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Everything posted by ExtracTioN

  1. ExtracTioN

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Calling people childeren c'mon EricJ m8 I am so shocked to hear something like that from you It's not respectfull to call people childerens or jokers. And to other people who tried to give an advice/suggestion he dont like it. I know you tried to help but hey he dont like it. Let's stop to give EJ advice/suggestions
  2. ExtracTioN

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Everyone is free to post OFP, VBS1 pictures in the combat picture topic as long as the pictures are under 100kb.
  3. ExtracTioN


    I think they wont update that site cause of the name flashpoint flashpoint is copyrigted by CM afaik
  4. ExtracTioN

    Comparisons between ArmA and BF2

    ARMA and BF2 come on different games like some people allready said ARMA and Enemy in Sight now those 2 games are close to each other
  5. ExtracTioN

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Why wouldn't it be? BIS have no need to fake Armed Assault pics with other engines. Its just your over-active imagination making you see things you want to, rather than what you actucally do. Yes, the hangar is from VBS1, and thats about where it stops. VBS is BI's property so they can use any of the content at their own free will. This has been discussed over and over and over, with the same conclusion. I agree with DM + if it is VBS2 like you think than why they post the screens in William Porter's Blog site makes no sense
  6. ExtracTioN

    Latest screenshots available

    Cool the multiple gunner feature finnaly I hope BIS has much more features but they want to keep it a suprise I think I hope Animals I hope: deer, tiger, Lion, a crocodile, horse, donkey, sheeps, ducks, maybe sharks would add alot of realism to the game and seen on the new interview the AI is not dumb cool can't wait
  7. ExtracTioN

    Faun Franziska SLT56 v3.0

    Gokhan nice to see the updated Franziska m8 The upcomming addons also looks great Everyone go to their site and look to the upcomming addons all looks great Keep up the great work guys Gokhan & Murat harikasiniz progress addonlarda super gorunuyorlar
  8. ExtracTioN

    Latest screenshots available

    The AI looked a bit dum in the movie you was shooting and an enemy AI moves a meter in front of you and he keeps walking without taking cover or shooting back I hope it is an old alpha version cuase the AI in that movie looked and acted just like old OFP
  9. ExtracTioN

    Faun Franziska SLT56 v3.0

    nice to hear Gokhan Abs_01 you turkish too m8
  10. ExtracTioN

    Borania Island

    Looking great there
  11. ExtracTioN

    OFP videography

    idd very nice video the story is great effects are cool looking forward to more videos from you
  12. ExtracTioN

    Big problem in O2

    Dont press the "A" button j/k a new install maybe that helps
  13. ExtracTioN

    USCG Pack Release

    stuff that is done is done no other stuff was planned
  14. ExtracTioN

    Falklands mod progress

    Good news I hope the campaign isn't that far from being finished
  15. ExtracTioN

    An end to 'The Shine'?

    Uhum it was Kegetys
  16. ExtracTioN

    ofp.info Interviews BIS (many unseen pics!)

    The problem is that all the things that we have been wanted BIS to brush up on hasn't been. Like AI, pathfinding, colission detection, multi gunner, moving in vehicles, etc. For all we know, it could just be a graphics update. And a shitty one, I might add, with the shiny tanks and so on... I just hope I'm wrong. Like I said, I'll still love ArmA to bits but the way it's looking now, I'm really disappointed. All the features we asked is going to be implented into VBS1 and VBS2 we get only graphics update
  17. ExtracTioN


    Indeed some bugys for SF units would be better than another humvee pack
  18. ExtracTioN

    grumman duck updating

    The cargo hold some part of the body sticks out place the cargo unit better in the middle or a bit higher. The BIS sign is that all the time visible
  19. ExtracTioN

    Grumman j2f

    4000 isn't much for this beauty the perfect textures may think people it is too much polys
  20. ExtracTioN

    Grumman j2f

    Wooow looks quit nice Good job
  21. ExtracTioN

    New Civilians

    Yes, he became a mafia boss Mafia will look a bit different I think he looks more like a g*y
  22. ExtracTioN

    OFP videography

    With DAP Download Accelerator Plus I get 50kb a sec downloading Smer4 latest link it says circa 10 minutes
  23. ExtracTioN

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    Watched the video with WMP windows media player 9.0 no problems viewing it if you use WMP10 I heard it can give some troubles
  24. ExtracTioN

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    nice anims there m8