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About EagleEye125

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  • Interests
    Operation Flashpoint,Ghost Recon<br>And Shoot Games Like That.
  1. EagleEye125

    Someone please make a SKATEBOARD addon!!!

    what the f**k a skateboard in a combat game yeh right
  2. EagleEye125

    Sea Combat

    why not in a chopper you can switch weapons like ffar to helfire
  3. EagleEye125

    Sea Combat

    In Operation Flashpoint are not much sea vehicles and i think sea-addons makes operation flashpoint much more populalair like sub-marines and big cruisers with canons and a helipad where choppers can land on an a cargo bay for tanks that while be cool come on add-on makers
  4. he devil i like your addons an you are good but nobody while make sea-addons is it not cool t omake a submarine ore a big cruiser with canons and a helipad where choppers can land on makes operation flashpoint much more populair
  5. EagleEye125

    Nexts addons

    Why Not Make Submarines And Big Cruisers Where Chopper Can Land on An More Like Sea Mines A Big Sea Battle Would Be Cool What We Got Now In Operaton Flashpoint Is Not ENOUGH!!!!!
  6. EagleEye125

    Pull Up And Down

    download a script with the name eject.sqs don't now with sites but try www.ofpeditingcenter.com www.3dactionplanet.com/flashpoint
  7. EagleEye125

    Pull Up And Down

    Why Not Make A Chopper Rope That The Chopper Pilot Can Pull Up And Down By Sending A Radio Signal Like:Pull Up And Drop Down That Would Be Cool But Very Hard To Make.But Just Try It Addon-Makers