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Everything posted by Ex-RoNiN

  1. Ex-RoNiN

    UEFA Champions League 2004/05

    Nothing but some light-hearted banter This thread will close in 7 mins, so if you have any other pics to post, I suggest you hurry
  2. Ex-RoNiN

    UEFA Champions League 2004/05

  3. Ex-RoNiN

    UEFA Champions League 2004/05

    Congratulations Liverpool, awesome match EDIT: We can close this tomorrow when the hangovers are over
  4. Ex-RoNiN

    Team fight with airplanes!

    Yes please By the way, I am thinking of restricting the airplanes to just two addons, F-18 for West, something for East, and Resistance get Su-25. What do you think? Also, what addon do you recommend for east plane? The Mig-29 that I have is pretty nice, but its turning radius is utter crud.
  5. Ex-RoNiN

    Team fight with airplanes!

    51km water (and nothing else!) would be perfect Well, I was planning on making the airfields as a kind of refuelling/rearming base, with some planes and choppers lurking around too. I suppose I could add extra bases and hide some more choppers there... I like the radio idea, I remember there was a radio tower addon a while ago...but I'm not sure how to implement the see vs. unable to see feature, since not all planes/boats have inbuilt radar...maybe "west knowsabout east_array" or something like that? I will try to spawn player and plane on the aircraft carrier's deck. From what I have seen, they are big enough to handle several planes at once (4 sounds about right) so you still lose time by having to get in and maneuver your plane so you don't fall off after take off Well you still have to sink the enemy's fleet, and those Japanese ships can take quite a beating! The airfields/hidden bases will be under heavy AAA umbrella. I was thinking of one feature - if you capture the enemy's main airbase, then you get an AI strike, in that AI friendly to you is spawned and attacks the enemy (the one whose base you captured) until they are dead...like a power-up thingy...what do you all think about that? Also, an automated system, which spawns a new ship every 5-10 mins, depending whether a certian building is still alive or not?
  6. Ex-RoNiN

    Team fight with airplanes!

    Errrr.... That's part of the fun, that the ships can drive around. Would be nasty for the Nimitz if suddenly the Japanese battleship shows up on her stern and pounds her with 18" guns They are definitely in
  7. Ex-RoNiN

    "88, hboat" addon missing ?

    Use this thread please.
  8. Ex-RoNiN

    Does this mean the end of OFP1?

    I know people from other forums that don't even have Resistance yet, so I reckon OFP1 will live for quite a while yet
  9. Ex-RoNiN

    Gamespot review

    Rough time for FNGs coming up
  10. Ex-RoNiN

    1970 vs 2010

    Your aggressive attitude is totally uncalled for. Nothing he said deserves the kind of response you provided. I suggest you read the board rules carefully before you post again.
  11. Ex-RoNiN

    BIS broken with CODEMASTERS?

    There are plenty of gaming websites that cater for rivelling products (Clanwars, Jolt) and these aren't even community websites, they are paid services. So I really doubt anything of the sort will happen.
  12. Ex-RoNiN

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    War! How's that for a name?
  13. Ex-RoNiN

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    What the hell is going on here , you guys have taken a simple issue and twisted it in to something so intricate and senseless , OFP2 is BEING MADE , RALPH saw it at BISs stand , they ARE making it name might be different but OFP2 is there its being made , and there is NO OFP3 as of yet. OFP AA is for PC and will be released later this year , and OFP2's date might be delayed further back from Q4 2006 if AA is being released to keep us busy to further develop OFP2. I dont mind that at all. All Albert is saying that the name does not exist He's not saying that we're not getting any games
  14. Ex-RoNiN

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    My personal view is that it is going to be a stand-alone product, rather than an upgrade pack. Why do I think this? 1) Exclusive mention that its backward compatible with existing addons. Unnecessary if you just "upgrade" (1.45 addons work in 1.75 or 1.92) 2) JIP - that is more than just tweaking netcode, that is a complete rewrite Then there's the screenshots - check out the faces, the shadows on other vehicles. No sir, too many changes to be an upgrade pack. It sounds like a stand-alone product to me. This post is neither sponsored nor affiliated nor endorsed by BIS©®
  15. It's a suggestion, so gets moved into suggestion forum
  16. It's a suggestion, so gets moved into suggestion forum
  17. Ex-RoNiN

    Armed Assault - development suggestions to BIS

    It's a suggestion, so gets moved into suggestion forum
  18. Ex-RoNiN

    make your own OFP2 screenshot

    Don't flame.
  19. Ex-RoNiN

    OFP2 Shots on ofp.info!

    Spread the word, community
  20. Ex-RoNiN

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    Congrats BIS forums. Yupp, well done lads
  21. Ex-RoNiN

    Ask a mod

    As I said - no details will be released until further notice, at least as long as the investigation is ongoing.
  22. Ex-RoNiN

    OFP2 Shots on ofp.info!

    We are cooperating with BIS on this internal investigation and can not and will not reveal any further details until further notice.
  23. Ex-RoNiN

    VTV isn`t working

    How? To read the "updated on" information, it still makes a connection to the server
  24. Ex-RoNiN

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    USMC uses UH-1Ns, but dunno if they still call them dustoffs dust-off = aerial medevac. they are still used. anyway, back on topic--the pictures look AWESOME! can't wait to see what else they have in store for us. Ah, thanks for the clearup
  25. Ex-RoNiN

    VTV isn`t working

    I knew we had star wars, but anime? release release!!