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Everything posted by dr_chris

  1. Solid copy. Good guide, Friz. I'd be interested to know on an average operation for an Arma unit just how much time is taken up on the net by unneeded filler.
  2. dr_chris

    stamina bar indicator

    I find it pretty simple as it is, when you start slowing down and heavy breathing/screen blurring you know you're out of stamina. You also get a feel for it pretty easily after a while by just using some loadouts a few times and learning from that.
  3. We had issues with this since last Arma update for some reason. Fix for us was to rename the AiATP folder to something much shorter, booted the server up and it worked. Just in case this helps anyone!
  4. I think all the Chris' are still around - I think you're probably meaning Pathy Chris. I do remember you being around 4 or 5 years ago though, so hi from me also. Steve is off being northern somewhere, sadly.
  5. dr_chris

    U.S. States and countries with similar GDPs

    ...Lord of the Rings isn't real? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  6. Very much looking forward to the ACE/ACRE compatible version!
  7. dr_chris

    Very Unprofessional Assassins

    @pviera11 You make me lol. I didn't realise we had a resident professional assassin here. It's either that or you're a clueless idiot who has a very false sense of expertise in subjects of which you haven't the faintest of clues.
  8. dr_chris

    Beating of a criminal

    Especially if you are trying to land a giant turd or a used condom.
  9. dr_chris

    ive started my own hand to hand combat style based off....

    And armchair generals recycle insightful quotes :D
  10. dr_chris

    ive started my own hand to hand combat style based off....

    I love how everyone on the Internet is an expert fighter with a 10 inch dick. Get a fucking grip and talk about martial arts, not how many 6'7" cage fighters you beat up every weekend whilst out with your supermodel girlfriends. Martial arts don't have to be used for fighting these days, it's a great form of fitness above anything else.
  11. dr_chris

    Wrong CD key

    A nice photo of the CD would even be SOMETHING.
  12. That looks pretty good actually, more interesting and varied than domination. Looking forward to seeing the finished deal.
  13. dr_chris

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I can't believe they would even consider building a mosque near Ground Zero! It's not like any muslims have lost their lives over the consequences of what happened there, or that any muslims died when the buildings were hit... and there CERTAINLY aren't any muslim soldiers in the US/British armed forces fighting for their countries! And there certainly aren't thousands of muslims fighting in the guise of the ANA against people who are a threat to the USA/UK. Just in case my message wasn't clear enough, the OP of the Mosque story is a fucking retard.
  14. dr_chris

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    Let us know when you've finished it then. :)
  15. dr_chris

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    I have no idea what you just said. :confused:
  16. dr_chris

    ive started my own hand to hand combat style based off....

    I still think you'd be better off biting their nipples off
  17. OFP3 is going to suck balls, why does it matter to anyone who isn't going to buy it? I am not going to buy it, thus I really don't care how crap it is.
  18. dr_chris

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    I am sure that this means we shall still see new versions of Domination being released.
  19. dr_chris

    ive started my own hand to hand combat style based off....

    That is all well and good, but how are you going to defend yourself when someone is biting your nipples off? HMMM?!
  20. dr_chris

    SAS software

    If you can tell me the colour of the boathouse there is no more I can teach you on your quest to being SAS literate.
  21. First of all we at VCB hope that everyone has had a great Christmas and that your New Years resolutions are holding up well. In between our few festive drinks (hiccup!) and the piles of Christmas food, we have had plenty of opportunities to play ArmAII around the holiday season. As well as several very successful and enjoyable missions, we have had a few late Christmas presents! Read on for more. Operations - Just a couple of examples Operation Portabello This operation saw VCB starting on the Southern coast of Chernarus after a beach insertion. 3 Platoon were tasked with pushing North East up a road towards the OPFOR occupied town of Kamenka, taking out small positions on the way. The fighting patrol pushed NE up the road, successfully clearing OPFOR positions en route and inflicting maximum casualties. The 3 Pl then put in a recce on the town of Kamenka in order to gain intelligence on enemy numbers, patrols and combat support. This then lead on to an assault by 1 and 2 Section on the town, with 3 Section providing fire support. The town had been well fortified and the OPFOR consisted of veterans of multiple battles with both UK forces and CDF forces. After a drawn out, ranged fire fight and upon the arrival of a QRF to the town of Kamenka, the decision was made to withdraw from the battle in order to regroup with the rest of A Coy. Taking several casualties, 3 Pl were able to withdraw from the area and injured blokes were seen to by our Pl medic. This was our first full Operation using ACE. Operation Cumberland 3 Platoon VCB were tasked with securing the area of a downed US Marine UH-1 and to locate and extract the crew. After patrolling in to the last known area of the aircraft from our FUP, 1 Section came under fire from an enemy patrol in woodland to our North. After 2 and 3 Section moved up to support and the enemy patrol was wiped out, we were able to locate and destroy the crashed helicopter. Unfortunately all of the US crew were found dead nearby. A quick sweep of the area was carried out in order to wipe out any remaining OPFOR and we moved back through our RV points to our vehicles at the FUP to the South. Naturally, this then turned in to the rally phase, which involved much screaming from the people in the back of Land Rovers, all at the mercy of psychotic drivers. New Equipment/Procurements We have been lucky enough to procure several new bits of kit and modifications in order to enhance our gaming experience, whilst keeping it realistic and bollocks free. Here is a (non-extensive) list of what we've got: - Server updated with ACE2 - UKF Jackal - Customised infantry using the new Multicam that is now being made standard issue across all UK forces. - RKSL Lynx - Kellu Island - Podagorsk Island ...as well as a few other bits and bobs. Looking carefully at some of our screenshots both here and on our forum may give a bit of a clearer picture. A big post for a big set of news! Thank you for reading and if this sparks up interest about VOLCBAT or you think that you might enjoy playing as a member of the unit, then please feel free to head on over to our website + forum where you will be able to browse more screenshots, have a read of what we're about and apply should you so wish. A few screenshots from recent Ops 1 Section, chilling out in the romantic glow of a cylume The survivors, trying to look warry Thanks! Dr_Chris
  22. dr_chris

    weapon fans of the UK

    And there lies the problem. There are FAR too many idiots about. Criminals haven't always been caught breaking the law, either, so whilst you could argue "noone with a criminal record could own one", if they've not been caught yet they would still be able to purchase a firearm legit. Basically it's a ridiculous idea to allow people free access to pistols or automatic weapons in this country, and this is coming from someone who loves shooting. Let us not forget what firearms were created for; to kill people. A job at which they are very effective.
  23. dr_chris

    Child soldier [Feature request to BIS]

    Not that I am voicing my opinion on the original poster or this subject, but I have plenty of 18/19 year old mates who have served overseas who don't even have to shave yet, so that's not strictly true at all.
  24. Has he posted any news or updates? That'll be the best hint!