230 feet? Or maybe we need a lot more information.
I don't get this. I've completed every training level this thing has but I'm still not qualified to to MOUT McKenna? I found an unlocked server that does MOUT but it says I'm not qualified. this is getting frustrating
I just downloaded 1.9 by itself. The medic training was... unique. I've never been to a virtual lecture before, or taken a virtual test. All that to just walk up to wounded soldiers and "use" them. I bet they walk around fighting like normal then too.
Bah! Now I'm not authorised to play any missions with 1.9 and all the Mt. McKenna, or however it's spelled, MOUT maps are passworded.
I know I was just using it as an illustration. Lots of radiation is bad, but a little bit wont hurt you. There's a little bit of radiation everywhere (even in beer).
122 It's obviously not reliable as it's just an online test designed to make you feel good and buy a report
wow After a very long download, I sat through 30-40 minutes of lectures (that's right, virtually walked into a class room, sat down, and watched a lecture in 3D), passed the medic test. for kicks I re-qualified with the M16. got 39 out of 40 which is much better than i've ever done before, so of course i had to do the sniper qualifications, which were easier than the M16 qualification. and i'm already airborne qualified so now I'm an airborne sniper combat medic. one question though, who's the cute girl I got to sit next to during each lecture?
604 MB!!!! It'll be 3 in the morning by the time I have this thing downloaded! Oh wel, at least I'll have an excuse to stay up and watch courage the cowardly dog.
You're going to have to call in peace keepers I'll bet.
Call up a local museum and ask them.
It gives me a little bit of satisfaction to see a nice red X where fileplanet's ads should be. 29 minutes and counting. Anyone know where I can find more info on this medic class?
OOOH!!! MEDIC TRAINING!!!! *downloads* I've always wanted to be a medic if this pilot thing doesn't work out for some reason. Bah! 56 minute waiting time at fileplanet, none of the other links have a good download. Either way fileplanet says you cant play 1.9 until the official servers are up. Any idea when they come online?
Contaminate? Â Yes. Â To a dangerous level though? There's radiation in a lot of places Ralph. Â An average can of beer is more radioactive than cooling water from nuclear power plants.
Then you didn't read it, you went through it looking for reasons to not believe it. Read it with an open mind. What's your point? I told you what I believe. HOW can that be a guide to what is right? There is no "right" and "wrong". You can't just put a label on everything. What you believe is what you believe. You won't know it's right until you're dead. Then like I've said, you've only read the Bible to pick out the reasons you don't like God. Read the Bible with an open mind and you'll see he's not some "murdering, babykilling, psychopathic, xenophobic (favoured race, remember), sexist, carnivorous evil evil evil entity". Your problem is that you're not looking for a reason to believe, you're looking for reasons not to believe. You don't see the sin and perversion in almost every person in Sodom and Gommorah, you just see God destroying it. You don't see the love and grace God gives us, you just see small errors between to human accounts of a story.
You're not allowed to overfly it, but you can fly around the restricted area. On a good day you could probably see it.
One of these days I'm going to deck myself and a vehicle our in kevlar and steel plating.  And see how far I can drive before they kill/maim/injure/stop me  I haven't checked, but I'm pretty sure there's a restricted area over mysterious parts of the nevada desert. If you were flying high enough you could probably see clear across the area, and whatever's in it. Just one thing to do if I ever fly through Nevada.