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Posts posted by Defunkt

  1. Honestly as a representation of the real world I prefer the first pic but it is interesting that, light/ineffective as it is, the vanilla one is more defined. Probably the difference is that the vanilla texture is 2048 square and I've only been using 1024 - I think perhaps because I found it near impossible to find a good selection of repeating textures at that size. Since then though I've moved toward procedural noise which means that a nice improvement to resolution may well be possible. I'll have a fiddle.

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  2. I'm currently not maintaining the dev version of the shader described in this post.




    On 12/18/2018 at 10:34 AM, mihal190 said:

    Are you planning non vanilla maps, maybe you could make tutorial how to convert map


    I do mean to do so and share some insights I've acquired in tweaking this but I'm a little stretched time-wise until after Xmas. I'll attempt to give a quick rundown here for any self-starters who're keen enough to nut it out.


    Having no way to add new shader parameters it instead looks for its settings in the least significant fractions of other existing parameters. For instance the global satmap colour correction for Altis is configured like;

            class WaterExPars : WaterExPars {
                FogGradientCoefs[] = {0.3545, 1.0045, 1.7030};

    With 0.0045, 0.0045, 0.0030 being the relevant digits, these are shifted up 2 places and added to 0.50 yielding an RGB correction/multiplier of 0.95, 0.95, 0.80 (and available range 0.50 (half brightness) - 1.50 (half-again brightness)). So for Altis the satmap is darkened mainly by removing some of the blue.


    The biggest change is that the middetail texture is no longer treated as an RGB overlay but rather as four monochrome channels (RGBA = 0/1/2/3). These are applied based on the satmap pixel's initial colour with the darkest 3rd of pixels getting an overlay mixed between channels 0 & 1 (R & G), the middle 3rd channels 1 & 2 (G & B) and the lightest 3rd channels 2 & 3 (B & A). The initial light/dark evaluation can also be tweaked by factors that consider how colourful the pixel is and also how specifically green it is. There are a couple of other parameters that influence the curve of the pigment evaluation and the shape of the overall distribution. Also intensity of the overlay over distance and a master enable.

            TerrainBlendMaxDarkenCoef = 0.AABB;
            TerrainBlendMaxBrightenCoef = C.DDEE;
            class WaterExPars : WaterExPars {
                ShoreDarkeningMaxCoef = 0.45FF;
                ShoreDarkeningOffset = 0.36GG;

    AA Colour evaluation, controls the curve of the pigment evaluation (combines with the following parameter).
    BB Colour evaluation application, decides whether coloured/monochrome areas should be treated as lighter or darker and by how much.
    C   Master enable; this digit must be non-zero in the current map config to enable the new features (including debug views).
    DD Texture intensity over distance, you probably don't want more than 0.10 (maybe stick to 0.09 in case I snaffle the first digit for something else).
    EE Overall spread/shape of the distribution, 0.50 is flat (linear).
    FF Green evaluation intensity  (combines with the following parameter).
    GG Green evaluation application, decides whether green areas should be treated as lighter or darker and by how much.


    I told you it was 'crazy'.


    With the 'dev' bin.pbo you can tweak these things and see some debug views in real time but the only way I found to communicate this stuff to the shader is via the camera position (again, *crazy*). You can use the function ANZINS_Fnc_Terrain from the debug console to set the Eden camera coordinates to something the shader will correctly interpret. This debug view can only be turned on/off if Altis or Stratis are currently loaded (because they have a normal map and the EnableSatNormalOnDetail which is the toggle only works in this case) - after which you can switch to another map with debug views still enabled. I have done a little work on making an Eden plugin/dialog which would allow control via sliders but it's probably a while off (if at all).


    ["View", #, 0.AABB, 0.FFGG, 0.DDEE] Call ANZINS_Fnc_Terrain;


    Where # is a number from 0-12 to enable the following view (communicated by altitude);


    -2: Turn off the debug view.

    -1: Stay in the current mode (but apply new values).

     0: Show the layer mask.
     1: Show the raw satmap.
     2: Show the vanilla application (no CC, middetail treated as RGB).
     3: Show the colour correction (values in this case are 0.RR-0.50, 0.GG-0.50, 0.BB-0.50)
     4: Show the terrain result (CC is as set in the config, not what was last trialed in the mode above).
     5: Show the applied texture.
     6: Show the weight map.
     7: Show the colour contribution to weighting.
     8: Show the green contribution to weighting.
     9: Show the channel distribution/bands (Blue is 0/1, Green is 1/2, Red is 2/3).
        10/11/12 Show the above separately.


    In each case, if any of the values are less than or equal to 0 or more than or equal to 1 it will instead show the current config values. The entered values are copied to the clipboard (as config entries).


    It's really clumsy but the only way I could find to tweak in real time. I should say I found this part at least as hard as (and less fun than) revising the shader. It's hard to make/find textures that work well (repeating patterns are your particular enemy). I will post a zip with the bitmaps I've used so far.


    EDIT: These are the textures I've used thus far; http://www.mediafire.com/file/w1bmgk5tl5eqxbx/channels.7z/file


    Early results looked better with more organic textures (moss is good) but you might go insane trying to avoid/fix repeating patterns. Eventually I just decided to use mostly fractal/procedural noise. But on certain terrains this may not be such a problem for some channels. When converting your png to paa I think you need to save it with the _mca suffix to ensure the alpha channel is included/full-quality. Not sure if it then needs to be renamed with the _mco suffix but I did.


    The number in the file name is its overall brightness. You'd want to nail this down for the last channel fairly early on as this is what will be under your roads and runways and you want it to yield (as an overlay to your colour-corrected satmap) brightness that is as close as possible to the road/runway objects that will appear over top as you get closer.





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  3. Hey all, thanks for the positive comments, gives me warm fuzzies to think that others enjoy the change also.


    Jeza it hadn't even occurred to me to look at it from that far (my PC would probably explode), looks great. Would be interested to know what CC B/C/S you use.


    Yes it is client-side only and comes with signatures and a key.

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  4. release.jpg


    This is my terrain shader mod for 1.92 Stable (DX11 only). Essentially it's an implementation of THIS idea and seeks to ameliorate, with varying ambition and success, a couple of gripes I have with the terrain in Arma;


    Lack of Vibrancy: Between the haze and the washed out satellite textures I've always perceived a real disconnect between the sharp foreground (weapons, characters, vehicles, buildings & clutter) and limp background (everything else).


    Lack of Texture: Dissatisfaction with the smooth, featureless & fuzzy appearance of terrain in the middle distance is well documented.


    Additionally there are a couple of PBOs which are fundamental (yet optional) or complimentary to the above goals;


    Less Haze (addons\haze.pbo): Pushes the atmospheric haze much farther out. I presume BI thought to soften the view distance block but to my mind the default haze hurts far more than it helps.


    Colour Correction (addons\colour.pbo): With EvilOrgan's kind permission this addon enables his excellent EO_Real_3 preset by default. You probably have your own colour correction preferences so by all means delete this but maybe give it a try first as the mod was tuned for/with it (and my PP Brightness/Contrast/Saturation at 100/125/75 currently).


    There may be some small improvement to concealment at distance but it wasn't a particular goal.


    Probably won't be to everyone's taste, ultimately it's just a mathematical formula that treats each terrain pixel based on little more than its original colour so there's a limit to what it can achieve. It will make some things better and others worse - but hopefully more things better. I find the effect generally pleasing and it was fun to learn something about shaders (not to mention brush up on my high school algebra). I'd like to acknowledge material or moral assists by T_D, EvilOrgan and especially kju; beyond the many high-profile projects he's well-known for he's also always helping, advising and connecting modders and patiently sharing his vast knowledge of the game on numerous endeavours.


    NOTE: As delivered, this addon will maintain your Shadows Distance (at ~200m). This is a mechanism to communicate real time FOV to the terrain shader (so it knows to lighten the terrain detail when it's viewed through high-powered optics).


    Version 1.1.1 (2019-05-10)
    - Fixed banding in light pools on certain terrains.
    - Texture blending; stronger detail.
    - Texture blending; saturation control.


    Version 1.1.0 (2019-05-05)
    - Fixed messed up normals/parallax on near detail textures.
    - Slightly softened detail blending with colour corrected satmap.
    - Altered method of enabling post-processing colour corrections (EOReal3).
    - Updated incidentally replaced data with that from the 1.92 release.
    - Shader features should now never enable for an unconfigured terrain.
    - ALTIS: Minimal tweaks to noise (lighter) and colour curve.
    - STRATIS: New 2K noise textures (improves view through optics).
    - MALDEN: New 2K noise textures. Terrain colour tweak (deeper).
    - TANOA: Added initial configuration.



    Armaholic (Thanks!)



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  5. On 6/2/2017 at 9:21 PM, x3kj said:

    There is option B for 3d interiors - model only the viewports and keep the rest black or very blurred. Gives the gameplaybenefits of 3d interiors without requiring ridiculous amounts of model work. Plus generic interior cupolas could be reused by mods.


    This is an idea I've also dropped a few times in various mod threads. A very simple viewpilot model, little more than a black box with openings for the periscopes is a very realistic proposition labour-wise (and is likely highly re-usable on existing vehicles and mods). Obviously inferior in terms of immersion but a huge leap forward in terms of situational awareness and being engaged in the action. The 2D cut-out is just so tiresome for long periods.

    • Like 5

  6. 12 hours ago, fabio_chavez said:

    re: lythium

    to the  mapmakers: please dont steal the config without asking, its not finished anyway.


    Hey, just want to say, because I don't know how practicable it will be to try and protect use of your config work, that your perseverance in righting problems thrown up by the 'Visual Upgrade' has not gone unnoticed. However and wherever it's used, some of us at least will know we owe you a huge debt,

    • Like 2

  7. Feel a little like I'm missing this party (still waiting on my PC to arrive after a move abroad). I can well imagine obsessing over every little detail of some small town, village, outpost. Get enough obsessive people and you'll likely end up with a pretty damned fine map.


    Have you thought about how contributors might be able to submit parts of the surface mask for their own little bits? Don't know a lot about terrain building but there's like a palette of surfaces denoted by different pure/primary colours isn't there? Might you define a basic palette so people can incorporate alternatives to basic mid-dry light "shrubbery" where it suits their composition to do so (perhaps via a masked PNG)?


    Speaking of being obsessive, I'm sure however you eliminate the overlapping areas will work out fine. There's more than enough huge terrain for anyone's taste.

  8. Yep, pretty sure the config tree only supports one global array for all maps so any mod that revises this overwrites that setting for any previously loaded mod. Think it should be CUP's preserve to do so given the breadth and extent of its terrain support and all other terrains should reference these surfaces (or enable its own dust-effects array in an optional pbo).

    • Like 1

  9. Can't wait to try these when my PC finally arrives at my new home, they look great.


    I guess one could achieve something like the best of both worlds by detailing airfields at suitable locations and then choosing a central location and building out in high-detail from there. The center could then host infantry and eventually land-vehicle sized missions while providing air units a realistic area of operation in support of those actions.

  10. 17 minutes ago, redarmy said:

    defunkt is an eager fan telling the bodyaurds to" back off a little we just want a peak of the glamorous news"


    Certainly I am an eager fan but i'd much rather people just wait patiently for a release (the only thing worse than reading requests for updates is reading replies to requests for updates which simply compound the problem).


    Something I'd love to see (don't *think* this qualifies as a request, not of RHS as least) is for Delta Hawk to find the time/interest/enthusiasm (or someone he trusts sufficiently) to bring his US Military mod under the auspices of RHS (as teams were invited to do by Soul Assassin a few pages back). I suspect the clamor for RHS to do an M16A2 is largely based around equipping these units. RHS:US90.


    • Like 8

  11. If a competent and established team that is interested in these factions comes to us and proposes that they enter the scope of RHS, and if they can demonstrate that they can be largely self sufficient, they would be more than welcome to become part of RHS and enjoy all the benefits of our knowledge, infrastructure, sources etc. Sort of like RHS incubator.

    This would, obviously, be awesome but I hope that in terms of evaluating suitably you'll consider not only authenticity and visuals but give equal import to the other things that makes RHS so good. Thinking specifically of optimization, absence of dependencies, working as much as possible with the native engine and minimal/light-weight/unobtrusive scripting.

  12. I have to wonder if people have really thought their complaints about AI through.


    What other open-world game with entirely autonomous AI is Arma being compared to here?


    It's to Bohemia's credit that they're clearly good enough to make shallow thinkers find fault with any deviation from an actual human however slight.


    For my money they're a pretty amazing (and genuinely challenging) accomplishment.

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