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Deth Stryker

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About Deth Stryker

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Deth Stryker

    setpos not working

    you know that crossed my mind too, I didn't act on it... I have a bad habit of doing things verbatim from the wiki... Thanks for pointing out my mistake!
  2. Been trying to use the setpos command to move an opfor officer from a prestaged area to the area where his assassination will occur. officer1 setpos (getpos hit1) hit1 being the name of the marker I am using to designate the area of the "hit". Despite multiple setups of setpos and setposasl combined with getpos and getposasl, nothing makes the officer "teleport" to the marker as I want. I know my triggers are activating via a hint command. This is simply being tested in the editor itself, not in a server. By placing a "condition" into condition-of-presence, I would not need this method... But apparently that doesn't work either... Please let me know what I am doing wrong, thanks for any help you can offer!
  3. Deth Stryker

    2d and 3d position coordinates

    need some bumpage here
  4. Deth Stryker

    2d and 3d position coordinates

    new question, using the info above I made a trigger that when activated makes a waypoint. However upon a second trigger and a new waypoint there is no change from the first. Does my group have to get to the first created waypoint before the second will show? Or how do I properly use the removewaypoint command?
  5. Is one of the errors this? '|#| <NULL -object>' Error Invalid number in expression If you can post exactly your error, I'm confident Norrin will address it as soon as it is convenient.
  6. Hi all, On Kronzky's latest UPS, I continually get errors on line 104? The error it posts looks similar to this section. // unit that's moving _obj = _this select 0; _exit = true; _npc = _obj; if (typename _obj=="OBJECT") then { if (alive _npc) then {_exit = false;} } else { if (count _obj==0) then { _exit=true; } else { {if (alive _x) then {_npc = _x; _exit = false;}} forEach _obj; }; The error revolves around the "if (count _obj==0)" part. It is expecting an array in front of count. Does anyone know how to fix this? This is the only problem preventing a mission from release!! If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated, I will be sending Kronzky an email detailing the bug. Thanks
  7. Woot! This will help lots, thanks bud! I found these scripts you setup really add a new dimension to a mission, I'm using them for a guerrilla force and civilians for what is normally just a plain CTF mission. Turns out they are doing exactly as planned, the guerrilla units are being a minor pain in the butt, and the civilians are getting in the way. I think it more closely represents modern age warfare than a simple CTF type mission. Best thing about what you've made, it will provide a way for a small server (in bandwidth and speed) to "simulate" a large scale mission without a major performance impact. Or even a good server to host the mother of all battles. Thanks again!
  8. Deth Stryker

    2d and 3d position coordinates

    Yeah my question stinks of noobism doesn't it? Thanks, that is exactly the kind of answer I need.
  9. I'm trying to get a unit to go to a specific coordinate via a marker and domove. However it requires I know the x,y or x,y,z coordinate I want it to go to. How do I get this info? Maybe I didn't use the right search words but there seems to be no info on this. Thanks
  10. Deth Stryker

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    BIS has replied to me, they can only assist if they get purchase info. They are aware Softwrap and Sprocket is neglecting users with support. As far as MP connect, I get a better chances of avoiding CTD and "connect failed" if I load the editor, plant a player unit, preview and exit. Not perfect, but much better than the 1 connect for every 20 errors. I don't even have error reporting on my install, so I think the issue with CTD in MP is multi-faceted.
  11. Deth Stryker

    Non player AI won't respawn in MP

    PM sent I can tell it will take time to learn the ins and outs of scripting, only wish I had more time to spare!
  12. Deth Stryker

    Non player AI won't respawn in MP

    Thanks, this sums up what I need - I only need to figure out how to utilize it. Can I use these scripts in a mission? Credit will be given for anything I use.
  13. Deth Stryker

    Non player AI won't respawn in MP

    Thanks for the info, the link gave me some server errors - I'll try it again later.
  14. How do I get nonplayable AI to respawn in MP?
  15. Deth Stryker

    How do I Make Guerrillas Hostile to All?

    ArmA has a dedicated forum? This seemed generic enough, so my apologies.