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Everything posted by FSPilot

  1. FSPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    So wait. Now you're just taking his word for it? How did you go from calling him a liar to believing everything he said?
  2. FSPilot

    Can someone recomend a...

    www.resounding.com Works with most any program. I'd search ebay for copies of falcon 4.0. I don't know of any stores that still sell it.
  3. FSPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    Please tell me.. I dont realy get your point about "prostesting against NAM". What was wrong about calling it dirty, inhumane and injustfull? This country was blown to dust! No communist ever harmed that nation as much as the US military did Nothing. But now he's going on about being a war hero. The same medals he threw at the white house in protest are now hanging in his office. I don't care if he was for the war or against it. The problem is that he seems to be only doing whats good for his political career, not what he really believes in.
  4. FSPilot

    Goodbye F-14

    I don't think that has ever happened before, and the fleet of F/A-18's have been in use since the 1980's and have been upgraded ever since. So I doubt there would be any serious bugs in the design. Yes, the F-14 was a great aircraft but I think the need for a pure fighter aircraft is no longer there without a rival superpower. I don't believe there is a single country out there that can match the U.S. in the air nowadays.... unless the E.U. wants to start something. Â Tyler It could happen. The FAA (even though it doesn't have jurisdiction over the US military) has grounded entire fleets of aircraft before for safety reasons. They can put out things called airworthiness directives that will ground an entire fleet of airplanes until something is fixed. I remember once they put out an AD because a very common plane called a Cessna 172 had a rotting problem at it's wing roots.
  5. FSPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    I'm voting for Bush (raise your hand if you didn't see that one coming). Kerry's got some things going for him. Yes I was actually considering voting for Kerry. He's a vet (which is questionable according to some sources), he's a GA pilot, and he doesn't seem to want to slash the military budget to shreds like clinton did. On the other hand he actively protested the war in vietnam, he's just about as two-faced as any politician nowadays, and he's a democrat which means we'd disagree on certain subjects. Bush agrees with almost everything that I do, aside from the death penalty.
  6. FSPilot

    Goodbye F-14

    The F-14 isn't the only plane on the chopping block. The C-141 Starlifter is a personal favorite of mine. My Dad flew them for most of his career and you can still see them around today. They're slowly being phased out by the C-17, which is admittedly a better airlifter. But I still hate to see the thing go. The military's changing, which is a good thing I guess. The only problem I can think of now is that the Navy's only got one real warfighting aircraft now. Sure it's got a lot of aircraft in it's arsenal, but you don't send an EA-6B to provide CAS. What's going to happen if the F-18 fleet is grounded for some reason?
  7. FSPilot

    Can someone recomend a...

    Falcon 4.0 is the best flight sim IMHO (with SP4 and BMS of course). LOMAC gave me troubles not only with framerates but also with just crashing (the program, not the planes ). Â I wasn't satisfied with the realism. Â There were no startup procedures or any in-depth procedures to follow (for most things you'll do in an airplane, there's a checklist). Â Plus the lack of a clickable cockpit just killed the sim for me. I wouldn't even consider X-Plane. Â The realism is pretty outstanding, but everything else is lacking. Â I bought the game and soon regretted it. Â One thing I should of noticed was on the box. "... X-Plane is the only software approved for certification with FAA for VFR (Visual Flight Rating) and IFR (Instrument Flight Rating)." 1) It's Visual Flight Rules and Instrument Flight Rules. 2) No software is approved for your VFR or IFR rating. Â For training, maybe (but probably not), but never for the rating. I'd go with Falcon 4.0. It might not be the most realistic for flight characteristics (there's always MSFS), but it's got GREAT avionics, procedures, a war generator, game play. Gotta love it.
  8. FSPilot

    Some questions about world war ii

    1) That's more of a cold war question than a world war two question. After the war Berlin was split up between the Soviets and the US and UK. They each had their portion of the city and were seperated by a large wall (I think they got the idea from "I love lucy"). 2) Japanese surrender, if you're looking for one event. Italy surrendered, Germany surrendered, then Japan surrendered after we nuked them. To be completely accurate no one event ended the whole war.
  9. FSPilot

    Swedish un soldiers in a pinch

    Hey, those things hurt. Hurt feelings...
  10. FSPilot

    The Iraq thread 3

    This brings up a point I wanted to make. Â Even if we did find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, complete with infrastructure and scientists with white powder on their hands, some people would still be going on about how the US lied and this is all just for oil. Now I'm not saying that what they found proves that Iraq had WMDs all along, or that this IED was what we were looking for. Â Just making a point that they're just as hard-headed as we are.
  11. FSPilot

    Your most embarrassing moments in of

    I just flip my mouse upside-down. Â It's optical so it doesn't pick anything up if I nudge it. Â I just use the keyboard to access the action menu if I need to. My most embarassing moment in OFP is probably the time I got my hands on a UH-60. Â I was part of a squad called the 101st airborne and I was trying to be a helicopter pilot with them. Â They knew I was a pilot and was going to join the military once I got out of college so they probably expected a good show out of me. Â That day we were just doing training so it was nothing serious. Â I actually think I did good up until the end. Â The last part of the day was, of course, the landing. Â My instructor landed near a village and instructed me to do so as well. Â I pulled into a hover and began to land. Â Little did I know I was over a small house which was surrounded by small trees (I didn't see them because when I had pulled into a hover I was nose-high which obstructed my vision). Â After trying to land on the house the helicopter pitched way up and started sliding backwards. Â Thinking my number was up, I ejected from the helicopter and ran like a bat out of hell towards my IP who was waiting for me. Â The helicopter bonked around for a little bit making plenty of noise and ended up coming to rest between some trees. Â This was pretty embarassing because not only did I nearly destroy the helicopter and kill myself in the process, I made an ass of myself running from the damned thing. Anyway, to save face, here's the story of my most proud moment in OFP: Same clan, but this was before I started helicopter training. Â A clanmate and I were going through a particularly hard coop mission (I love coop missions, beats the hell out of CTF or TDM). Â We were close to the end of it and at a tactical disadvantage: on the top of a barren hill and advancing down it towards a handful of very skilled AI (AK74 snipers). Â Anyway, we had just cleared a village on top of this hill and were about to proceed down it when a Hind came up. Â It apparently didn't see us and began to circle over our location. Â I hate those damned things, I always think there's some guy up there with an IR camera zoomed in on me while the rest of the nation is watching on the 5 o'clock news. Â We had taken care of all the armor on the map and I had one LAW left. Â The helicopter had just circled around for another pass and had picked up a pretty good amount of speed and was at a medium altitude. Â I loaded up my LAW, picked an arbitrary point in front of the helicopter, and fired. Â To my complete surprise the helicopter exploded in a ball of flames and plumetted to the earth. Â Unfortunately there was only one real person there to see it and he was about as low-ranking as I was. Oh well, at least I know I'm a damned good shot with an RPG.
  12. FSPilot

    Chopper cockpit

    Let me know when someone releases a Blackhawk like this:
  13. FSPilot

    What gun is this ?

    I stand corrected. Looking at it now the gun in the boat picture has a taller forward site dealie (aperture?), and the butt is a different shape. Yes, I must say, the M60 has a much better butt.
  14. FSPilot

    The Iraq thread 3

    sounds like my college yrs, except i got laid. You didn't go to college in the middle of Kansas did you?
  15. FSPilot

    The Iraq thread 3

    Well, you started it. So where ya been? And how do you feel about Iraq and what is going on? Off in college. I've got a computer but I'm busy as hell getting drunk and trying to get laid (I'm going to run for president too!). Anyway, I think we could be handling things in Iraq better. I'm not a general and I don't know the details of everything so I can't say what I'd be doing differently than the generals. But if I were a prison guard I wouldn't be taking naked pictures of prisoners, I wouldn't be torturing them either. And If I were the president I wouldn't keep Saddam's pistol in my office as a trophy when I'm trying to make this seem like it's not personal.
  16. FSPilot

    What gun is this ?

    I don't think it's an M60E4. Look at the metal pipe under the barrel (hell if I know what to call it). Â In the picture it doesn't continue to the end of the barrel, on the M60E4 it does. There's also the handle. Â On the boat picture it looks like there's a handle on top of the machine gun, there isn't one in the picture of the M60E4. The gun on the boat also has something wierd hanging down about halfway on the butt of the rifle, behind the pistol grip. Â It also looks longer, but that might just be because the M60E4 picture is taken at an angle. I think it's just an M240 with a hand grip.
  17. FSPilot

    Hostages taken in khobar

    Humans, not religion, cause evil. Â You can't blame an entire establishment because a few radicals misinterpret the doctrine and take it to the extreme. Ooh, and about the helicopter: I doubt jumping out of a hovering helo is something a lot of people would do quickly, especially when the thing is wobbling like a see-saw (either due to the pilot or the sudden loss from weight of people jumping out). It looks like one of the last guys almost broke his leg too.
  18. FSPilot

    The Iraq thread 3

    Well, you started it.
  19. FSPilot

    The Iraq thread 3

    What's with this whole 'they owed us, they should have helped us with this war on terror' attitude? The French have no obligation to do something against their will because they somehow owe a debt to the US. I didn't say a thing about France "owing" us, or anything about the war on terror, or the war in Iraq. Come to think of it, my post was fairly off-topic.
  20. FSPilot

    The Iraq thread 3

    Brought shitloads of French freedom too.
  21. FSPilot

    The day after tomorrow

    Either that or they ate themselves to death.
  22. FSPilot

    Stupid woman

    I'm assuming you flew from Sweden to Rome? In that case I can't say anything about the security. The FAA and TSA only have jurisdiction if you're flying into, out of, over, or within the USA. Either way, I see how being warned not to do something encourages some people to do it. But I guess if they'd of just been warned not to do something, and they do it, they'd deserve it. They probably speed up when they see a yellow light too.
  23. FSPilot

    Stupid woman

    Maybe if we made the big yellow warning signs bigger they'd read not to joke about bombs on airplanes.
  24. FSPilot

    Stupid woman

    Not really.
  25. FSPilot

    State of the union address, 2004

    I know that. He really outdid himself this time though, so I felt a responsibility to cram it down his throat. Now while FS has shown on many occasions that he may not be the brightest crayon in the box, this is even low by his standards. I find it amazing that Aristotle defined the rules of logic that are fundamental in all math and most languages over 2,000 years ago and yet there are people today who have not yet embraced them. The problem comes when your society and your parents have objections against it on a religious basis. So they won't talk to their children about it and won't give information. Â When you remove reason and rationality, there is little hope that "common sense" will prevail. Yes denoir, you're acting like a kid again. Hope it feels good. Maybe one day you'll explain your point instead of just insulting the other side.