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Everything posted by EiZei

  1. EiZei

    Another blow against Mircosoft

    Well.. I can settle for 1GB only though.
  2. EiZei

    Another blow against Mircosoft

    Meh, I prefer to carry my music in my cell phone (the infamous N-gage, what people don't realize however that it's the only decent sub-100e smartphone) rather than lug an overpriced mp3 player with me. Not that im against apple or anything, the things I could do for a brand new mac mini..
  3. EiZei

    War against terror

    Wonder how much fun he would have fighting enemies on equal terms. What an asshole.
  4. EiZei

    Flashpoint Germany

    scenario is only slightly simillar? Cold war crisis? Is the term Flashpoint really that commonly used? especially in computer games? Are the screens from the editor realy that much different to the styles used in OFP? I dont want to say they copy the idea.. but they definetly copy style and hope for our positive associations when we hear "flashpoint" The word "flashpoint" is often associated with cold war though.
  5. EiZei

    Carry an object (gas can)

    The gas can is made by kegetys and it is indeed a part of fdfmod.
  6. EiZei

    Iraqi election Poll

    The actual voting went better than expected but declaring the election as a whole a success at this point is really just begging to invoke murphy's law
  7. EiZei

    European Politics Thread.

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4215391.stm The article itself is rather non-important but there was this one thing that catched my eye: This is EXCATLY why referendums should not be held on things like this. On a related note, according to a recent study one third of the finns have not even heard about the constitution and some people here are already demanding a vote.
  8. EiZei

    German movie "Der Untergang"

    So, anybody got an english transcript for that conversation or at least tell me which one of those voices is hitler.
  9. EiZei

    War against terror

    nice to see you in one piece bals
  10. EiZei

    The Iraq thread 4

    no, if he uses it against terrorists Since when did the immediate family of a terrorist qualify as terrorists? That's EXCATLY the same tactics terrorists are using, hit anyone defenceless who associates with your target. Im sure that Saddam using the same techniques as you to quell resistance worked to some degree but at what price? It's been a goddamn twilight zone after 9/11, people have started making excuses for things that would have been abso-fuckin-lutly out of question before, like torture or killing civilians.
  11. EiZei

    Gunner Palace

    You expected a realistic portrayal of events by a bruckheimer movie?
  12. EiZei

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Least he said something right for once. Indeed, the cold front here must have gone wayyy below
  13. EiZei

    Iraqi election Poll

    He is.. uhh.. rather tied up at the moment.
  14. EiZei

    Half-life 2 is out (and CS:Source)

    Wish that they would finally put a stop on software companies insisting that their EULAs overrides any national laws and consumer protection.
  15. EiZei

    60th anniversary of liberating Auschwitz-Birkenau

    Methinks that Stalin's purges and the cultural revolution in China top that. But that's like saying getting boiled alive is better than say getting boiled alive in molten lead.
  16. EiZei

    Iraqi election Poll

    I think daily show's iraqi election coverage summed it up the best, there was a pie chart with like 5000 colors all about same size.
  17. EiZei

    The Iraq thread 4

    That's the future of warfare. The soldiers will be replaced by machines controlled by nerds. Naaa, it will be in space, <span style='color:red'>or on top of the the very tallest mountains</span>. Which will be? Bloody global warming. It needs to be sorted out NOW. Average temperaures of the Earth could rise by an average of 11C, not the previuosly stated 2C. In Britain it could be worse with 20C higher. .. and you supported bush?
  18. EiZei

    The Iraq thread 4

    I meant to say the Vatican. Good to see you dislike everything equally. Considering most of the militant loonies are hardcore protestants that quite often dislike catholicism and sometimes even harbour elders of zionesque conspiracy theories about vatican (see jack chick tracts about catholicism). Personally I think that kind of tactics would be ineffective, these people already believe that end of the world is at hand, there is afterlife and such.
  19. EiZei

    The Iraq thread 4

    So let me get this straight.. you want a war that would kill even more people and cause unprecedented economic damage because few people got beheaded? either the two main islamic groups join together and declare war on the insurgency or u.s. will have to play loosely within the rules but loose aint enuff and doesnt matter if its a few beheadings, i would rather die by a bullet than my throat cut like a steak with me knowing its coming blind folded. look at the prisoner abuses, its bad but at least theyre still alive. im not claiming some of them didnt dissappear but come on, at least they got a mercy from a bullet. terrorist deserve to die!!! if they have the balls to attack theyre own religion kill innocent ppl everyday of most which half of them is not their country, i believe u have to pay the ultimate price. i did go overboard with the kill his family members aswell. but if it could save lives by VALUABLE informatrion from the terrorists to save lives then so be it. i dont think anyone is willing to sacrifice their family members unless they are purely crazy. even people like pablo escobar and carlos the jackal had their soft spots. So why are you talking about terrorists in an iraq thread? Am I the only one missing something here? Probably more to do with the fact that people are not really keen on getting shipped to some desert hellhole for the next 1.5 years and getting shot at. Beheaded persons have mainly been civilian contractors. But seriously, is beheading THAT much worse than.. say.. getting burnt alive by a US bomb and I am pretty sure that many many more people have been killed that way than beheaded.
  20. EiZei

    The Iraq thread 4

    So let me get this straight.. you want a war that would kill even more people and cause unprecedented economic damage because few people got beheaded?
  21. EiZei

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Just exposing that both sides use dirty tricks. Quite an exposé you got there.
  22. EiZei

    Gmail invites for you OFP folks

    I got 4 invitations, PM me if you want em' I almost feel guilty for using my gmail box as a spam account.
  23. EiZei

    Good FREE Games

    I prefer Starfight 6ses mix of adventure and privateer like space adventure myself. It's a finnish freeware game so mods keep your pants on.
  24. EiZei

    SWAT 3 + WIN2K

    At least its going to be less rainbow six-ish than Swat 3 judging by the amount of non-lethal stuff (pepper spray, handcuffs, tazer, tear gas and the weird pepper gun) in Swat 4 MP demo.
  25. EiZei

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Avon already posted that.