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Everything posted by EDcase

  1. EDcase

    ArmA II anaglyph screenshots

    I tried with ARMA2 (1.05) but the shadows flickered and smoke wasn't in 3d space. Do they work properly now? The screen shots look good. I'll have to try again sometime.
  2. EDcase

    Close quarter AI

    I've seen injured AI crawling away from enemy AI without engaging, even with a clear shot. I think this is how it should be. They try to take cover as any real human would. Their wounds affect their aim (you can see the gun waving around) so they don't attack because they might miss and attract fire in a very vulnerable situation. ---------------- Its true that the AI sometimes have blackouts when they don't react at all and its worse the closer you are to them. I wonder if BIS give priority to AI closer to humans. That would improve their reactions.
  3. Have you tried the switches -cpuCount and -exThreads ? I think by default 1.07 uses -cpuCount=4 and -exThreads=7 Perhaps try 2 for cpu and 0, 1, 3 or 5 for exThreads Its a long shot but worth a try...
  4. Its a bit stupid that AI will attack a tank with small arms even when there is no human target visible. They really are targeting the tank. On a similar note: The AI has always had a fixation to destroy enemy vehicles completely even if they pose no threat. ...and they try to destroy it with machine guns :j:
  5. Those who say its easy... are you playing on Veteran ????? ;) Set enemy skill to 1 and friendly on 0.6 then tell me whe you complete it :P :D Basically Muzza, yes its playable (sometimes AI have problems but not as bad as HarvestRed) Of course its not the highlight of playing ARMA or OA
  6. EDcase

    Banned & Kicked

    Yeah, the ban is strange. I don't know but hopefuly someone will chime in...
  7. EDcase

    ARMA 2 Slow Responces in Map view

    Thats a strange one indeed. Does it help to reduce res or other settings? What settings are you using? I'm sure you've checked but make sure all NVidia settings are on Best Performance.
  8. EDcase

    Anti aliasing problem

    I read several posts saying that there are problems with 10.5 and 10.6 but 10.4 is good. Does the screen go burry even with PostProcess OFF?
  9. EDcase

    Banned & Kicked

    Are you sure it was running the same version? Have you updated to version 1.52? (I'm assuming you are playing OA)
  10. EDcase

    Game won't start!

    Welcome Kaboose. Sorry your first post is for a problem. Make sure you get THIS DirectX 9 Hope you get it going... ;)
  11. EDcase

    New beta for OA 71952

    Very true. Unfortunately BIS don't seem to get the best performance out of their coding and hopefully this will be improved in future patches. The reason I mentioned the HD & ram is since some people are experiencing high stuttering and others not, its probably a system incompatibility somewhere. ------------------------ Yes jpinard, I think that is correct. (You can also add -world=empty to load faster)
  12. EDcase

    New beta for OA 71952

    The stutter is obviously nothing to do with fps. FramesPerSecond is how fast the graphics card can process and update the frames. The stuttering is a sync problem with the data the graphics card needs to process the frames. So the graphics process is being interruped. This could be related to HD or ram so check those... OT: Love the new recoil.
  13. EDcase

    throttle woes

    Whats the difference with analogue Frederf? I have full range of power with the X52 throttle movement and if I put in the middle I will hover (in a helicopter). So I have constant thrust at any level. How is analogue supposed to work?
  14. EDcase

    About free view

    No, there is no way to alter the return speed of freelook. Look into , FreeTrack or FaceTrack.SOOOoo... much better ;)
  15. EDcase

    Operation Arrowhead AI Question

    Yeah, sometimes they get stuck in 'Danger' mode even if you give the 'safe' command. I think its the AI system (auto reactions) conflicting with orders given by the commander. 'With haste' or just a 'fast' command would be great to override the auto AI.
  16. EDcase

    throttle woes

    I use the X52 and just did it ^ that way too. I'm not sure how analogue would differ...?
  17. I had that when using the UAV and it crashed leaving me in negative viewing mode. No way to reset the view (including 'flush') so had to restart the mission.
  18. No, [`] under [Esc] selects all units (or inverts the selection if some are already highlighted)
  19. EDcase

    Laser realism

    ^...and make the laser line more transparent... Job done. Ideally opacity should be related to viewing angle so should hardly be seen from the side but a bit more solid from front or behind. Duno about the beam divergence as it might be too hard to do that and look strange from the side.
  20. EDcase

    Identifying The Enemy

    Yep, this is one of the many things that sets ARMA appart from other shooters. With time you will learn to id targets better visually and also by weapon sounds too. (Bit annoying when changing sound mods ;))
  21. Me too... SSAO doesn't seem to add much but kills the fps and I want DoF effect in NORMAL mode
  22. Probably a typo in your post cashxx but make sure you use the - in front so its -exThreads=7 As @ST said, the OA:Beta defaults to using -cpuCount=4(if running on a quadcore) -exThreads=7 so you don't need to add those. On a side note: The Beta seems to have fixed a memory problem (crashing) that I was having with 1.52 (see THIS thread)
  23. Not sure with OA but the ARMA2 BETAs have never caused problems in the past with online MP. Its very easy to remove anyway. Just delete the Beta folder and the Beta start icon. [DO NOT use the Uninstaller for Betas]
  24. I had this error a few times too (also 1.52) Don't know why but I suspect having texture memory on DEFAULT. Try the BETA, Its large address aware and seems to have cured the problem for me. (Still testing ;)) Sys: i7 920 @3.2GHz GTX285 1Gb 6Gb ram Win7 64 My fps seem to be locked to around 26fps no matter if everything is on high or low (including res) Feels quite smooth so I'm not too bothered but its strange.
  25. EDcase


    Wow, 50-60fps !!! What hardware? If you are on NVidia make "render ahead frames 0" and edit the profile config file ... ArmA2.cfg (do a search for it) Make sure it has these two lines and values: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=0; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=0; See if that helps. Might sound complicated but very easy and can be returned to default if you don't like it.