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Posts posted by Defunkt

  1. It sets the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\Arma3.exe\UseLargePages to 1 to ask the application loader to allocate large pages for the arma3.exe image file.

    There is not much documentation about this registry key. On msdn it says about UseLargePages: "Load image using large pages if possible". I guess this is just a "hint". Not a rule. Also I dont think this should provide much performance improvements (if it works at all).

    It's also supposed to clear (in the patched copy) the IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE flag from the PE header. Not sure to what end, as I read it this stops the image from being relocatable. Perhaps this is intended to save on call indirection or address arithmetic.

  2. I think 1P/3P could do with some more options (possibly as bitflags that might be combined);


    - Allow-3P when in a vehicle.

    - Allow-3P when driving a vehicle.

    - Allow-3P (and/or Command View) when in control of AI.


    It might then be hoped that server admins would be more prepared to restrict 3P when on foot (being the occasion that invites actual abuse).

    • Like 2

  3. ArmaLP.exe is a patched version of the arma executable to make it Large-Page compatible (Fred provided a tool to recreate it after after each update). I honestly wasn't sure if it's still required (somebody said not, and I supposed it's possible BIS re-enabled compatibility by default, as I think was once the case) but I figured it can't do any harm and continue to run the tool.


    As I read pestbeule's results some small but useful increase is to be had - well done!

  4. The working class don't turn out to vote in general elections because for decades they've been offered two barely differentiated brands of the same shit - it makes little to no difference. This though was a chance to strike against the neo-liberal ideology itself. And it's not like this has happened in isolation, it directly parallels what's going on in the U.S. primaries. Message to the establishment; make the new globalized world work for the whole of society or we'll burn it to the ground and start again.


    Cutting one's nose off to spite one's own face?


    Possibly. And it's probably going to most hurt those who can least afford to weather a financial storm but I also think there's a method beneath this madness. Mired in an uncertain future of their own devising I simply cannot see this Conservative government surviving another general election. Provided Blairites in Labour aren't allowed to completely destroy the party (something for which they would never be forgiven) we might finally see some genuinely principled administration from a Corbyn-led government. The outright lunacy of curtailing investment in infrastructure (so called Austerity) to bail out a corrupt banking sector which gleefully proceeded to continue siphoning funds to the further benefit of the 1% isn't diminishing any with hindsight.


    If the game is rigged sometimes the only thing to do is overturn the whole card table.

  5. Regardless of what you think of the EU, Britain likely made a strategic mistake here and is now in a weaker position than before. But time will tell, maybe it pays out for them in some way.

    I think most likely to benefit are citizens of the remaining EU states provided the shock is sufficient to remind Brussels its mandate is derived wholly from the European people and not the multinational corporations that seek to profit from them. I dare say Greece can also expect a relatively easier time of things negotiation-wise for a while.


    Juncker would be right at home in the upper-echelons of FIFA.

  6. Sad, the world would be better for a united, progressive Europe, but ultimately no surprise.


    The EU's failure to orchestrate a unified response to immigration (a derisible dereliction when it facilitates free-movement between members) or address corporate tax avoidance by multi-nationals (what body could be better placed) starkly reveals it as a servant of the wealthy few.


    I fear things will get worse for the UK before they get better but can also see how at least setting some change in motion is more positive than hanging on to a status-quo dead set on growing the divide between rich and poor.


    One might hope at least that the UK is now unlikely to have the TTIP shoved down its throat by an EU bureaucracy determined to pursue corporate agendas in secret and behind closed doors. However I wouldn't put it past triumphant Leave campaigners within the Conservative party to not immediately begin a new Project Fear which warns of the dire consequences for an independent Britain that doesn't sign-up (submit) to it.

    • Like 3

  7. By all means share your opinion, just accept that it cuts both ways and you're going to get some opinions back. My opinion of your opinion is that it's largely based on content that hasn't been fully revised to work with the latest update (and as such should probably be ignored).


    CUP's First Iteration on the Visual Upgrade


    CUP's Further Work on the Visual Upgrade


    And no doubt there will be more improvements and fixes to come after this next is released. Patience (lest we chuck the baby with the bathwater).

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  8. I personally would say that it seems like this visual upgrade was only aimed towards being compatible with desert type environments, and only tested with Altis and Stratis, because when trying A2 maps (Cup), the default lighting turns the green into tan and makes the woodland areas look like a desert environment.

    You accept that the lighting works for Altis and Stratis (and subsequently Tanoa). These are the official A3 terrains and the only ones BIS can be considered responsible for the appearance of. Any other terrain is a user-made release and is going to have to be adjusted for the new lighting (or choose not to use it) and that's a process that's going to require iteration. If you look at the CUP terrains thread you'll see that metalcraze has posted images from further work on that.

  9. stop being against it for the sake of it....

    There is a perfectly valid reason for being opposed to it, specifically if you feel authenticity should be a watchword in Arma's development. Just marking doors as locked by removing their door handles or something similarly arbitrary is 'gamey'.


    I do like the idea of illustrating the recent natural disaster by boarding up buildings and/or adding external padlocks which would achieve both things (and adds desirable colour to the locale). It also offers a rationale as to why you may not be able to just bust your way in and also confirmation that the building is almost certainly empty (why else would you or your team just walk past without checking it).

    • Like 1

  10. Please test this addon http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19524for altis, go into the subfolder "off" and select the "light"-version. After a week please switch back to default and try to repeat what you have wrote. Force in driver settings 16AF to get 16x anisotropic filtering instead of only 8x, when you set af to "ultra" in arma3-settings.

    Wut? Altis? To what end? I can assure you I'm very aware of the problems and proposed fixes related to Arma's poor terrain rendering at the 'middle distance', even so far as to go to the trouble of making my own mid-detail tiles individualized for Altis/Stratis and each of the A2 terrains. The point I was making is that, despite being highly sensitive to the issue in general, for me the problem is much less apparent on Tanoa because it's largely either 1) dense vegetation where you can't see the ground at all or; 2) low grasslands where one doesn't expect to see a whole lot of variation in the surface. It could certainly be better (though we knew it wouldn't be) but it's probably the first Arma terrain where I don't find it a source of constant irritation.

  11. For me Tanoa is an excellent map but the mid range textures downgrade the island from 10/10 to  6/10. Sorry but that's how I feel.

    I really don't get that. Certainly the tech hasn't improved (and BIS had already signaled that) but given the proportion of the terrain that's covered in dense vegetation and that the rest is grassland this is probably the terrain where it bothers me the least.

  12. So, Arma3 Tano is AA demanding. GPU is on 100% load just running around Tanoa, while Altis in multiplayer gives cca 75% GPU load

    Given Arma has traditionally been CPU-bound with most modern GPUs under-utilized that actually sounds like progress. Won't make the simulation run faster but at least hardware is better utilized (to good effect).

  13. And to be honest: I wouldn't want to restore Chernarus grass 1:1 as it was unplayable high. A complete new clutter mix that resembles the old one but with a lower profile would be better.

    Agree in fact I did make the suggestion that AiA should incorporate GDT grass (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6628) though that's a little too short and still changes the character of the terrain some. As you say, ideally something in between the two could be made from the original vegetation.

  14. Something I've been meaning to say for some time; I really appreciate the light touch the moderators exercise these days.


    As on virtually any gaming forum, even a relatively mature one like this, sometimes flare-ups just occur (human nature being what it is). The way the current moderators clean up and get threads back on track without overtly throwing their weight around really makes the forums a more pleasant place to visit.



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  15. That might be handy actually. Also the map specific default, which was very obvious to me after playing on Tanoa - my Altis presets didn't fit it all.

    Yeah basically. For me Tanoa is too saturated (to the point of being garish), I find it looks more natural with the Saturation slider around 90 but that's not a setting that works for Altis.

  16. IFA3 factions are a product of its development history. IFL was originally just Germany vs Russia and no doubt it made perfect sense at the time to assign these to the principal Arma combatants (BLUFOR/OPFOR).


    But it's a shame because;


    NATO is the direct descendant or the US/UK led WW2 Allied faction. Should be BLUFOR.

    Nazi Germany and its Axis partners was the principal aggressor and their foe throughout the war. Should be OPFOR.

    Soviet Russia was initially neutral to Germany and only later an active opponent. Should be INDEPENDENT which Arma allows to be switched as allied to either BLUFOR or OPFOR (or neither) without grouping under absent commanders. Also enjoys the useful default of being allied to BLUFOR and opposing OPFOR.


    In an ideal world IFA3 would change but that doesn't look likely to happen.

  17. I haven't yet compared the utility/interaction of the scripted colour corrections with the new global Brightness/Contrast/Saturation sliders but with all the diverse opinions about the Visual Upgrade ReColor could now be doubly useful if you were to add an option to save a preset as either a global default or a default for just the current worldName (yielding per-environment tweaking).
