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Everything posted by dachevs

  1. dachevs

    Different Name

    or exactly. And so the hell what. Say this in your head right now... ArmA : Assault, does that sound good. Not to me. Adding in Assault sort of "finishes" the title. I had no idea what the hell this game was, or what OFP was from god knows when, but I heard about it in a post on Tacticalgamer and looked at the pics. The pics caught me, the realism. I didn't give a rats ass about the name. Seriously, for such a good game, why complain about a name? It's not even bad. ArmA : Combat Operations, is neat. Keep it! I didn't know it meant weapon in Latin, thats pretty cool. Even thinking of the game as Armed Assault : Combat Operations sound pretty bad ass. If not that, then think of it as ArmA, and pass the games brilliance on to everyone else. Anyone who didn't stick through all the patches to play, what I believe is the best "military" game out, and has the most potential to script in nearly anything you want, is a moron, and can go play there damn bunnyhoppin' run and gunnin BF2's!!!!!!!! and damn it, if you assault someone, that doesn't automatically factor in you having a weapon. Please BI just keep the name.
  2. dachevs

    Music from Radio

    stop playsound "yoursound"
  3. dachevs

    Get them wheels a spinnin'

    ah ok. All the selections are predefined in my model cuz I am using the ArmA Sample Vehicles. i will put in a model.cfg
  4. I have a re-textured Skoda. But the wheels won't turn or spin. It just slides/floats around. The predni things are set, all those sort of things, thats why I am confused. Any help? Also I am trying to add an action to the vehicle model. Not just in a script. I want it to have a Siren, but I'm not sure how to add the action in the config. any help?
  5. dachevs

    Military Sound Clips

    try http://www.soundsnap.com
  6. what about <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> if (!alive player) do (...
  7. dachevs

    Model half buried

    in O2 did you your model over the red line? the model starts out half way in the ground in O2, you have to move it up.
  8. maybe something like <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_timeRemaining = 3600; while {alive player} do { hint format["Time Remaining: %1", _timeremaining]; }else{ _timeremaining = _timeremaining - 10; { hint format["Time Remaining: %1, _timeremaining"]; Sleep 1; };
  9. dachevs

    Name tags script

    *SORRY for the 3 posts, computer was freezing. * I'm probably going to use this. So will this work for MP, yes I'm assuming anways so it show the players name right? Like for me it would say DaChevs?
  10. I can't thank you enough. This should be perfect
  11. I have recently been trying to create a money script with the Roleplay Objects money. I can buy cars, and weapons and all, but I have it only to check if there is one type of object in your inventory. But i want the script to check if there is say a "$100" in your inventory and if not then it checks if there are two, then if you have two, it creates the car and removes one "$100" and gives you one "$100". I'm getting really confused on scripting using objects. Does anyone know a more simpler way to script using objects as money?
  12. dachevs

    Get them wheels a spinnin'

    think I get it now
  13. dachevs

    Model half buried

    what is binarize?
  14. How do I change the name of a unit, so it has a different name when you choose your role at the beginning of the mission. Like to Civ1 Civ2 and so on? I have it fine for 1-20 but I want to have about 30 civilians. Any help?
  15. dachevs

    Unit names in Mission

    thanks got it now
  16. dachevs

    The City Life

    well as of today, after talking it over with a few others, it has been decided that the money system for The City Life will now be SPON money. I didn't want to switch the system, but this will fix many issues and the first version of The City Life should be out by sometime next week. *EDIT* I'm going to try some new stuff out, I might not have to switch the money. I really don't want to
  17. dachevs

    Get them wheels a spinnin'

    damn things still won't spin. my config.cpp <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define true 1 #define false 0 #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define VSoft 0 #define VArmor 1 #define VAir 2 #define LockNo 0 #define LockCadet 1 #define LockYes 2 #define ReadAndWrite 0 #define ReadAndCreate 1 #define ReadOnly 2 #define ReadOnlyVerified 3 class SkodaBlack { sectionsInherit=""; sections[] = {}; skeletonName = "Skodovka1"; }; class Vehicle: default {}; class SkodaBlack:vehicle { sectionsInherit=""; sections[]= { }; skeletonName=Skodovka1; class Animations { } } class CfgPatches { class SkodaBlack { units[] = {"SkodaPolice"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.0; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class SkodaBlack { displayName = "City Life Cars"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Land; // External class reference class LandVehicle : Land { }; class Car : LandVehicle { class HitEngine { armor = 1.2; material = 60; name = "motor"; visual = "motor"; passThrough = true; }; class HitRGlass { armor = 0.5; material = -1; name = "sklo predni P"; passThrough = true; }; class HitLGlass { armor = 0.5; material = -1; name = "sklo predni L"; passThrough = true; }; class HitBody { armor = 0.4; material = 51; name = "karoserie"; visual = "karoserie"; passThrough = true; }; class HitFuel { armor = 1.4; material = 51; name = "palivo"; passThrough = true; }; class HitLFWheel { armor = 0.05; material = -1; name = "Levy predni tlumic"; visual = "Levy predni"; passThrough = true; }; class HitRFWheel { armor = 0.05; material = -1; name = "Pravy predni tlumic"; visual = "Pravy predni"; passThrough = true; }; class HitLF2Wheel { armor = 0.05; material = -1; name = "Levy dalsi tlumic"; visual = "Levy dalsi"; passThrough = true; }; class HitRF2Wheel { armor = 0.05; material = -1; name = "Pravy dalsi tlumic"; visual = "Pravy dalsi"; passThrough = true; }; class HitLMWheel { armor = 0.05; material = -1; name = "Levy prostredni tlumic"; visual = "Levy prostredni"; passThrough = true; }; class HitRMWheel { armor = 0.05; material = -1; name = "Pravy prostredni tlumic"; visual = "Pravy prostredni"; passThrough = true; }; class HitLBWheel { armor = 0.05; material = -1; name = "Levy zadni tlumic"; visual = "Levy zadni"; passThrough = true; }; class HitRBWheel { armor = 0.05; material = -1; name = "Pravy zadni tlumic"; visual = "Pravy zadni"; passThrough = true; }; getInAction = "GetInMedium"; getOutAction = "GetOutMedium"; supplyRadius = 1.2; driverAction = "ManActTestDriver"; cargoAction[] = {"ManActTestDriver"}; hideUnitInfo = false; class Exhausts; // External class reference castDriverShadow = false; castCargoShadow = false; }; class SkodaBlack : Car { selectionBackLights = "brzdove svetlo"; selectionBrakeLights = "light_brake"; vehicleClass = "SkodaBlack"; scope = public; model = "\SkodaBlack\Skodovka1.p3d"; Picture = "\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\Skodovka_CA.paa"; Icon = "\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\Skodovka_CA.paa"; mapSize = 6; terrainCoef = 2; turnCoef = 2.500000; accuracy = 0.500000; fuelCapacity = 60; displayName = "Skoda Police"; side = 1; maxspeed = 150; crew = "SoldierWB"; nameSound = "SportCar"; weapons[] = {CarHorn}; magazines[] = {}; armor = 60; type = VArmor; cost = 100000; armorGlass = 0.5; armorWheels = 0.15; soundEngine[] = { "\SkodaBlack\Engine.wav", 0.027783, 1.200000 }; soundGear[] = { "\SkodaBlack\gear.wav", 0.000178, 1 }; SoundGetIn[] = { "\ca\wheeled\Data\Sound\4WD_DoorOpenClose1", 0.100000, 1 }; SoundGetOut[] = { "\ca\wheeled\Data\Sound\4WD_DoorOpenClose1", 0.031623, 1 }; soundServo[] = {"\ca\wheeled\Data\Sound\servo3", db-40, 1.0}; typicalCargo[] = {"Civilian"}; transportSoldier = 3; canfloat = false; hasGunner = 0; castDriverShadow = true; driverIsCommander = true; driverAction = "Skodovka_Driver"; cargoAction[] = { "Skodovka_Cargo01" }; canLock = LockNo; unitInfoType = "UnitInfoSoldier"; // threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types threat[] = {1, 0.1, 0.4}; }; }; do I put that code somewhere else, or in the config.cpp sry I am really knew to modeling.
  18. dachevs

    Get them wheels a spinnin'

    ok thanks!
  19. dachevs

    Get them wheels a spinnin'

    I have but everytime I try to change the names to my class i always get an error message of some sort, or the car just doesn't show up in the class in the editor.
  20. dachevs

    Get them wheels a spinnin'

    i have no idea. I don't have a model.cfg only a config.cpp that's probably why it isn't working right, yea?
  21. dachevs

    Unit names in Mission

    what do u mean? in the editor? Like when your choosing your side and all and it says like IndepentSoldier and I want to switch it to like Police Officer.
  22. yea try the command <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unit setPos [(getMarkerPos "markername") select 0, (getMarkerPos "markername") select 1, 0]
  23. dachevs

    The City Life

    Geeze suhsjake. Shows me up thats awesome. appreciate it.