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Everything posted by dr_eyeball

  1. dr_eyeball

    Team Status Dialog

    1) Only Team Status version 1.2 has the optional parameter "ShowAIGroups". In that version, AI are excluded by default and can be enabled with that parameter. Next release: Damn, I have been using 1.2 and didn't realise I never released version 1.2 separately here. I will upload the ver 1.2 files soon (1-2 days) or 1.3 if I tweak it to make it addon safe and tidy it. Existing source: In the meantime, 1.2 is used by my recent projects (see my signature), so you can extract the same files from Merlin for latest files. You will need description.ext (header fix & string changes), pos2grid.cpp (fn_GridRefCoords) multi-world (island) support too. 2) "HideOpposition": The call syntax is almost correct. "HideOpposition" becomes a second parameter. nul=[] execVM "Scripts\CommonFunctions.sqf"; _action = cmd addAction [ "Team Status", "Scripts\TeamStatusDialog\TeamStatusDialog.sqf", [ ["page","Team"], "HideOpposition" ], 0, false, true, "teamSwitchPrev" ];
  2. dr_eyeball


    Definitely. A good implementation for 'wire cutters' is in Hidden & Dangerous. The cut out flap even folded down with curled wire edges. It's not so much that you need a 'wire cutters' object, but replacement 'fence' objects. i.e. The standard square framed wire fence and a replacement model with the hole cut into it. I'm surprised someone hasn't created the modified fence objects with a hole already. H&D cutting fence screenshot H&D fence hole screenshot
  3. dr_eyeball

    Handy Tools new releases WIP

    Brilliant work. Keep at it. Â I am interested in using the airlift rope scripts by themselves, so I can change some of the functionality and behaviour. (Eg: add/remove action menu items, don't allow rise/lower rope while cargo attached, different durations, manual attach/detach, change pendulum to inertia behaviour (since it would normally use a harness), stress/collision checks, add HUD, etc.) Issues: clean.sqf removes all actions on the chopper, which loses existing actions. You probably will need to track the action ID's, (even with the small risk of the menu ID's order changing). With all of Arma 2's new scripting commands, I wonder if they will include some of the more advanced script commands like: attachTo (VBS2) & createRope (VBS2) ?
  4. dr_eyeball

    Merlin - Training System

    Correction: ArmA version required: v1.14+ (not 1.09), due to the Warfare addon dependencies. Regarding QG, I am not aware of anything in this requiring QG. You would most likely get a 'missing addon' error message at start up if there was a requirement. I am able to run it without QG, but since QG is mixed up with the ArmA addons, I can't be certain. 'T' key, actually, it uses whatever your 'Team switch' key is mapped to, which by default is the 'T' key. Check that first. Addon clashes: To isolate your issue, ensure you start ArmA without any mods and try the Merlin.Sara mission. More and more addons and missions are using the 'T' key for their own purpose, so the operation may be overwritten and lost due to that. Map click: If your assigned 'Team switch' key still doesn't work for whatever reason, you can still perform everything from the map screen and just click on the map for the same functionality. The map click method is in fact the primary method, since some menu options require a map click position to operate. Can't think of any causes besides these.
  5. dr_eyeball

    "Create your own billboard"

    Great work. Been waiting 1.5 years for this to be done. Apart from obvious uses, adding custom island maps and signs in bases for armoury, medic centre, transport, etc will be good. Two minor issues for v1.1: - Upon initial loading, one of the boards reports an error message: "Cannot load texture: glt_billboards\sample_wide.paa". Edit: fixed in 1.11 - The paa files work fine, but I could not get any png file to work. It would say "Cannot load texture C:\....\missions\test.intro\glt_roadsign_rectangle.png".
  6. How would you prevent a player from picking up (or firing) a certain weapon (from off the ground, a truck, ammo crate, gear options, etc). Eg: You only want specialty classes to use specialty weapons, like an AT Specialist class can only use AT weapons. Assuming the same sort of rules would apply to the ammo. Edit: Resolved this using a trigger, even though it's a bit excessive to be constantly checking this: Condition: "PipeBomb" in (magazines player) Activation: player removeMagazine "PipeBomb"; hint "You are forbidden to carry Satchel Charges due to a lack of training.";
  7. dr_eyeball

    2 arma installations

    In case you have further issues, make sure you also check this recent topic running 2 arma's on same pc where Norrin suggests that you can already run 2 copies of ArmA on same PC for MP testing so long as you disconnect from internet first.
  8. dr_eyeball

    General suggestions.

    You could use the exact same technique used by some other games, which don't even allow video settings to be changed without restarting the game. Eg: Press "Apply" button to restart game and activate selected add-ons. ArmA restarts very quickly when used with an 'empty' world.
  9. dr_eyeball

    Dialog Question

    I presume you want a basic edit box and return the result in a variable. Here's one I'm using now. It still requires the additional usual dialog control classes and constants file too. Usage is in the comments. Dialogs\Common\EditDialog.hpp http://www.pastebin.ca/1211954 Dialogs\Common\EditDialog.sqf http://www.pastebin.ca/1211952
  10. dr_eyeball


    The C-130J is confirmed in the original vehicles thread called What vehicles are confirmed as appearing?. Screenshot of 8 aircraft
  11. dr_eyeball

    Devastation: mission pack

    Devastation version 1.3 has been released. See first post for download links and known problems. Only 2 new features this time around - artillery & laser designator spotting. Other features are still WIP. Fairly small release. It was released primarily to fix the 2 main bugs listed below (much delayed hotfix) and add some new missions. Major Bug fixes: Fixed a new introduced JIP bug from last version. (If a bunker was deployed and you joined via JIP, then there was a script error and no actions (Armaments menu) were available on the bunker.) Attempted to fix an odd bug of being able to capture zones out of sequence without the required earlier zones. Could not reproduce, AAS code looked fine except missing private variables in functions & added stricter capture rules. Minor changes: Base safe zones now detect and prevent camping kills & vehicle destruction too, not just presence in the safe zone. Deleted zone marker flash during capture. That should reduce network congestion. Prevent deployment at bunker before fully constructed. Improved popup menu closure via backspace key to prevent command menu opening. Hopefully fixed server log warning: "string @STR_TITLE cannot be localized client-side - move to global stringtable". Removed the '@' symbol with localize command. Thanks Whisper for spotting. Field dressings added to deployed crates. Virgo mission: Fixed east supply trucks (were added as fuel truck). Updated readme.txt New misisons: There are 5 new missions. 3 of them are on other islands. devastation13_town_20_basin.Sara devastation13_LvL_48_everon.Sara devastation13_AvA56_wolfskreut.Schmalfelden devastation13_AvA_56_Barbuda.ic_barbuda devastation13_town_24_porto.Porto - although too small imo New features: Laser Marker/Designator: Laser Marker now has a Laser Marker HUD plus an action 'Transmit Target'. This allows you to measure distances and bearings, then transmit this time stamped information to your team and marks the map. This could be used for artillery or any attack vehicle/aircraft that recognises laser marker targets. The HUD activates only when you switch the Laser Marker on. Laser Designator HUD Screenshot Artillery: I couldn't do much with artillery, since BIS's artillery is so limited for scripting. i.e. Lack of precision aiming, limited indirect fire shell range, shell tracking (missing projectile param in 'fired' EH even though it's in VBS2), etc The new indirect fire enhancements are tricky to use and coordinate, so it doesn't provide too much advantage. They are most useful against stationary targets, like enemy bunkers and MRV's. Live targets are likely to move unless you hit them on the first shot or two. The shell's default splash radius and splash damage is generally small. Added 'Artillery' request to 'Request' menu Added Artillery HUD to artillery guns upon mounting. Info supports initial firing and successive adjusted firing (in +/-0.1 increments). Added 'Calc firing solution (map)' to 'HQ Support'->'Artillery' menu. This gives the gunner a bearing and distance to target. Artillery impact spotting via 3rd party observer. Any team member who has a laser marker while being near an impact site (within 1500m) will automatically report impact details. Manual spotting & reporting proved to be too difficult for spotters. Artillery HUD screenshot --/-- Artillery Impact Spotter screenshot Future plans/Version 1.4+: Small missions - delete/fix: I have been considering deleting the small town missions (<= 24 players) in a future update, since they don't conform to the proper game-play requirements. I'm still trying to see if I can redo them to conform to the logistic requirements. The larger missions encourage more teamwork due to the need to share vehicles because of the limited transport available. I urge players to play the medium sized missions rather than the small ones due the extra functionality available to you and the requirement to use better planning. Spawning: I may change the respawn method to always spawn at base and simply use 'Base deployment' action to deploy. This will provide a better opportunity to get weapons in all cases. Kit exploit: I need to fix the exploit of being able to request a weapon, drop it for someone else and take another one. Responses: @The_Captain: Thanks for the display EH advice. That will be useful for all other implementations too. I added that info to BIKI. @Whisper: Thanks for spotting the localisation log warning. @Squeeze: Thanks for the arty concepts from CTI. @Pogoman: As mentioned, I'll try to fix the kit limiting exploit in version 1.4. @mad rabbit: 1) "Game manual." Main issue is lack of time. Will try. 2) "3mb" - not an issue. 3) "Manual deployed object placement." A little tricky - need to handle collisions, slopes, distance restrictions, etc. Will consider. 4) "Arty." Try the new arty options and we'll see. I don't want to use addons (like mortar) for now. 5) Goes against my small mission dilema. May have to leave them in and fix the bases, zone sizes and spacing as required. 6) "Limit Satchels & Silent weapons to SF, not for AT kit." Ok I'll consider that. @All: Thanks to the local communities for the feedback.
  12. dr_eyeball

    Real View Mirror?

    I think they are changing the slogan for Arma 2 to something like: "If you see the T-90 in your Skoda's rear view mirror, it's already too late."
  13. dr_eyeball

    middle eastern civilians

    Looks great. Only thing I'd question is the striped shirts - it'd be rare.
  14. I've got a manual indirect arty system which sounds similar to that. I could probably convert it to a client side addon easy enough if it looks suitable. Images: (images are a little out of date, but similar) Arty bearing, elevation details Laser marker spotting Arty impact detection It's got: - Added Artillery HUD to artillery guns upon mounting. Info supports initial firing and successive adjusted firing. - Added 'Calc firing solution (map)' to 'HQ Support'->'Artillery' menu. This gives the gunner a bearing and distance to target. - Artillery impact spotting via 3rd party observer. Any team member who has a laser marker while being near an impact site (within 1500m) will automatically report impact details. Manual spotting proved to be too difficult for spotters. - Synchronised artillery aiming & firing by nearby AI in your group upon your initial fire. (optional)
  15. dr_eyeball

    GC 2008 Press Coverage

    Awesome stuff. The industrial theme will be well suited. Rather good promotion this time round. Was hoping to hear more about new functionality, more than engine and graphics upgrades which I already know is going to be good. Any mention of the destruction system? Here's a summary image of the PDF contents, which may be used to help promote it on other forums: Full Size Thumbnail Image @Praelium: It's intended as a thumbnail, ya dodo.
  16. dr_eyeball

    AI creator script

    nuxil's reply was the solution: you've got syntax errors with redundant quotes on lines: 139, 148, 157
  17. dr_eyeball

    Custom Sounds in Missions

    It sounds like (no pun intended) you're looking for setSoundEffect command which is in fact a trigger command, as you've requested. The wiki says whether you need to use: CfgSounds, CfgEnvSounds or CfgSFX for each param. I haven't tried a custom sound for it yet, but using existing sounds, you can do: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _trig = createTrigger["EmptyDetector", _pos]; _trig setTriggerActivation["ANY", "PRESENT", true]; _trig setTriggerArea[100, 100, 0, false]; _trig setSoundEffect["ICE_null", "", "", 'DogSfx']; Tip: I couldn't get the 'SoundDet' parameter (4th param) to work without at least defining some sound effect too (1st param), so I created a fake sound in CfgSounds called <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class ICE_null {name = ""; titles[] = {0}; sound[] = {"", 1, 1}; Regarding your other statement, if you want the sound to be localised, don't use 'playSound', but try 'say' instead, depending on your case. I'm not familiar with the idea of using game logics with sound. Also, the description.ext wiki page is incomplete since it doesn't give examples for: class CfgSFX class CfgEnvSounds class CfgVehicles
  18. dr_eyeball

    Custom Sounds in Missions

    createSoundSource says the sound comes from cfgVehicles, not cfgSounds. Eg: see sounds.pbo config.cpp <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgVehicles { class Sound { scope = 0; side = -1; animated = "false"; vehicleClass = "Sounds"; icon = "\ca\data\data\vlajka"; mapSize = 10; }; class LittleDog: Sound { scope = 2; sound = "LittleDogSfx"; displayName = "$STR_DN_LITTLE_DOG"; }; CfgSounds works with commands like: say, playSound There are many different sound classes and specific commands for each class which are often not interchangable. Eg: class CfgRadio class CfgSounds class CfgMusic class CfgSFX class CfgEnvSounds class CfgVehicles There is already some sound details in wiki at Description.ext#Sounds which covers some of the issues you had and which GIJOE94 had too. Tip: Put all sounds in folder 'sound' not 'sounds', then you don't need the file path/folder prefix anymore. Tip: The line "sounds[] = {......};" seems to be not required any more. Tip: If you're not a sound maker, you can play *.ogg files for preview using VLC media player.
  19. Eg: to get east score, you could: - create a island sized trigger detecting east units. - Generate a list of players and crew members from the trigger's list. - Then sum the scores of that generated player list. Same for west. Or you could use the same trigger for both sides and just detect the unit's side.
  20. dr_eyeball

    Query set Viewdistance

    Unfortunately, that's correct. There is no command for that. Generally you would simply set a default, then track that value on the client. Here's some code I gave to someone recently to simply demonstrate it. Quote: Not tested, but this should work and is the easiest solution using player action menu. init.sqf <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Client_ViewDistance = 2000; setViewDistance Client_ViewDistance; player addAction ["View dist +", "setViewDist.sqf", [500], -1, false, true, ""]; player addAction ["View dist -", "setViewDist.sqf", [-500], -1, false, true, ""]; setViewDist.sqf <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (isNil "Client_ViewDistance") then {Client_ViewDistance = 1000}; _vd = (_this select 3) select 0; // if called via Action Menu Client_ViewDistance = Client_ViewDistance+_vd; if (Client_ViewDistance < 500) then {Client_ViewDistance = 500}; if (Client_ViewDistance > 10000) then {Client_ViewDistance = 10000}; setViewDistance Client_ViewDistance; If you want fancy stuff, you'll need dialogs: Image
  21. dr_eyeball

    Ctrl+F multiple sqs files at once?

    Here's the syntax highlighting link for NotePad++. Great editor program and it's free, unlike the others. Syntax Highlighting for SQF and SQM/EXT
  22. Looking for advice on how to prevent the Escape key from closing a dialog. Possible solutions: I'm guessing it would somehow be done via User_Interface_Event_Handlers, which are easy enough, but I still don't know how to prevent the closure. Perhaps it's controlled via a return value in one of the functions or EH's? Situation: After having no success from this child dialogs discussion, I have resorted to combining 2 dialogs into 1. I have nested a popup menu dialog into another commander dialog and the instinct is to press Esc to close the menu, but that will close the commander dialog too. Instead I want to close dialogs only via a ["X"] close icon in the window/menu title bar (or some other controlled manner). Example: Screenshot Long discussion for a simple question...
  23. dr_eyeball

    Full ArmA2 website on 1.9.

    This is a good sign to see it updated with a site launch date. It has begun... I do hope they may have progressed enough for it to be released around the end of the year (Dec/Jan).
  24. dr_eyeball

    Watkin Mountains, Island

    Very nice terrain. Love the shear cliffs and its ruggedness preventing you from simply driving from point A to B. Some very widely scattered and isolated spruce/pine trees would look good. Eg: image 1, image 2, image 3. Don't think it needs anything else. Wouldn't bother with roads unless it naturally fits the terrain. Even scattered buildings/huts are easy enough to add by mission maker. Would love to see this in a desert or even grassed version eventually, simply because it's too beautiful to conduct war here the way it is. Good work. Edit: Are those wind sounds at 500m+ ASL (while walking) part of ArmA, or did you add them in? Ceiling Height: Why is that happening? Not only can you not take off, if you're already flying a chopper, you will be slowly forced to the ground for any height above roughly 1530m ASL. Is there a terrain ceiling height setting that needs to be set or is that an ArmA limitation?
  25. dr_eyeball

    MP: isNull or isPlayer

    Sounds like you need to do isNil checks instead. They'll probably never be null anyway, even if dead, but will probably be nil if not occupied. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_med1 = if (isNil "alpha_10") then {0} else {1};