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Everything posted by ExtracTioN

  1. ExtracTioN

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    Hope the remake campaign for Arma that comes with QG brings the OFP feel to Arma . That the island is small big I dont care as long as there is a good story
  2. ExtracTioN

    ArmA 2

    The AI is getting much better till the release date it will be perfect I hope. And please some add the wildlife and a good Campaign the graphics I dont care so much as long as it plays ok an is optimized.
  3. ExtracTioN

    Fixing ArmA

    Well as Arma1 is not fixed at this time I agree with most of the community BI should work on Arma2 all focus must be in Arma2 forget Arma1 if Arma2 gets bug free. But it must be a stable game this time much much more beter AI, A great story in the campaign like the old OFP & Resistance style. Promised wild life in Arma1 not seen so far in Arma1 in Arma2 it must be there, tracers and for the love a live editor like VBS2. If those things are in Arma2 than I can forget the bugged Arma1 I bought and can have trust in BI again like the old times. And why not a Iraq or Afghanistan a middle eastern island and a campaign would be great.
  4. ExtracTioN

    Games Convention '07

    Ofcourse I will wait for the reviews before i buy it. And no I dont hate Arma graphics models are nice but it has too much bugs crash after 10 minutes of playing I want it fixed the crash and other bugs make me crazy I want to play it like it was in the old days of OFP
  5. ExtracTioN

    Games Convention '07

    Arma is not perfected and they start on Arma2 ffs I feel cheated by BIS paid 50 euro for Arma and bahaha piece of crap and than look we bring Arma2 sorry for Arma we make it good pay another 50 for Arma2 and we dont know if it is gonna be a good playable game. This really makes me sick too
  6. ExtracTioN

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    I am not going to buy QG I wait till some reviews from other people after the reviews I look if they are positive i buy it.
  7. A middle east scenario would be perfect get rid of trees grass and make a desert island with a few trees no grass an iraq or afghanistan alike scenario was better for this engine. Hope GC comes like a middle east looking island.
  8. ExtracTioN

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    I agree with allmost everyone, ARMA is a big dissapointing game I buyed it and played it 3 days and than put it in the box and not touched it since 1.08 checked still big shitty. Now I am playing OFP if ARMA stays like it's current stage no ARMA for me. ARMA in it's current stage is a big joke
  9. ExtracTioN

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    A expansion with marines and seals would be cool. This one sounds cool but the gear of the units dont look right. And a new island is a must a complete desert island would be cool.
  10. ExtracTioN


    A giant turtle with a laser beam would be cool
  11. ExtracTioN

    -maxmem -nosplash crash

    When I use in my Arma shortcut only -maxmem no problems but when I add -nosplash to my shortcut in SP no problems only in MP it loads than crash to desktop. I thought first it can happen but tried a couple of times and everytime with -nosplash a crash can't even play in MP with it after removing -nosplash everything ok. Does anyone else having this problem?
  12. ExtracTioN

    Patch 1.02 Released for Czech and German ArmA

    so german version users needs to wait
  13. ExtracTioN

    OFP Vs Arma SP Campaign

    Tottaly agree ARMA campaign sucks quickly made it sucks OPF campaigns rule over Arma's campaign
  14. ExtracTioN

    No campaign?

    try to reinstall the game without the language mod and see if it happens again
  15. ExtracTioN

    Laser beams??

    try to reinstall the game patch it with the official 1.01 patch and dont install the unnoficial language patch and see what happens
  16. ExtracTioN

    arma probs

    I think the maps Justin Timberlake is bugging tell him to delete those 2 maps
  17. ExtracTioN

    Arma bugs

    At that bridge blow in ArmA the AI is so dumb the bridge is destroyed and they all run in water like brainless morons And the truck it looks like a circus truck falls in water bounce back like it has fallen on a trampoline and jumps back at the bridge and all enemy units disembark from it Hopefully the bugs will be fixed
  18. ExtracTioN

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    A free plane ticked with a tour in Czech republic in BIS studios
  19. ExtracTioN

    Civilian Men/Women

    Maybe there is a hidden Hot Coffee mode in Arma like in GTA we only need to ask BIS how to get it to work.
  20. ExtracTioN

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    I want a weapon with real bullets and a picture of Placebo to pratice my shooting skills
  21. ExtracTioN

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    I like to know how are the planes now when bombing/firing on ground vehicles are they still diving like in OFP and crash to ground or dammage their self or has BIS fixed this?
  22. ExtracTioN

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    Placebo allready stated he had spoked 505 and told them that the community dislike starforce and 505 was possitive to not include starforce
  23. ExtracTioN

    How to play CZ/GER version completely in English

    Starforce is a bad thing it sucks games that use starforce does not mean that it is protected games with starforce can be cracked too so it is a bad protection it ruins the game. It was better if BIS had included a USB key like VBS1 for Arma USB key protection is better. Hope the version 505 is going to publish would be without starforce and if they want to secure the game from being cracked do it than with USB key protection. There are some games that use starforce protection and are cracked over the net.