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Posts posted by Electricleash

  1. It would be useful if you included a few examples in the script of how to apply this script. As you did with earlier iterations.

    I used the previous scripts and have just switched over my mission to use the new version and I can't work out what you've changed with regards to the INIT input.




    So far I have had no luck getting this to work.

    The following are examples of what I have tried in the INIT of my unit:

    _nil = [this,"STAND_U",nil,"MEDIUM"]execVM "Scripts\PLP-calmSoldier2.sqf";
    _nil = [this,"STAND_U",false,"MEDIUM"]execVM "Scripts\PLP-calmSoldier2.sqf";
    _nil = [this,"WATCH",false,"LIGHT"]execVM "Scripts\PLP-calmSoldier2.sqf";

    Note that I keep all my scripts in a sub-folder 'Scripts'.


    • Added: New FFV limits technology is back for testing in Dev-Branch. Hummingbird, Mohawk, Hellcat, Taru and Huron should now work even better than before.

    It would be great to get an explanation as to what has changed here as, unless I'm mistaken, I see no obvious change in any of the quoted vehicles.

    Or is this a case of the tech has been 'activated' on dev but the implementation has not?


    Edit: Ok, my apologies, so I now see the Huron and Mohawk appear to have custom boxes, but the Wildcats still have that limited rear facing view.

  3. Added: Steam Leaderboard functionality (the script commands cannot be used without hard-coded permissions. So official content only for now, starting with Time Trials soon - more info later)

    Hmm... personally I think the moving while changing weapons issue should be tackled before launching into competitive ranking and leader boards with the Firing Drill stuff.

    I've avoided the firing drills generally for this reason, as it just feels 'sticky' for want of a better word. Otherwise leaderboards would be something that could interest me.

    0001819: You should be able to move while changing weapons

    If you activate rankings before then, it would mean scrubbing the Steam leaderboards later, (for fairness) should you wish to implement moving while changing weapons (obviously advantageous time-wise).


  4. I'm unable to turn while moving with binoculars in hand, I have to stop to change direction.

    I'm not seeing any issues with this myself.

    Holster Tech is likely to be that of the pistols now appearing in their leg holster when weapon is switched. Only applies to vests that have holsters afaik.

    Noticed that if the player has no weapon other than Binoculars, you get a Hide Binoculars action menu option, Not sure if this is new or not.

  5. Added: Assault Packs icons

    Added: Kerry's backpack and Kitbag (Coyote) icons

    Loving this icon fixing! really soothing my OCD!

    I think the only one left from the backpacks is the Remote Designator Bag [CSAT] which currently has the Carryall backpack (Hex) icon instead of the Assault Pack (Hex) icon.

    Now last but not least those scope attachments ;)

    If I were allowed but one change in this respect it would be the addition of Black versions of the ARCO and HOLO sights.

    Going further though; NV scope currently has the icon for a Black ARCO, though the model appears to be that of the NV scope.

    Ideally Clearer colour coordination and naming for the NV and Thermal scopes in the same way as the new Marksman scopes have been done.

    Black/Khaki/Sand for example, though saying that a bright sand colour for a Night vision scope is not very practical/stealthy.

    Good show folks!


  6. Great map, but having an issue with the Steam version and in the ARMA3 launcher (DEV) with regards to the mod naming.

    I believe the issue ultimately stems from the new DEV branch versions of the Launcher pulling the mod name directly from the Steam workshop home page.

    While this makes sense, your mod as it is currently named:

    @Kunduz, Afghanistan (Check out Squad on Kickstarter)

    Becomes one of the more flamboyant examples of how naming conventions should be considered more carefully.

    Any chance you could remove the Kickstarter promo from the name and just have it as 'Kunduz, Afghanistan'.

    For the record I'm all for self promotion but this is a bit annoying. Especially for someone who is OCD about his PC file naming and organisation! ;)




  7. Hey Toadie

    Just booting up ARMA dev branch today with your mods and now your HLC CORE mod is coming up in the launcher with the somewhat bloated title Half-Life Creations Modset.

    However in win explorer I've named it HLC CORE.

    I don't believe I saw this earlier in the week when I was playing with your mods, so maybe something has changed in the launcher? Or was this something you've changed on your end?

    Thought it an odity you may wish to know about.



    wzT9PEYP.jpg 9anjP09c.jpg

  8. I'd say it's an illusion because you've only seen the new faces in photos. When you see the new faces in dynamic environment, your brain will notice they don't have staccades too, and mark them as unnatural. It's like with misheard lyrics - you can't unhear them :D

    Rainbow Six Vegas series tried to workaround this by adding staccades to a character model visible in menu. They were a bit exaggerated, but did the trick - the character seemed much more alive. I encourage you to look it up.

    Awesome, really interesting and thanks for the link. I work in 2D animation where eye position and perception of focus is incredibly important but rarely do you see this staccades effect used, other than in the occasional closeup scenes (I didn't in-fact know the terminology). Reserved more for the 3D animation world I think.

    OT: Beards looking great, hope you find a way through the alpha issue.

  9. @electricleash, what if I told you they use the exact same eyes? I retrofitted the BIS eye models to this head, they do look different though, I'll take in mind what you said though, and i'll see if I can make any alterations to the specular map to make them seem less painted.

    That is strange, I wonder what made the difference...

    Anyway, great if you decide to look into it.

    All the heads are looking superb!

  10. Looking great!

    Seems as though you managed to correct, to some extent, the vanilla heads snake eyes!

    One of the things about the original Vanilla heads was how wrong the eyes were:

    There is a white glassy-ness or sheen painted into the texture that gives them a sort of unnatural lizard like visage and thus created an uncomfortable 'Uncanny Valley' feeling.

    Most evident when they are staring at you in the back of a vehicle. Creeps me out.

    Your guy in the 4th screen-shot has his eyes just right. If there was indeed any way for you to 'retro-fit' the vanilla models with improved eyes that would be excellent, otherwise keep up the great work!


  11. Hullo all

    I am trying to hide all mission tasks but one at the start of the mission and have them dynamically revealed as the player progresses.

    I want to do this, ideally, through the 'in-editor' modules only.

    I understand the use of 'spawn BIS_fnc_taskCreate', doing it only through triggers or scripts but my mission is complex and I need to be able to visualise the mission flow on the map.

    Therefore it would make things easier if I could just Hide/Show the tasks using the modules that I have already placed.

    Is it something to do with the Set Task State -> Created module? and if so how do I sync it correctly with the triggers and/or Task Create modules to make it work?

    I have spent the last few hours looking for a solution, but not one thread on the forum seems to have a definitive answer.

    Most threads are ancient/outdated and/or give the wrong answers.

    There are some great vid tutorials out there but none seem to go deeper than assigning/succeeding tasks.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  12. I have a number of Zeus related tickets open on the feedback tracker, that are due but I think Zeus has been on the back burner during Marksmaan development. I'm hoping now that it will get some love over the coming weeks.

    AFAIK the only way to add bipods at the moment is as an individual placeable item. or already attached to an item in the ammo box selection menu.

  13. When I was running the dev branch server I set the voting threshold very low and setup BEC with the scheduler running the following message every 5 mins:

    "At the end of the mission please restart by voting (type '#vote restart' in the chat), as it doesn't appear to end by itself."

    People eventually got the message...

    This is pretty much what's needed, but with a locality translation.
