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Posts posted by Electricleash

  1. On 04/09/2018 at 9:15 AM, oukej said:

    One special heads up about one important change we've done to the vanilla uniforms and heads recently


    'Heads up'... nice! :f: 

    Thanks. Would you be able to elaborate as to what the change is for and to how this might manifest/affect custom content, if at all.

    Just out of interest.

  2. Quote

    I think this is something a community manager should definitely be doing

    I'm given to understand that they've been looking for an ARMA 3 Community Manager for months but no-one apparently stepped up to the plate.

    There was a listing on their jobs page but a week ago, however, it appears to have been removed... whether that means they've finally found someone, or they gave up looking, one can only speculate.


    • Like 1

  3. Hi all


    I've been attempting to combine a re-textured Vanilla Tactical Vest (amongst other vests) with a re-textured Range master Belt in the Arsenal.

    So far I have pretty much everything working:

    I have the Tac Vest in the inventory Vest slot and have configured a backpack to use the Belt model and textures.


    TufoX2I1_t.jpg VBj6YqsF_t.jpg


    It's looking pretty good, but have noticed that the holstered pistol proxy usually available in the Vest version of the belt is missing in the backpack version.

    Is the proxy hard-coded specifically for the vest inventory slot, or is it possible through config trickery to have it display when the model is assigned as a Backpack?


    In the CfgWeapons:

    	//SIDEARM BELT (Black) (In the Vest slot)
    	class V_pmc_belt_bk: Vest_Camo_Base
            author = "Electricleash";
            displayName = "Sidearm Belt (Black)";
            descriptionShort = "No Armor";
            picture = "\MyMod\data\ui\icon_v_pmc_Belt_bk_ca.paa";
            model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_belt";
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\MyMod\data\textures\V_pmc_PlateCarrier1_bk_co.paa"};
            scope = 2;
    		scopeCurator = 2;
    		scopeArsenal = 2;
            class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
                uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_belt";          
                containerClass = Supply40;     
                mass = 5;
                class HitpointsProtectionInfo
                    class Chest
                         hitPointName = "HitChest";
                         armor = 12;
                         passThrough = 0.4;


    Then In the CfgVehicles:

    	//SIDEARM BELT (Black) (In the Backpack Slot)
    	class B_pmc_belt_bk : Bag_Base
            author = "Electricleash";
            scope = 2;
    		scopeCurator = 2;
    		scopeArsenal = 2;
            model = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_belt";
            displayName = "Sidearm Belt (Black)";
            picture = "\A3\Characters_F\data\ui\icon_V_Belt_CA.paa";
            maximumLoad = 50;
            mass = 5;
    		DLC = "MyMod";



    Wondered if anyone has followed this route of experimentation and managed to successfully have a pistol holster proxy in the backpack, or any other slot for that matter?




    • Like 2

  4. Hiya Night


    Just been having a play around with Aegis, and have noticed that you seem to have a couple of mod dependencies cooking off when maybe they shouldn't be.


    I accidentally saved over my regular test mission  and upon opening it in EDEN without Aegis activated, noticed the dependency. I took a bit of time debugging, and there occurs an unwarranted dependency with the LIM-85 which I already had equipped upon a character. The dependency relates to this file: Arma 3 Aegis - Weapons and Accessories despite the LIM-85 showing as an Apex item in the Arsenal, so not sure what's happening there.


    This issue also applies to facewear in the file: Arma 3 Aegis - Characters and Clothing, creating a dependency on any of what should be vanilla glasses shades, sports shades, Ladies Shades, Spectacles, Tactical Glasses, Aviators, Low-Profile Goggles

    Weirdly Doesn't affect bandannas + shades or the rest of the goggles.


    Anyway hope that helps debug. I know you change some of the vanilla gear, but figured this might not be intended behaviour or an oversight perhaps.




    • Like 1

  5. Hi all

    Just trying to work out an issue I've noticed with how the Mod DLC icons display in the Virtual Arsenal (right side of screen) when you mouse over them.


    I started a previous thread here but didn't get much of a community bite back, maybe it was the wrong place to post...

    Anyway figure I'd post again here with extra info as It appears to be either a bug, or indeed an oversight that hasn't been updated on the Mod Presentation Wiki page.


    Issue described below:

    The APEX DLC Icons seem to work as intended this with NO mouse over:




    ... and with mouse over, the Icon goes changes to the intended 'mouse-over' state:




    Now selecting a Mod (in this case the BIS unofficial ADR-97 Mod) you can see that the mod icon is displayed, however it is darker or dulled over:




    Then mouse-over the Mod icon and we see it revert to the icon from the most recently working mod that we selected, in this case the APEX DLC icon, albeit a dulled down version:




    This issue happens with every mod I have tested that uses a Mod.cfg file to add custom logos, mine included.

    The only ones unaffected appear to be official DLC which leads me to think that something was changed in the way those are implemented but it hasn't filtered through to the community knowledge base.

    If someone were able to point me in the direction of the Mod.cfg file for the APEX DLC on an extracted P: drive I could do a bit more digging, I looked through the ui folders and found the image files but not the config.


    Some may see this as a minor issue, and they'd probably be right, I'm a stickler for presentation, so figured I'd check into it.



    • Like 1

  6. 2 hours ago, teabagginpeople said:

    Has anyone been looking into the severe crashing happening on stable when you alt tab 3 or more times.

    Only experienced this twice (Using Windows 10) it's hard to reproduce, not sure I can suggest a definite repro.

    I think one time I was Alt-Tabbing from the editor and the other time from the main menu, but I've been Tabbing back and forth numerous times while working on configs over the last week and haven't had an issue.

    I wonder if it's something not specifically related to ARMA and maybe a Win10/steam issue...


    Signing in and out of your windows account/shutting down PC does seems to be the only way to fix it.

  7. Hi all


    Looking for a bit of Confirmation; Has anyone else noticed something change in the modCfg files structure recently to make the 'mouse over' logo, specifically in the Arsenal to work incorrectly?

    I noticed today that when in the arsenal if you do a mouse over the logo/DLC for your mod it changes to (in my case) the Apex logo.

    The colours are also faded in contrast to the official logos which seem to work as expected.

    This is also the case for other mods not just my own. All work fine on the main menu, just the Arsenal that's incorrect.


    P.S. this is on stable branch.

  8. 6 hours ago, fn_Quiksilver said:

    Already accidentally unloaded as incapacitated 3 times now in just a few minutes.


    This was expected, and reported 3 times over the past 9 weeks, to bury the "Unload Incapacitated" option on the scroll wheel to lower priority than the default actions. Its a 2 minute fix to change the priority number to a negative number.


    1. Inactive

    2. Incompentent

    3. Indolent


    which one?


    4. Indisposed :f:

  9. 27 minutes ago, R3vo said:

    So far I remember one doesn't need to lock the target. I simply changed to top down attack and aimed in the direction of the AAA and the missile automatically locked on to it.

    I suspect what Wiki means is the general use of the Rhinos commander turret Laser Designator to create a target for the ATGM round.

    In my experience it is possible but a bit 'hit or miss' . The only feedback you get that the laser is locked appears in one of the GUI panel elements you bring up with [ or ] (Default bindings) It just says 'Laser'.

    I don't recall anything visible under the cursor to let you know it's locked, but I could be wrong.

    One way or another, I found it significantly less effective against the moving tanks in the scenario. Much better used in top down against static targets.

  10. I can understand this might be a consideration for multiplayer but I absolutely don't want to see it in single player scenarios! In this case, with regards to the realism <-> gameplay balance i don't want to have to jump out of the tank everytime i wish to move from say commander to gunner position. Just an unnecessary frustration.


    Honestly I'm not overly worried about any change happening here as I can't see them putting development time into changing the process now.

    • Like 3

  11. 1 hour ago, lexx said:

    I just saw this.

    The problem with crew bailing instantly when immobile exists for years already. It's very likely *not* fixed with the Tanks DLC release and the only way to get around it remains a scripted solution.

    It severely cripples the official Tanks showcase mission (The old one), being that the player is not in a command position, they get ordered out of the tank and are unable get back in. Being able to repair the tank in this scenario might mitigate the issue in the short term, but it's currently not possible.

  12. Something I'd like to see resolved at some point. I am unsure if it's been reported already or not:


    Commander vehicle steering - Car left/Car Right controls conflict with freelook/turret turning, mouse assignment.


    Ongoing issue with mouse steering controls (Car left/Car Right) when a player is playing as the commander of a vehicle that has an AI as driver, this using the relatively recently implemented (Tanks DLC) commander vehicle steering).


    If you have Mouse Left/Mouse Right bound to both the Aim Left/Aim Right and the Car left/Car Right controls, then when as commander you move the mouse to look around in free-look or indeed to move the commander turret left or right, it will cause the vehicle (through the AI Driver) to steer in the direction of view.


    Moving the mouse left or right, when playing as a vehicle commander with an AI driver, should only rotate the players commander turret/weapon) or the free-look view. The vehicle should not turn left or right.


    Issue Reported below:



    • Like 2

  13. Sorry getting a bit away from topic but Yes, I think the current default controls layout is all over the place and causes probably a lot more confusion amongst players than it should.

    After I unbound the Command forward/left/right/back controls to the arrow keys instead of WASD, things went much smoother.

    Arrow keys for issuing move commands and WASD for fine control makes for getting into a hull down position much easier, which seems to be a good strategy for these scenarios.

  14. I enjoyed the new showcase. It has good momentum once it gets going and works well as a relatively easy intro/info piece for the new and changed systems.

    I have no real critique for the actual gameplay throughout the showcase however, aesthetically, the opening scene seems to fall a bit flat to me compared to previous showcases.

    I'll add a few points in spoilers below:

    • I reckon It's largely down to the start points' location choice but I guess it makes sense from a real-world logistical/impromptu stand point.
    • From a gameplay point of view, having the player initially facing away from the intended direction of geographical/narrative movement, can sometimes create initial disorientation.
    • The camp composition could do with more 'energy'. The AI animations are very static. Especially that guy who walks across in front of you at the beginning. The soldiers all seem to be in a frozen animation state.
    • I would imagine troops to be a bit more kinetic this close to the front lines and getting ready for the next push, with soldiers, mechanics and vehicles rushing about etc.
    • Sound effects are minimal here, feels too quiet. Having vehicle engines on, bang, bang, buzz, buzz of repairs etc. could really add to the flavour. I've always thought it would be good to have ambient voices, even In a muffled background, indicernable way would add to the scene.
    • The player starts with weapon up, Maybe just my taste but I prefer starting the opening scene weapon down and allow the player to choose when to get his weapon ready. It also looks more cinematic with an initially clear screen.
    • The Helicopter bringing in fuel flies right over top of some firing artillery. I'm by no means an expert on this matter but that seems an illogically dangerous flight path. Maybe better having his flight path along the runway where the A164 Wipeout is inbound, and at a lower altitude, for better player visibility, and general scene noise.


    • Grass-cutter objects around the camp to show where troops and vehicles have been moving are always a good idea.


    I haven't got any feedback for the Campaign yet, I enjoyed my initial run through and I don't remember anything standing out as worth critiquing.

    Good stuff all in all.


    • Like 1


    In the EDEN editor, the Hide Terrain Objects Module does not turn off/hide environmental audio effects as it should.

    In the video the shed roof will still have rain audio sources playing even when the shed has been hidden.



    I would say that the Hide Terrain Objects Module should additionally hide the audio sources associated with the hidden objects.




    There is also a related ticket for objects hidden using the Hide Terrain Objects module becoming visible when damaged.





    • Like 2

  16. There seems to be a bug in the Face-wear randomisation script for civilians:

    Sometimes when placing a civilian unit it will be equipped with G_Respirator_Base_F, which shows up as a Aviator Glasses Icon and labelled 'None'.

    It has no model on the character, however displays what I believe is the Shadow LOD of the Respirator face-mask.

    Best way to reproduce is to place down multiple entries of the Civilian Paramedic Unit.




    Feedback Ticket: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T126479





  17. Quote

    Added: Camo selections to all sidearms which didn't have them before.
    Added: Camo selections to both remote designators.
    Added: New camo selection for the M-200 machine gun.

    Added: Camo selections to all weapons which were missing it.


    Awesome fixes this week! Thank you!

    Might these fixes be extended to adding camo selections for the weapon attachments? Or is this still an ongoing engine limitation?

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