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Everything posted by EiZei

  1. EiZei

    If D-Day was today

    I know this thread is a flamebait (and not even a very original one) but does'nt posting the same shit (and getting it locked ultimately) over and over again get tiresome?
  2. EiZei

    Gta san andreas

    It's not developer's fault really, you try cramming hi-res textures into 32 megs of RAM. Even XBOX ports of playstation games have to have those blurry textures, arrgh.
  3. EiZei

    Gta san andreas

    Driver 3 was beyond awful. Hell, even GTA:SA took some jabs at it. True crime was pretty awful too, also mocked in GTA:SA. So far the only other decent gta-like game I have seen so far has been Mafia and only because it had a strong plot and good gfx. The getaway is supposedly decent but I haven't played it.
  4. EiZei

    European Politics Thread.

    that's is quite offensive mate. Who said I am poor or my brother is, or everyone else is? 90% of officers have degrees. Many soldiers have A-Levels but are not good enough to join as an officer. I am moderately well off but why in six months when i join does that make me poor? Just because you and some of your mates are well-off does not mean everybody is. I don't have any statistics regarding britain but it is clear that at least in the US people recruited are not so well off in average.
  5. EiZei

    European Politics Thread.

    40/44 The rest I had about right except for San Marino. Last time I checked war wasn't about wanting to be there. By having a "people's army" composed of every aspect of our society - not just the poorest - and a democratic goverment at the same time I think we could prevent unnecessary military adventures.
  6. EiZei

    Ask a mod

    They should just remove everything and leave the banana smiley - the universal way to express hate, insanity, joy, frustration and many other things - in place.
  7. EiZei

    European Politics Thread.

    We have a simple solution for that.. it starts with a C and ends with a N.
  8. EiZei

    The Iraq thread 4

    Bah, britain has nukes and the means to deliver them far enough. The rest is quite irrevelant when it comes to defence.
  9. EiZei

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    United States-- 13,780 dead, many more wounded. Mexico-- Much higher than the U.S. total. One figure put Mexican casualties at approximately 25,000. So? Soviets killed a hell lot more Mujahideen than the opposite. Casualties do not equal the outcome.
  10. Well.. judging from what I have seen mod development speed is inversely proportional to the time the devs spend hyping their stuff, posting screenshots and flaming on the forums..
  11. EiZei

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Look up Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Everett Dirksen. More Republicans voted for the acts than Democrats. The Southern strategy has evolved over time from racial to abortion and etc. Both parties use race/socio-economic status. You can't win the WH now without the South or atleast one souther state. Actually they were not stupid enough to against the law itself, they just started with the "state's rights" stuff.
  12. EiZei

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Talking about 19th century democrat/republican actions is bit.. well, you know. There is a reason why republicans took south during the mid 20th century. Hint: it involves the phrase civil rights legistlation.
  13. EiZei

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    And also if 911 never happened Afghanistan would still be in the control of the tailiwackers. So if you want to praise somebody for giving us an excuse for liberating Afganistan look at Bin Laden BKA *Caugh*Waldo*Caugh* And now it is in control of northern alliance wankers who are not unlike the taliwankers. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. http://news.amnesty.org/index/ENGASA110082005 Too damn bad the international attention has shifted from Afghanistan, that country is far from liberated.
  14. EiZei

    The Iraq thread 4

    You do realize that statistic consists of 2 guys right?
  15. EiZei

    T-72: Balkans on Fire

    How the hell you can compare this with OFP?
  16. EiZei

    FDFMOD WW2 Expansion

    Salami making cooperative?
  17. EiZei

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Funny that Powell complained in a book released before 2000 about privileged ANG flyboys during the vietnam war. Wonder who might fall into that category. Both of those people mentioned have gone, what is left? The 32st fighting neoconservatives? Funny that most^H^H^H^Hall of the more hawkish warmongers have barely even touched a rifle (Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, just about any conservative pundit, Bolton, Perle and many many more)
  18. EiZei

    The Iraq thread 4

    I would think so. This is probably why bushie & co arranged that little immunity deal some time ago..
  19. EiZei

    European Politics Thread.

    Yeah, the US legal system is real simple.
  20. EiZei

    European Politics Thread.

    Yer, but not all 'electrical repairman' turn out to be preofessionals, you may get the cowboy who does the quick job and wants you to pay an overcharged amount. Then you kick his arse out and get an another repairman not start messing with the wires.
  21. Im buying the ones that are worthwhile. I dont care if its CM or BIS if it's good.
  22. EiZei

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Correct, except that it doesn't improve athletic ability unless you pump yourself ful of drugs, hough that doesn't last long either. Everyone would eventually look the same, as things such as blonde hair is the fashion item. So tey'll change there genes to have blonde hair. And if it's using the bone marrow cells, then it will be passed onto offspirng. Large tits don't get passed on if they are plastic. You do know how stem cells work right?
  23. EiZei

    two operation flashpoint 2s?

    Man, is my fanboy allergy flaring up. More competition the better, if Codemasters is going to make a non-BIS operation flashpoint, let them. Probably wont be good but we are not forced to get it either.
  24. EiZei

    European Politics Thread.

    Yeah, people will surely abandon their families, language, country and culture to get some more welfare and see that getting eaten away by higher prices and get treated like shit by certain *cough* people.