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About Tankie2ndRTR

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  1. Thanks Reyhard, i'll see if it can be stripped out and applied to other models. 🙂
  2. Speculative question... Could a Mod/function be created to allow the commander of a tank to "align" the gunner (and thus turret) to his sight on the press of a button? This capability is what enables modern main battle tanks to be true Hunter-Killers. A severe game face/immersion aspect which is lacking in the current gameplay and available mods. Is it even possible in Arma? Many "Tanks" G
  3. Tankie2ndRTR

    Project: UK Forces

    Hi this is........ ummmmm ERASER's girlfriend.. ( i call him that honest ) im afraid i have some bad news,.. Sadly he died a few weeks ago due to asphyxia..... he held his breath so long and his last words where.. "arma.....chally2......cant wait....." Or words to that effect..... Doris.
  4. Tankie2ndRTR

    [ACE] USMC - Template Afghan

    Outstanding..... I understand none of the above..... Great playing on them though Shadow.
  5. Tankie2ndRTR

    Project: UK Forces

    ooo and Sound
  6. Tankie2ndRTR

    Project: UK Forces

    <---------------- Turning blue !
  7. Tankie2ndRTR

    Project: UK Forces

    Anyone else gagging for this?. Im gonna hold my breath till it is released ! If you take to long you will have my death on your hands ! lol