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Everything posted by EiZei
I think I still trust BIS when it says it's coming out between January 2006 and June 2006..
Having some kind of context (ie. what country, what force, when) would help quite a bit.
Correct me if I'm wrong... But aren't those F-14's the "downgraded" ones for export-version? Don't know about the F-14s but everyone often does downgrade their exports, even Russia which is pretty infamous when it comes to choosing their clientele..
Too bad death penalty with proper appeal processes costs a lot more than the life in prison equivalent and they get overturned more often upping the "dollars spent per execution." Anyways, spending the rest of your life in prison is hardly corrective anymore?
Could be they confused it with hammer and sickle, the sequel of sorts for silent storm coming out this christmas/spring.
Did'nt know gathering of developers had anything to do with fertility..
Well.. I am currently studying business computing and I get 38 euros a month from the goverment..
Above-average AI and cool gfx effects did not save this borethon for me at least.
http://www.nytimes.com/2005....d=print .. El Salvador?
A lot of people have been "noticed" by the games industry after seeing their handiwork in some mods. Of course I would recommend something more popular than OFP if getting noticed is your primary motive.
I don't know about hardware prices where you live but around here a decent 7200RPM 80GB hard drive goes for 65-70e cheapest while 90e will get a 200GB drive. Talk about saving in the wrong place..
Oh Bushies words are worth a lot more than a penny. In fact they were "bought" for quite a large sum of money. For over 200 milliard american dollars and increasing to be precise.
On the issue of teen pregnancies, the teenage birth rate (15-19) has been declining and is the lowest ever recorded with 41.2 births per 1,000 (NCHS data from 2004). Adolescents aged 10-14 was the lowest since 1946 with 0.7 births per 1,000(NCHS data from 2004). This is the Fundamental Christian America since Bush as been in office, right? Anyway, I think it is difficult to give a clear cut answer why teen pregnanices, homicide, and other ills are higher than the rest of the industrial world. One reason is that the US is simply fundamentally different in many aspect of life compared to other Western Countries (i.e. the social net which is much lower than alot of countries). I say BULLSHIT for placing all social ills today because of religion. Yeah, I don't think that religion is to blame for the social problems, but don't you find it a bit odd that a Christian stronghold has such a poor track record on the issues it supposedly cares a lot about (like abortions)? As for the social net, absolutely, a lot can be connected to that. Still, things like teen pregnancies, abortions, VTDs can hardly be blamed on lack of social security. It's not like people are too poor to buy a condom. It would rather point to lack of education and irresponsible behaviour - and these people have on average been brought up by supposedly pious Christians. That's what I find remarkable. The main question however that I asked was why America is so religious compared to the rest of the industrialized world. You also have to take in the consideration that the divorce rates and teenage pregnacies amongst the the more conservative american christians and states are higher when compared against their bit more.. pragmatic counterparts. Murder rates seem to be higher in red states.
Why not get one big 200GB hard drive instead? Costs less, generates less heat and takes less power.
Personally I would just call it Hardware thread so you could get all of those "what should I buy" "look at this new fancyass product" "bwaah my computer is broken"-type of messages under one roof so to speak.
It was some lucky older russian radar-guided AA-missile that downed that F-117, SA-3 maybe? Hitting those things with missiles is damn hard, I do not think I need to mention how hard it would be to do with some 50-year-old cold war relic spouting 23mm shells..
400GB raids with tho SATA drives? Not unless you really enjoy losing data. I was always under the (probably naive) impression that SATA Raids were the best setup. Famous Last Words: If Dell uses it in their PCs, it must be good Well, depends on what RAID you use, if you just stripe the data with RAID 0 you will lose everything if the other disk fails (which is quite common with today's stuff) while RAID 1 is about mirroring the data so it's safe when/if the other disk fails. In other words, using RAID 0 to get one big "fast" 400GB disk is pretty much suicidal and does not provide much performance benefit. Personally if I cared what was on my hard disk I would go for SCSI and forget that IDE consumer crap.
400GB raids with tho SATA drives? Not unless you really enjoy losing data.
And not in 98.4% of world's nations for that matter.
We(America) might hand out obsolete small-arms by the box full, but we don't sell multi-million dollar weapon systems to just anybody. It's not like we just tossed a Javelin to Afghani Rebels or handed some third-world nobody the keys to our Abrams. We don't even handle obsolete aircraft that liberally, much less the weapons that go on them. Uhh.. what? The iranians have F-14s, chinooks, F4s, F5s and possibly still some maverick missiles, the stingers given to mujahideen in afghanistan were hardly obsolete, the saudis and the egyptians have abramses, iran, jordan and pakistan have cobras and TOW missiles had been sold to Iran in the infamous Iran-Contra affair. Odd of you to say that considering problem has been brewing in Iran lately. Anyways, Super eterands are hardly state-of-the art and Rafales and Eurofighters have not been sold outside europe so far. EDIT: Odd, ozanzac's message did'nt show up before I hit the reply button, oh well.
Because they have the decision making skills of a 14/15 year old cheerleader? It's not like anything bad could happen from selling state of the art weapons to a tin-pot dictatorship... In case you did not notice everybody sells weapons to these people as long as they can afford it. Or guess selling weapons Saudi-Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan, pre-democracy Greece, Iran, countless insurgents in the middle-east and S. America, Jordan or pre-democracy Turkey is responsible behaviour.
Umm.. Iraq and Afghanistan?
I don't like having to verify games that have been bought in physical format, however I still like the idea of internet distribution a lot. Weeks of delays between releases in different places is just an invitation to warez the game you know.
yep, b4 911 who else would think of some 15 men would hijack 4 plane and crash them into buildings? b4 june 4th which student on that place would think of a tank drive right up to them? and b4 1942, who would think of a plane with a big round red circle printed on it would fly over you and drop a bomb right above your head, same shits happens Those actions really have no real strategic significance, in the large scale of things even the worst terrorist/suicide attacks are merely an inconvinience, especially when the perpetrator has a return address so to speak. Japan has no aircraft carriers, it's ships are pretty much screwed outside the reach of their airfields. The japanese people are comfortable with their way of life, live in an open society, have demonstrated reasonably responsible behaviour for the last 60 years and are hardly that fanatic anymore. A war would mean going pretty much 3rd world since they are utterly dependant on importing goods overseas. Saying that peacekeeping is ok does not seem too aggressive to me. And for sake of everything good in this world start writing proper english on forums, deciphering stuff like "b4 911" is really tiresome.
So you do not think using nuclear weapons over something petty as this would not have caused any problems at all? If my memory serves right the british economy was hitting rock bottom already and im sure boycotts and generally being viewed as some kind of a rich rogue nation would have not helped one bit. So it's nuclear terrorism then.