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Everything posted by DARKYAUTJA


    Operation FrenchPoint 3.2

    Goodjob ! champagne for all !

    SP_Operation Hashpoint

    You 're using the Dev build of arma3 that's why you got prob with this mission , i have just finish to play it again today with no prob ; all the objectives works fine if you play it on the stable version of arma3 alpha .

    R3F French Weapons Pack

    Really nice , i 'm gonna test it with it . Thx mate .

    R3F French Weapons Pack

    Any good sp or coop missions out using this mod? The weapons loock really good i definitly need to give it a go . Goodjob guys !

    COOP 04 Operation Zap

    I just played it in sp and it's a very good simple mission , all work fine . Keep going !

    SP_Operation Hashpoint

    Thank you papy for the update all work fine now , i really enjoy this mission ! keep up the goodwork , cheers !

    Arma Gold on Steam , How to instal mod ?

    Nevermind i 've found the solution ! It work for Arma gold edition and Arma 2 , should be the same for Arma 3 , read this : ================================================== ===== METHOD 1: copy the name of the folder you copied into the arma 2 directory (in this case "MODNAME" without the quotes), and right click on the arma2.exe and create a shortcut. Right click on the shortcut, open its properties. At the end of the target line, paste -mod=MODNAME like this: "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\arma2.exe" -mod=MODNAME and if you want to add multiple mods, seperate them with ;, so: "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\arma2.exe" -mod=MODNAME;MODNAME2 etc. ================================================== ===== METHOD 2: right click on arma 2 in steam (the UI of steam, that is), and select properties. Click "launch options". add the line: -mod=MODNAME;MODNAME2 and that's all. ================================================== ===== other commands you can use, apart from -mod, are -window (for windowed mode), and -nosplash (for no BIS screen etc. when the game opens up. Straight to the menu). so it would look like this: -mod=MODNAME;MODNAME2 -nosplash -window
  8. Hello , i have recently buy Arma gold on steam and Arma 3 Alpha , how do you instal mod on it ? any good tuto out ? I know how to do it with the dvd version but is it the same for steam? can i use the Arma launcher ? Help me please .

    Situation update?

    To be honest they can go to hell ! i will never buy again a game dev by This studio , IF44 is a big pile of crap !
  10. Done , i can run the alpha but i need to upgrade my pc , cheers !

    game support ?

    Please IF44 dev patch the game with a no dvd fonction like for arma 2 and don' t leave us with a broken game !:mad:
  12. Yes instal it in the ARMA II folder . I have proceed like he said and all work like a charm . :bounce3: I have the arma 2 retail dvd and OA retail dvd + Reinf retail dvd To be clear : 1) Instal ARMA II run the game 2) Instal OA run the game 3) Instal reinf (aka BAF or PMC) 4) Patch the game with 1.59 Enjoy !

    co07 mission pack for dedicated servers

    Thx for the info ;) We already know that the real ghost recon is dead ! Graw was not really good and that 's why i have jump to arma ! Future soldier gonna suck big time too ! and we have to deal with it ! The good news is that GR veterants like you are here now !! What do you think about making a good campaign based on the old good ghost recon for OA? Like something in the spirit of "Desert siege" . I 'm learning how to make missions for OA and i will try to make some:) but i still need to practice with the ed . Keep us update lightspeed .

    co07 mission pack for dedicated servers

    Good to see you are making stuff for OA now ! You 're works for the GR community was awesome ! Just a suggestion maybe? can you make some sp ones or at least make them playable sp/mp ? Sometimes i like play online sometimes not and i 'm sure i 'm not the only ones ! anyway keep up the goodwork !

    Sp/oa - angel squad

    Very good mission indeed ! Make some more please i have really enjoy it ! This mission is a must have ! and to respond to Trips there's nothin in it that make it feel like cod or moh (fuck these games) ! it 's just a hard mission and you need to be tactical i have clean all the bunkers btw !
  16. Thx for the tips pskyko i will try that later tonight when i'm back home , i really want to complete this mission !
  17. Yep i have notice this bug if you try to help the village one of the bradley crews get out . I have try to put them back in but with no luck the bradley just don ' t move and here we go for the crazy " were are you" & "report position " . Please bis fix this quick it is always the same with you're products they are always full of bugs !! that get me mad !:banghead:
  18. Hello , i searching a good download link to get this addon TQP SF Woodland (v1.0) , it ' s on this site http://www.ofp-arma.cznhl.com/downloads/addons_units.php but the link is broken Anyone help please ! thx

    Loocking for this addons "TQP SF Woodland (v1.0)"

    Thanks you all
  20. Hello all i need a lil help , i want to know how to host a serv with OFP and with FFURslx 2007 , i want make a listen serv not a dedicated , my version of OFP is the goty already patched to 1.96 . Any help thx

    Hosting a serv With FFurslx 2007 version 2.5

    Thx for your help man , so there is nothing in the multiplayer menus that let you config your serv right ?? i mean the numbers of players , the name of the serv etc...; well i will host a serv like that then , thx again !!!

    Alpha9 UK Swat

    Goodjob for a first try download link?

    French Special forces

    Ten four !! ok thx !! it work like a charm !!! let me sing the marseillaise !!! Allons ! Enfants de la Patrie ! Le jour de gloire est arrivé ! Contre nous de la tyrannie, L'étendard sanglant est levé ! (Bis) Entendez-vous dans les campagnes Mugir ces féroces soldats ? Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras Égorger vos fils, vos compagnes. Aux armes, citoyens ! Etc.

    French Special forces

    Well goobjob !!! a lil question about the " cadeau bonux "folder what i need to do with the " face " file ? it s a skin right ? so please can you help me to instal this thx