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Everything posted by Nordin

  1. SAM GRG System Public Beta *Req. ACE and CBA, I will not convert this addon to work without ACE* Singed with v.2 keys, key included New version 121010 https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7655592/sam_grg_system_standalone.rar This is a addon that allows you to do two things. 1. Singelplayer: New rockets for the Carl Gustav (MAAWS). HE with airburst, smoke and illumination. 2. Multiplayer. As above and a optional buddy reload system. To use: Singelplayer: 1. Airburst: Load a FV441 and press the self interaction key. Press the "Set fuse" menu, use the + and - to set range and press the "rangenumbers" to confirm. Aim over your target. Fire. 2. Smoke and illum: Use smoke as any normal HEAT or HE. Aim really really high with the illumrocket. Multiplayer: 1. To use the full system (buddy reload) place the SAM GRG System module (Found under modules in the editor) on the map. This will disable the self interaction menu option. 2. A video that should explain how to use it. The rockets have to be in the loaders inventory, not in a backpack. A ammobox is available in the ACE Ammunition menu in the editor (SAM MAAWS box). This is a public beta, if you find a error or have a suggestion please post it here. Classes Thanks to: SAM team SSG Clan (Special thanks to Carlbark and Rigge for the Youtube clip.) ACE The community BIS granQ and a lot of other people. Old stuff...
  2. Nordin

    SAM / Nordin addons

    //Users sam_support_users = [test, test1, test3]; You can add as many users as you want to. In this sam_mapfix = switch (worldName) do {case "ibr_isladuala": {10240}; case "fallujah": {10240;}; default {0};}; Add: case "name_of_island":{withOfIsland;}
  3. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?145610-Swedish-Army-Mod-(SAM)-Public-Beta&p=2287431&viewfull=1#post2287431 SFP works without ACE http://sfp.granq.se/downloads
  4. We will not create standalone versions for now because of dependency on textures from different addons in almost all weapons. What you can do is to keep the things you want (sam_grg, sam_grg_system, sam_ksp58, sam_core, sam_ak5 and maybe sam_ag90) and try if that works. If you get a error, add the addon needed. You will be able to cut down on the size of the pack a bit at least....
  5. Nordin

    SAM / Nordin addons

    Try to download the addon again, I had named a script wrong. Should work now. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7655592/sam_grg_system_standalone.rar
  6. Nordin

    SAM / Nordin addons

    Updated and MP reload should work as intended.
  7. Nordin

    SAM / Nordin addons

    New beta addon released, information in the first post.
  8. A video from our GRG/MAAWS reloading system
  9. Some news: Buddy reload for MAAWS/GRG New soldier Patria AMV CV90C
  10. Take a look at the area without your template and you will see that BIS has placed helipads there.
  11. PM me if you want help with the .sqf for a UGV....
  12. Static parts wont disapper when the heli starts up but rotorblur are shown correctly leading to dual rotorblades. No changes in model.cfg (its BIS Arma 1 Black hawk model and model.cfg) and all sections are named the same as the orignal model.
  13. Nordin

    ACE for OA 1.12

    http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Features last page, Woundingsystem\Notes
  14. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/remoteControl A EOD bot would be very nice, if you want scripting help feel free to PM me.
  15. Nordin

    US Army (OCP)

    Known Issues: - Wound textures arn't working at the moment, if you can figure it out that'd be awesome. *Fixed* - AT soldiers missing *Fixed* - bikey *Fixed* :bounce3: Sending fixed files to Sabre now!
  16. SAM will require ACE! We use ACE menus for Falken SUAV and all weapons have ACE configs.
  17. Nordin

    US Army (OCP)

    My fault,I sent Saber an old config for this release. I have sent him a new one and he will update when he is ready.
  18. Hi! Having a bit of trouble with my model.cfg for a static HMG. I am trying to make the ammo belt "dissapear" bullet for bullet until the weapon is empty. Tried isEmpty but with no result in the game at all so I looked at BIS HMG and tried to use Revolving. Revolving works fine but I get the animation reversed = No ammo belt when you start and when you fire the first 10 rounds the ammo belt will by magic appear from inside the HMG. Tried to reverse it but no success. Any help are appreciated! Thanks in advance!
  19. Thank you for the lovely menu system, works a charm on all my addons, no more actions! Thanks for the support at armastack as well, Swedish army mod gets better everyday thanks to ACE and all the enhanced functions.
  20. New code will be implemented in next update for a "novhe" function. Thanks Rafalski for adding it! ---------- Post added at 08:17 ---------- Previous post was at 08:15 ---------- Tried SILVIE? I like to use it in my missions and I like using UPSMON. These to does not go well together if you want some of your troops to randomly patrol in vehicles and some to just walk.
  21. I would like to request a new function, novehicle. Forcing patrol's to travel by foot instead of getting in to all CILVE cars they find even tho search_vehicledistance are set to 0.0001.