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About Dekul

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  1. Dekul

    Armed Assault..

    Uhm, while I'm not disappointed that much, I didnt have to go out and "look" for bugs, the found me, 2 out of the first 5 missions "bugged" so that they were unable to be completed without completely exiting to main menu and restarting them (retry mission didnt fix it), one of those bugged the same way several times in a row. Other bugs became apparent just through normal play of missions and multiplayer. Personally I understand that these early releases are basically a beta state and BIS is working on patches, but new people to the game will have difficulties just getting started on a campaign and WILL get frustrated. Dont assume that people are all just complaining to complain, a bug that causes you to be unable to complete a basic mission several times in a row is a legitimate complaint.
  2. Dekul

    Armed Assault..

    I voted yes conditionally. I think the game looks great but I've run into alot of bugs that make the game very hard to play. For instance, in one of the first missions, you ride in a truck from one point to another, the waypoint was straight down the road and the AI kept randomly turning into some building on the side of the road, stopping for 2 minutes, then backing up and continuing, and once all the enemies were killed at the second location, there was just an order to "wait" at the waypoint and nothing happened for over an hour (i ate dinner and came back to find myself still "wait"ing). And the flight model seems rediculously difficult, a stable hover without using auto-hover is nearly impossible, the cobra has a tendency to turn upside down and crash whenever you manuever, the hellfires never hit their target, etc... The net code seems horrible, even in a server with a good ping there's some rubberbanding of vehicles, at times I joined a server and ended up with 2 players controlling the same soldier, fighting each other trying to move around... Sniping in multiplayer is nearly impossible unless your target stands still for you, no way to judge how long the bullet will take from when you click to when it impacts. (And you aren't able to sight in your weapon for range but that's a feature issue rather than a bug). Oh, one other thing, you should be able to reload a rifle or sidearm while walking (probably even running). You're out shooting at enemies and run out, reload, enemy pops up, you try to move behind cover, but YOU CANT, BECAUSE YOU ARE RELOADING. It doesnt make sense anyhow, I've got enough coordination to walk and change magazines at the same time, but this highly trained soldier I'm playing obviously cant, guess I'll just name him Private Pyle... Anyway to summarize I think it looks good with a good potential but it's going to take alot of patching and addons to get it to a really fun playable state.
  3. Dekul

    Helicopters in AA

    Yes, the wheels on the blackhawk will roll upon ground contact and if you keep putting little power in you can simulate ground taxi though you are really just flying at ground level. If you are on the ground you cant get the thing rolling without taking off, so no real ground taxi. The one thing that seems different is that the helicopter is a chore to make it hover (though they still have that noobish auto-hover option) its like trying to balance a top. And now you dont hold your agl when flying over varied terrain, if you dont put in more power you plow right into the side of a mountain and die, whereas it was very hard to hit the side of a hill unless you were going way too fast in ofp. Also it seems much easier to "lose" the chopper and end up upside down and screwed if you try to pull off fancy manuevers. Just my observations so far, also the cobra seems alot more responsive (as it should be) and easier to lose control of, I've also found it very hard to regulate speed in flight. So overall seems like a more realistic and more difficult flight model, the helicopters seem to have some mass to them but that may just be a performance setting for the aircraft rather than real physics, who knows.
  4. Dekul

    ArmA Userbars / Signatures

    You do good work Sniper Pilot, I like the one you made for me.