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Everything posted by EiZei

  1. EiZei

    Dying For Your Country

    How come?
  2. EiZei

    STH like Age of Empires?

    I prefer Rise of Nations over Empire Earth anyday. First of all EE was released in 2001 while RoN came last year so the graphics are much more up to date in RoN. Even when ignoring the graphics RoN is superior with its flawless gameplay. Indeed, EE rapidly becomes a game of rope-pulling and nukular weapons are modelled much better in RoN.
  3. EiZei

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    And where does it say so? Or are you equaling "please stop raping your own economy" with "we are fucked"? Like I said before, you import more than export, we are talking about a >500 billion dollar difference here.
  4. EiZei

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Hooray for cheap labour? Weak dollar means that it would help kill Europe's export market and in turn, create more profits from the Euro for American exports to Europe.... you are going to be flooded with "cheap" made in the US products.. Considering that you are turning into a nation of uneducated burger flippers I find that hard to believe. You import more than you export. What would you export? You seem to be outsourcing just about everything and we definetly dont have a need for oversized gasoline wasters.
  5. EiZei

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Hooray for cheap labour?
  6. EiZei

    Guess the name of the game

    Some peter molyneux game like populous?
  7. EiZei

    FWW2 - Finland at war

    The finnish army was renamed to defence forces in the 60s when the official policy was that Finland would not ally itself with any major power unless attacked. There are 2 main reasons why modern finnish military has so much former eastern bloc equipment: 1. Finlandization, during the cold war we had to constantly be proving to the soviet union that we would not ally ourselves with NATO. In practice this meant very careful and controlled foreign policy and weapon purchases from the Soviet union. 2. The fall of the eastern bloc, when germanies reunited they had quite a lot of cheap eastern surplus stuff. Guess where they ended up?
  8. EiZei

    Will this work?

    How can he save thousands building a computer that costs about 1200USD?
  9. EiZei

    Will this work?

    The result of 30 seconds of googling. Its performance is comparable to the shittier version of the shittiest geforce FX display adapter. Like installing wheelbarrow wheels on a F1.
  10. EiZei

    Track IR

    I think he chose that on purpose since IR wavelenght is between 700nm and 1mm. Anyways, doesn't electromagnetic radiation get less dangerous as the wavelenght becomes longer? Should'nt that make IR pretty safe?
  11. EiZei

    Ford "Pygmy" Prototype Jeep on Ebay

    Can't beat the good old uaz.
  12. EiZei

    New US Army Heat-Ray in Iraq

    With a 12.7mm machinegun?
  13. EiZei

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    There are actually two Communist parties. One that I really don't remember anything about, and the other that follows Marxism. But I wouldn't be surprised if one was Stalinist. There were trotskyists and marxists and eventually the trotskyists started called marxists stalinists because they thought the things going in the soviet union was not genuine communism.
  14. EiZei

    Increasing from 512mbram to 1gb.. makes any diff?

    The worst thing that could happen is the computer would not boot and required a cmos reset (AFAIK). Not very complex.
  15. EiZei

    Some military questions...

    Use as in carrying one or pulling the trigger?
  16. EiZei

    European Politics Thread.

    Should'nt this be quite expectable since immigrants make far less money?
  17. EiZei

    Lycos Anti Spam Screen Saver

    Not to mention getting that broadband connection of yours terminated for abuse.
  18. EiZei

    Lycos Anti Spam Screen Saver

    Uhh.. isn't lycos a legimate american company?
  19. EiZei


    Ask a mod thread anyone?
  20. EiZei

    German Christmas Market

  21. EiZei

    European Politics Thread.

    What's bloodier? 5 million or 50 million? We'll never know, will we? It's easy to be judging others decision afterwards, the real atrocities began after the war started. Ah yes, the war wasn't a real atrocity. Just a war. Go on........................ I think that eastern front was quite a bit more bloody than invasion of France.
  22. EiZei

    European Politics Thread.

    What's bloodier? 5 million or 50 million? We'll never know, will we? It's easy to be judging others decision afterwards, the real atrocities began after the war started.
  23. EiZei

    European Politics Thread.

    So they should have attacked a technologically superior force and start a bloody war in order to.. uhh.. prevent a bloody war?
  24. EiZei


    Yeah, but the medieval style small streets were a pain in the ass to walk when I visited there.
  25. EiZei

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Well, im reminded of certain revisionists when I see these desperate "but you cannot prove that they dont exist! HAH!"-comments.