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Everything posted by EndersLoop

  1. EndersLoop

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    You can bet it will be the same as the pc version. I don't really see them making different versions and keeping the same projected time line. I am definitely prepared for a new and probably different experience. Here is hoping E3 in July will show us some good stuffs huh? Three months to go.
  2. EndersLoop


    Yeah I won't even use binoculars because the way they're handled in the game right now. Been killed so many times in mp trying to use these things. I am for a modern binocular system. ArmA and it's future sequel won't suffer from having binoculars like in Stalker. Realism is great but taking it too far isn't. This is definitely a sacrifice we can all make to make ArmA and BIS future games a little bit better for everyone.
  3. EndersLoop

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.12

    I personally don't like the new fov. Too zoomed in if you ask me. I'm an avid gamer and I play tons of fps and this is the most zoomed in an awkward fov I have ever come across. Most games I have played offer a fov of 75-90. Plus it feels extra weird in widescreen. I have to double tap the minus key to make it acceptable again. Everything else is fine so far.
  4. EndersLoop

    ArmA on Steam

    Finally Atari joined the Steam revolution. As for the one guy said above you can't use your cd key on steam. You have to buy the steam version. However for epic coolies you can place a shortcut on steam for your version. I will buy it again as soon as I have some money. Hopefully you guys get a good sales boost like stalker and other independent games. I'm sure Atari will put more up if the games they put up sell well.
  5. EndersLoop

    Hardware Issues: Tips/Tricks/Solutions

    Hey Bunks, thanks for replying. I tried what you said with my sound card but it didn't work. Completely uninstalled it and ran driver cleaner in safe mode. Tried my on-board audio but still had the problem. I switched cards from my other pc and the problem still remained. I decided to do a fresh install of windows. After all that I reinstalled ArmA. Still had the problems. One thing I havn't noticed until a few hours ago is that when the problem happens some objects will randomly change color to like pink, black and so on before the pause. I ran that memtest and it didn't find report any errors. I tried the original demo again and it still runs fine at low settings at the setting lower than 1280x1024. I am going to download that new patch and see if it fixes anything. Thanks again, EL
  6. EndersLoop

    Hardware Issues: Tips/Tricks/Solutions

    Hey thanks for your help, I truly appreciate it. I tried that this morning and the problem is still present. It's cool though. I know I've been pushing it with this rig. It has served me very well over the years. I will wait for that new patch to come out and see if it helps. If it doesn't work I will just wait till I get my new rig later this year. Thanks Again! Peace, EL
  7. EndersLoop

    Hardware Issues: Tips/Tricks/Solutions

    Help me please. I don't wish to make new thread and waste space. This is my current PC. I know I need a new one but this is all I can use until I can get a job. I did search and went through 50+ pages for answers but didn't find much of anything useful. Windows XP SP2 DirectX 9.0c AMD 64 3500+ 2.25Ghz 1 GB Corsair XMS ELL BFG 256 6800UOC AGP with 94.24 Audigy 2 ZS with 2.9.16 ArmA CO 1.06 retail Here's my problem. When the first demo came out last year I could play the game fine for about 10 minutes until it crashed. Usually BSOD. When the second demo came out it stopped crashing but now it pauses/slows down for several seconds. Then it will stop but for only a few seconds before it begins again. I went out and got the retail cause I thought maybe it was just a demo problem. It's still there though. I have done several things. Lowered resolution and turned all options to the lowest. I tried several tweaks that I found in this thread but none of them do anything. You know I'm very patient and am looking forward to solving this problem. Sorry to bother you. With lots of love and respect, EL
  8. EndersLoop

    ArmA 505 Europe Release + US Publisher

    This news is totally rockin' dudes.
  9. EndersLoop

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    i hope there will be a grapple hook and zip line to go up buildings and slide down the cord to other buildings. And maybe silenced shotgun for quiet bloody messes.
  10. EndersLoop

    Latest screenshots available

    Is the capture the island mode going to be really fun? Nice new screens btw.
  11. EndersLoop

    legs ?

    Full body awareness is needed for the full effect of realistic combat maneuvering.
  12. EndersLoop

    William Porter's Blog

    Whoa doodz. Dat knew mornin shot iz the uber pwnage. Fo' real it sho'z that the BI is teh masters of video games. Hail BI master of video games.
  13. EndersLoop

    William Porter's Blog

    Holy crap doodz. Them knew shotz are pimpin to the maximum roxxorz. BIS are masters!
  14. EndersLoop

    Latest screenshots available

    Holy Crap! Those new screenshots are totally mind blowing mang. It's like watching three suns set at the same time in a field of flowers.
  15. EndersLoop

    character switching

    OMG dudes! I never hear of this character switch before!!! It's amazing mang. This proves that BI is the next generation ready and are and is the best at making military games.
  16. EndersLoop

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    I hope for better joystick support for ArmA, and hope for optional future force armor.
  17. EndersLoop

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    The name is good. It's so mainstream that it's just ******* brilliant. As usual BI shows that they are masters of game making.
  18. EndersLoop

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    I hope for a deployable bipod and knife for throat slitting with several included coolio slitting and stabbing animations and fiber wire.
  19. EndersLoop

    Brand Spanking New Interview!!!!

    YEAH! this game is goin to rock dudes. the graphix are so amazing and the team behind it is so cool mang. For real man, this game is going to be revolutionary. Hail BI! The Masters of military gaming.
  20. EndersLoop

    ofp.info Interviews BIS (many unseen pics!)

    Dude that is a cool set of screens mang. The interview rocks the boat. Those graphics are pimpin and blowing my mind. Good work.
  21. EndersLoop

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Looking good. Best news all year for me, this year was a massive let-down for me in PC gaming. Just a little longer!! Sorry for that other thread, I should have looked before I leapt.
  22. EndersLoop

    New Screenshots via Gamespot

    Gamespot Armed Assault Screens These look nice, In advance if these are old I am sorry. You can hit me if you wish.
  23. EndersLoop

    Vote for jumping?

    Jack Thompson says allow jumping like in Counter Strike Source.