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Everything posted by dr_eyeball

  1. Quick question for a minor problem: Q: When using an object search result (eg: nearObjects, nearestBuilding, etc) for type buildings let's say, is there a way to automatically tell whether the object is a static island object (part of the island/terrain) or whether it was placed dynamically (either inside mission file or created via script). I need to be able to tell whether the object can be moved or not, or simulate destruction, or sometimes to tell whether it's relevant to the mission. A temporary workaround I've used so far is to actually move the object, check if it's position changed, then move it back. But there must be a better way, especially when dealing with hundreds of objects in a MP environment.
  2. Biki side topic updated to reflect this (non-existant 'logic' keyword).
  3. I had a quick look at "ESL 12v12 C&H TwoSides", "B2T" & AL version of "B2T". My opinion is that these are essentially the same as BIS's C&H missions, simply tidied up to make them suitable for competition plus having a large selection to choose from. I suspect BIS has already prepared 10 variations (at different locations) based off their updated "C&H" game-mode template for Arma 2. A few days work & it's done. So I wouldn't be concerned. The only part BIS need to focus on to match your missions is a few competition tweaks (arbitrator & base protection). It seems you want "fast intense" small 30 minute missions for competition play, which is the opposite of what I want, being "slow & unpredictable" 2 hour missions with many tasks (but still with intense battles) on a large scale for public servers.
  4. After reviewing some posts, it doesn't seem like he is. At some of the PvP tournament sites I visited, the missions were identical in structure to Arma's very basic CTF & C&H game-mode missions. But he said these "had serious bugs" and were "bodge".As Pulverizer said on previous page, see his opening post, which says: which sounds like the BF2 Conquest game-mode with some sort of enhancements. So it sounds closer to what I described.@Gnat: Already did
  5. CyDoN, I fully support the idea of PvP in ArmA but you will need to give an example (even from another game) of the particular game-mode you have in mind. I would support most of the game-modes found in BF2 Project Reality mod, like AAS2, Insurgency, Command and Control (CNC) & Counter-Attack (CA). I've identified about 8 common groups for PvP game-modes. Â BIS's PvP designs fall into 2 or 3 of these groups. Also, there are significant differences between designing missions suitable for public servers for regular nightly play versus private/competition servers played once a week. The number one reason PvP is difficult to keep alive on a public server, is getting sufficient player numbers on at the same time. With coop, 1 player is sufficient to start any old mission and have more players slowly join over the following hours, (like with Warfare). But with PvP, if you don't have the required player numbers from the start, you have to just wait until sufficient players join. As far as some of the PvP critic comments go in this threads, some are totally unwarranted and misguided and some are just forum agitators. Their reputations have now plummeted. Devastation There's also the Devastation PvP mission pack available too, which utilises the AAS2 game-mode design. It has a few improvements over missions like Berzerk and similar game-modes, with changes to provide proper resource proportions & limits and a suitable balance to promote fair & regular play on public servers. It also has extended functionality, not just improvements: A new update is due soon, with further changes in future. It will be ported to ArmA2 fairly close to release.
  6. Perhaps try treating the game logic as an ungrouped (no side) unit and use traditional unit group techniques. - create your game logic object _gLogic - create a group for the side LOGIC _grpLogic  _group = createGroup LOGIC; - join the group  [_gLogic] join _grpLogic; then try the waypoint code using _grpLogic
  7. ArmA uses a different syntax than OFP to represent certain CODE/STRING types. In OFP you were able to use braces ( '{' or '}' ) for certain strings, but now you must use single or double quotes. Braces are now generally used to represent code or functions. Try something like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">? _thon == 1 : {_x addeventhandler ["killed","[0,_this] exec 'AJMRespawn.sqs' "]} foreach units (_agroups select _c)
  8. What about creating a bipod as a restricted turret using the way M2StaticMG does it? Upon deploying the bipod, you replace your weapon with a static model on the ground and auto mount it. Then when you pick it up again, you add your "carrying" weapon back again. Examine some of the existing bipod weapon addons. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class M2StaticMG : StaticWeapon { Â ... Â Â class Turrets : Turrets { Â Â Â class MainTurret : MainTurret { Â Â Â Â minTurn = -70; Â Â Â Â maxTurn = 70; Â Â Â Â ... Â Â Â }; Â }; Â ... };
  9. dr_eyeball

    Respawn dead AI

    Temp download of sample mission: AIGroupRespawn_v1_1.Intro.zip This test mission is updated to include the same version of AIGroupRespawn.sqf found in my missions (in my signature). The respawn times used in the test mission are for demonstration purposes only.
  10. dr_eyeball

    ArmA feedback thread - based on Beta Patch 1.15

    I don't suppose the "#include" command was/could have been fixed at the same time to bring it inline with the same path handling of these commands?
  11. Awesome functionality. It's unbelievable. Very well thought out. Even remembers crate contents. Some ideas: <ul>[*]in "Available Transport" list, show an cargo item count to help indicate whether the vehicle contains cargo or not (eg: "5t Truck (3)" for 3 items) [*]when highlighting a transport, a capacity indicator (eg: 4/10 "units" of space used) [*]configurable time penalties for loading/unloading [*]2 person requirements (eg: arty) [*]drag & drop between lists [*]in the "Available Cargo" list, instead of showing "Crate (2)", crates with cargo should be separated from crates without cargo, since you end up loading the wrong empty crate otherwise [*]in overhead mode while dragging object, an indicator (eg: message or different cursor) of when an object is not allowed in a transport (eg: insufficient room, full, or item too big)
  12. Nice. However, after driving with the new "no auto-centre with mouse", I think that using the old "auto-centre left/right keys" should still reset the steering back to centre like normally too, so you can use them in combination as needed. It doesn't make sense to have the auto-centre left/right keys active at all otherwise, with it's current "centre" being offset to where you left the mouse.
  13. dr_eyeball

    forums.bistudio.com PUBLIC BETA

    Great to see the new forums. Another benefit will be the clickable thumbnails (this forum had a 50 byte limit making it unusable). I hope we don't have the 5 image limit when using thumbnails. New forums definitely needs to allow themes. I am curious why so many of the more complex posts got truncated, corrupted and/or have incorrect BBCode tags applied? When using the exact same BBCode as original post, the post looks fine. Eg:<ul>[*]New: Merlin post (truncated to 4454 bytes) [*]Old: Merlin post  (22574 bytes). Incorrect BBCodes examples: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> is being mapped to <ul> maps to <span style=> Presumably the old forum will still exist in read-only mode for some time after new one is setup, so we don't need to back up our posts manually, (if they are getting truncated)? Edit: Looks like there's a 10000 byte post limit too, (probably including links and BBCodes).
  14. dr_eyeball

    SPON Core

    Nice. Good to know someone is designing these standard concepts in a usable controllable package. Does this check: difficultyEnabled "deathMessages"?
  15. dr_eyeball

    How can i create CfgGroups?

    usmcd.pbo & ca.pbo have good examples in their config.bin (if this is what you mean) Here's part of it (one fire team): <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgGroups {   class West   {     name = $STR_WEST;         class Infantry     {       name = $STR_CFG_XBOX_GRP_INFANTRY_SQUADS;             class USMCD_FireTeamBase       {         name = "USMC Fire Team";                 class Unit0         {           side = TWest;           vehicle = "USMCD_Soldier_TL";           rank = "Sergeant";           position[] = {0, 5, 0};         };                 class Unit1         {           side = TWest;           vehicle = "USMCD_Soldier_AR";           rank = "Corporal";           position[] = {3, 0, 0};         };                 class Unit2         {           side = TWest;           vehicle = "USMCD_Soldier_AT";           rank = "Corporal";           position[] = {5, 0, 0};         };                 class Unit3         {           side = TWest;           vehicle = "USMCD_Soldier_R";           rank = "Private";           position[] = {7, 0, 0};         };       };           };   }; };
  16. dr_eyeball

    Any way to pass params to dialogs?

    So you need access to objects too. The method I used in Merlin was to simply maintain an array of objects, then reference the array via index. This index number can be stored as a string and/or converted back. New objects are added to the array after a quick 'find' to prevent duplicates. Old entries are never deleted, but can be nullified. Alternatively, the strings like "WEST 1-1-A" can be matched to objects by comparing their string equivalents, so long as this is done on the same client as the object reference and is not obtained via a public variable (which alters certain object names).
  17. dr_eyeball

    Any way to pass params to dialogs?

    You could probably use an invisible rscText control as well, assuming the data is a string or simple types which are convertible using "_data = call compile _str". You say "used by several parties at the same time"? A global variable is local to a client, a dialog is local to a client, each client runs it's own copy of a dialog, so there should be no conflict (unlike public variables).
  18. dr_eyeball

    Problem in description.ext

    Not sure if this affects it, but I think valuesParam1 has 39 items, textsParam1 has 38? Also, check valuesParam2 where you have a cut up value '12' at the end of the line: ...11.5,1 2,1...
  19. dr_eyeball

    Merlin - Training System

    It's likely to be your joystick (as suggested). Others have reported the same problem. I can't reproduce it at my end with a joystick though. I guess whatever controls the vertical displacement is also affecting the camera's vertical movement. It is probably equivalent to Seagull Up/Down which is both Q & Z keys & Stick Y+ Axis & Stick Y- Axis on joystick. Since the script simply uses BIS's built in camera.sqs script, it uses it's controls by default. For now, try adjusting your joystick centre or throttle. I was planning on rewriting a custom camera control script replacement to utilise the mouse better and that would fix the problem once it is implemented.
  20. dr_eyeball

    team status dialog

    Just to clarify the question for others. I think what you want to be asking is the generic requirement: Q: "How do you add an action to players and vehicles in Warfare correctly?" Since I'm not familiar with the Warfare setup, I suggested to Boshart via PM to find a modified Warfare mission that already adds custom actions and copy that format. Any suggestions? Is "Client\Client_UpdateActions.sqs" the place to put it? Extract from PM: Good luck with it. <span style='color:blue'>Edit:</span> The mission WW2WARFARE V1.0 already implements this same functionality, which you can copy. Add to Client_PlayerRespawn.sqf: _Action = player addAction ["Team Status", Â Â "Scripts\TeamStatusDialog\TeamStatusDialog.sqf", Â Â ["HideOpposition"], 0, false, true, "" ];
  21. dr_eyeball

    Surrender Animation

    Kronzky's Animation Viewer
  22. dr_eyeball

    Surrender Animation

    See Moves List <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_enemy playMove "ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_arrestingMan"; // wait, hands behind head, kneel, hands behind back, fall forward _enemy disableAI "ANIM"; player setDir (getDir _enemy); player playmove "ActsPercMstpSnonWrflDnon_arrestingSoldier"; // wave gun, instruct, tie hands, kick forward player setPos (_enemy modelToWorld [0.3, 0.1, 0]);
  23. dr_eyeball

    Team Status Dialog

    Team Status Dialog version 1.3 is now available. (Minor release.) See first post for download links. Version 1.2 was an 'in-house' version available for use, but never released to public except inside missions, which made it difficult to utilise all of it's fixes. So it has been simplified even further now and released as version 1.3. Feature wise for the user, there is nothing significantly different. The changes are mostly script improvements to simplify developer usage and robustness. Version 1.3 Change Log: New Features: v1.2 - new param: "ShowAIGroups" v1.2 - included German string table (by Schwab) v1.2 - switched usage from GridRefCoords.sqf to more versitile pos2grid.cpp to support more islands Other Changes: v1.2 - #defines used for all constants (instead of variables) Major New Features: v1.3 - None - mainly simplified developer usage Other Changes: v1.3 - isolated functionality into one single folder v1.3 - no external function calls (merged required functions directly into script, except pos2grid which is in same folder) v1.3 - deleted all 'common functions', removed "CommonFunctions.sqf" requirement (and it's unused functions) v1.3 - tagged all internal functions with prefix (TSD9_/ICE_) v1.3 - stringtable.csv data changed to simple #include - this alters usage process v1.3 - fixed some functions to be more robust v1.3 - readme_TeamStatusDialog.txt updated
  24. dr_eyeball

    Merlin - Training System

    Merlin version 1.2 is now available. See first post for download links. This version is primarily a release for bug fixes and missing essential functionality. This is probably how the first version should have been released. The next version will be in another month and will focus on new features. It will radically change the editing process. Thank-you to everyone who submitted bug reports and/or tested v1.1a/b/c. V1.2 Change Log: Major New Features: - 'Create Objects' dialog - added all addon classes to 'Types' list (equivalent to 'Class' in ArmA editor) - 'Create Objects' dialog - added '<Groups>' to 'Types' list (equivalent to 'Insert Group' in ArmA editor) - Export mission.sqm file - got the basics workings for export, but it will be further improved in next version. - Markers (added via popup menu) are now saved as macros too. So they get deleted upon reset and recreated upon loading. Major Bug Fixes: - Minimised JIP lag (JIP connection delay) by removing all publicVariable calls from clients during init. - Fixed revive not resetting lives after a 'Reset'/'Load' resulting in 0 lives. - Disabled revive punish options - very confusing for players. - JIP: spawn markers repositioned for JIP player - JIP: macro (popup menu) markers created for JIP player - Fixed 'secure hostage' remove action syntax error message - typo - Fixed 'rescue hostage' default trigger radius (was being overwritten with tiny value) - Side range check added to fix KitInit.sqf error message "...KitsAvailable select (_side call fn_getSide)) #select _kit; _total = ..." - Fixed random spawning when multiple respawn markers exist Other Minor Changes & Features: - Hostages can now be randomly located in buildings - 'Create Objects' dialog - allows multiple selection from 'Types' list - for preview & create - Popup menu items which are WIP are now prefixed with 'WIP: ' - Improved: 'Move Object' now updates position rather than creating new macro. - WIP - Popup menu 'Set WP'->'Wait until objective complete >' allows you to synchronise a WP with an objective's completion. Functional but needs some improvements. - WIP - 'Create Objects' dialog - started adding 'side' combo box filter handling, but still WIP. - WIP - Adding 'Create Location' concept, which can be used to name special places (eg: 'Factory' ) which civilians can name when questioned. - WIP - Adding 'Set Country' concept, which can be used to set your flag for your side and possibly other uses. - Lots of little fixes: default create spacing, model check for create class Export: You may now export the mission structure to a mission.sqm file. What can export be used for? - Creating small object arrangements (eg: a walled base and some buildings), then export this to MergeFolder\mission.sqm file, then open it in editor and resave, then merge the file into your main mission. - Creating reusable PBO missions. After export, you will still need to finish off the mission in the editor. See below for limitations. Next version should produce a complete mission. What does it export in mission.sqm? It creates a data string which can be copied into a mission.sqm file, which can then be loaded by the Arma editor. - class Groups (all units) - unit init string (eg: patrol) - class Waypoints (if chosen), but not sychronised links (that is still WIP) - class Vehicles (empty vehicles & objects) - class Markers - class Sensors (triggers/objectives), plus basic init's (conditions & activation, etc) What is missing in the exported mission.sqm? (These items are still WIP and will be added/improved in future version) - sychronised links for waypoints & triggers - all init options for units - full sensor inits - briefing.html - a sample mission project (in which you can simply overwrite the mission.sqm file with your exported file) Limitations: Unfortunately there's a limit to what can be exported since ArmA is lacking many basic script commands for waypoints and triggers. Responses: @ofpdeadeye: Creating a PDF is fine, but it should probably exclude the "future topics" and bug info, since that changes without notice. (this first post is edited regularly.) @Loki: The "select _kit" bug should be fixed now. @Tiger205: Feel free to edit the mission to include "opFor hostile RACS" (for local community use). I've left RACS friendly to OpFor since apparently it affects civilians too and I generally use missions where civilians are sympathetic to opFor. Will test/think about this for next version. @gonza: For now, to simulate re-enforcements, you can try using the new 'Wait until objective complete >' option which allows you to synchronise a WP with an objective's completion.
  25. dr_eyeball


    I uploaded a modified version on OFPEC recently. Spooner is also working on a generic version which should work on most islands now. I think it's part of SPON Map. Here is the updated pos2grid.cpp COC CEX script which I use and works on all the islands named in the script itself. I have only modified the Zoom0/Zoom1/Zoom2 check and added the worldName switch to correct offsets. See thread above for the discussion on recent developments and why it's not generic. I hope Arma 2 will have this function as standard this time round. pos2grid.cpp private ["_x","_y","_cfg","_offsetX","_offsetY","_stepX","_stepY","_el","_smallZoom"]; _cfg =configFile>>"CfgWorlds">>worldName>>"Grid"; _offsetX=getNumber(_cfg>>"offsetX"); _offsetY=getNumber(_cfg>>"offsetY"); _smallZoom = "Zoom1"; // Zoom1/Zoom2 is default used by BIS/ArmA/Sara - _smallZoom can be Zoom0/Zoom1/Zoom2 if (isClass (_cfg>>"Zoom0")) then {_smallZoom = "Zoom0"}; // if Zoom0 exists, assume it uses Zoom0/Zoom1 _stepX=getNumber(_cfg>> _smallZoom >>"stepX"); _stepY=getNumber(_cfg>> _smallZoom >>"stepY"); switch toLower(worldName) do { case 'sara': { _offsetY=-480*-1; }; // uses Zoom1 & Zoom2 case 'saralite': { _offsetY=-480*5+120; }; // uses Zoom1 & Zoom2 case 'sakakah': { _offsetY=-480*11+160; }; // uses Zoom1 & Zoom2 case 'map_ssara': { _offsetY=-480*5+120; }; // uses Zoom1 & Zoom2, offsetX = -4880; offsetY = -7480; case 'intro': { _offsetY=-480*-1; }; case 'porto': { _offsetY=480*10+320; }; // uses Zoom1 & Zoom2 case 'syr_darain': { _offsetY=480*10+320; }; case 'tolafarush': { _offsetY=480*11+320; }; case 'schmalfelden': { _offsetY=480*10+320; }; // uses Zoom0 & Zoom1 case 'avgani': { _offsetY=480*10+320; }; // uses Zoom0 & Zoom1 case 'afghan_village': { _offsetY=-480*16+80*3; }; case 'razani': { _offsetY=240; }; // uses Zoom0 & Zoom1 case 'fdf_isle1': { _offsetY=-480*21+320; }; // podaga case 'map_3demap': { _offsetY=-480*15+0; }; case 'tatawin': { _offsetY=-480*25+160; }; case 'watkins': { _offsetY=-480*11+160; }; // uses Zoom0 & Zoom1 case 'uhao': { _offsetY=480*11+320; }; // uses Zoom1 & Zoom2, offsetY = -15360; case 'uns_nt': { _offsetY=+480*32; }; case 'unskduc': { _offsetY=+480*32; }; case 'vte_australianao': { _offsetY=-480*30; }; }; _x=(_this select 0 select 0)-_offsetX; _y=(_this select 0 select 1)-_offsetY; _el= [ ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"], ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"], ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"], ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"] ]; _xs=([1,-1]select(_x<0)); _x =((abs _x)-((abs _x)mod _stepX))/_stepX; _y=100*_stepY-_y; _ys=([1,-1]select(_y<0)); _y=((abs _y)-((abs _y)mod _stepY))/_stepY; _xf=_x mod 10; _xc=(_x-_xf)/10; if(_xs<0)then{_xf=9-_xf;_xc=count(_el select 0)-1-_xc};_xc=_xc mod(count(_el select 0));_xc=_xc max 0; _yf=_y mod 10; _yc=(_y-_yf)/10; if(_ys<0)then{_yf=9-_yf;_yc=count(_el select 2)-1-_yc};_yc=_yc mod(count(_el select 2));_yc=_yc max 0; format["%1%2%3%4",_el select 0 select _xc,_el select 1 select _xf,_el select 2 select _yc,_el select 3 select _yf]