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Everything posted by dr_chris

  1. dr_chris

    New OFP website

    And that has what to do with the Armed Assault forum?
  2. dr_chris

    New OFP website

    And that has what to do with the Armed Assault forum?
  3. dr_chris

    40 Commando Royal Marines

    Never served then I take it
  4. dr_chris

    23rd Ground Division

    Normally I would not post in a public area, but I would like the community to see the following PM I received: I am currently speaking to both Griff and Smiley, I regularly speak to Q and Viper has stated his dismay at seeing this. Please can you not tell lies in order to try and claim the name of such a well respected old unit, as this is putting the 23rd name to shame. I know the 'old' website was made by smookie, however Smookie was not a leader of the original 23rd. The REAL old website which was www.23rd-div.com which was owned and run by myself, plus the domain previous to that (dating back 5-6 years) is where the real original website was, not the copy made by smookie. I believe the leaders of the 23rd will be in contact with you shortly to discuss this further. EDIT: If you check this website - http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.23rd-div.com - you can see the domain was registered in 2005, after I joined. Click on '2003' and then click the bottom buttons to see the members, and notice none of the leaders have approved of this.
  5. dr_chris

    23rd Ground Division

    Ah right, because I was an NCO in the 23rd for about a year and a half - back when it was run by Q, Smiley, Griff - and I don't recognise any of you. Or the people who 'restarted' it one year ago. PM sent Edited to add: I was also a member up until about a month before it disbanded, and am currently talking to one of the people who WAS there when it disbanded... funny neither of us recognise any of your current members.
  6. dr_chris

    40 Commando Royal Marines

    Hi sorry, just a quickie. As the leader of RM could you advise as to what military experience you have in order to allow this? I'm just wondering as my military experience would suggest that in order to run a mission like it was real life, you'd need to sit in a hole full of cold water for 2 days, being mortared, before being told that your helicopter pickup has been swapped for a 4t truck.
  7. dr_chris

    23rd Ground Division

    Did you guys ask permission from the original leaders of the 23rd to 'restart' it? I am not sure you can restart a unit without any of the original people in place, as surely you are then just trying to use a well known name to get more players.
  8. dr_chris

    -{GOL}- Clan Now recruiting

    I dont quite understand the question fully, but i got the year of "training" by him for a year then he was called to afganistan when it began anyway this isnt a thread about my history if you are still confused just PM me OK cheers mate will PM you, just in your interview you basically said he went to afghan before it had started and that GOL was there before OFP was even released. Thanks though i will PM
  9. dr_chris

    -{GOL}- Clan Now recruiting

    Just a quick query Chris, how did you get trained by an 'army officer' for a year who then got deployed to Afghan before it even started? Just curious, cheers.
  10. dr_chris

    PSF GROM DESERT Beta v1.

    Black skin colour isn't native to britain either, but there are plenty of people in the British Army of all races. Same as there are in pretty much any army these days
  11. dr_chris


    Sorry should've mentioned I tried that too. I'm currently downloading the UK version of ArmA to see if it'll run ready patched to 1.08. Legally I might add.
  12. dr_chris


    Hi, I've got a new PC today and when trying to patch up from the German v1.00 (legal, have the box etc. etc.) I get to 1.05 international patch then when I try to run ArmA it says: "Error compiling vertex shader VSTerrain" It works fine when I run it on 1.00 but only does this when I patch to 1.05. Any ideas? Thanks
  13. dr_chris


    They give you an awful headache
  14. dr_chris

    BSF STUDIOS proudly presents

    An L86A2 is almost entirely the same as an L85A2. The differences are the extended barrel, bipod and handle on the butt of the weapon. It's longer barrel gives it a higher degree of accuracy at range, the bipod and handle giving it more stability for sustained fire. Other than that, though, it's main feature is that it weighs more and is a pain in the backside.
  15. dr_chris

    BSF STUDIOS proudly presents

    No it shouldn't. I can't tell you how much fun me and the guys have been having playing with British kit again. It's given ArmA a new life again for me. UGL sights are fantastic (unlike the M203 which is a pain in the arse when you're not using it) SUSAT looks a lot smoother and cleaner when looking down it and the BFA's make our training a lot more varied. Good job to everyone who has anything to do with this release. Can't wait for the new stuff
  16. dr_chris

    BSF STUDIOS proudly presents

    That's fair enough if that is the case. Our server does not allow 3rd person though, as we think it's a bit poo. It's not a big problem though, the Javelin is still easy to shoot as long as you don't move it too far either way once you're out of the 'V' sight. It's still one of my favourite things ever
  17. dr_chris


    Assault order for British infantry is: 95 trousers 1x Smock (Field jacket) Boots Webbing Helmet Weapon Daysack (or patrol pack) We don't go out without helmets. Any idea how easy it is to crack your head on a door frame or similar? It's not about bullets, a 7.62 will go through one. It's about general protection and keeping you effective to fight. When you see people in berets, that is more the hearts and minds approach. Not looking hostile to friendly civilians and such, we don't go into danger areas without helmets, though.
  18. dr_chris

    BSF STUDIOS proudly presents

    Having a look at the config, seems that the only weapons where the firemodes and sound are defined for gunfire are the SA80s/LSWs (other than the ones that have unique UKF sounds like the L96s) and they are as I said, pathed to the default BIS sounds in weapons.pbo. The L85A2 is using the M16 sound for me, 'tis just the LSW using default sounds. Anyway, thanks for explaining the reasons, I'm a complete noob when it comes to how addons are made.
  19. dr_chris

    Lower Grass

    Fantastic, thanks! Awsome work in that case mate.
  20. dr_chris

    BSF STUDIOS proudly presents

    Sound replacement packs wont work with these since sounds are now defined in the config for each weapon rather than the magazine (as was the case in OFP) and since sound mods just re-path the location of the sound files for BIS addons to their own rather than overwriting the actual sound files, they won't so the same for user-made weapons. As for converting the WMIKs and Warriors; the WIP vehicles UKF have for ArmA, already make significant improvements on the OFP releases. I know Messiah's pretty proud of the new WMIKs and looks at the old ones with some disdain in light of what he's done this time around and what he has planned feature-wise for them, so would be rather reluctant to let anyone convert them. I think Orson would probably speak similarly of the Warrior given that even the later beta versions for OFP looked miles better than the previous public release. With regards to the weapon sounds, the Minime, GPMG and SA80 all use the same sounds as their equivalent US one. I use chammy's sound pack and the SA80 with stanag sounds the same, GPMG sounds like M240 and minime like an M249 with Chammy's. I don't understand why it's just the SA80 LSW that sounds different. Personally I love them with my sound mod. As for the Warrior/WMIK - that's fair enough! I just can't wait to get both of these in game. The WIP of the landies I've seen look fantastic
  21. dr_chris

    Lower Grass

    A bit more explanation would be good. Does it work only client side? Do mission makers need to add anything to their missions for this to be enabled? Will this once added to my addons folder, make grass lower on all missions I play even if the server doesn't have the addon?
  22. dr_chris

    BSF STUDIOS proudly presents

    Very good pack in all. Just a few comments: - As scott said, the Javelin sight is misaligned, so once you've pressed V, right clicked the target to aim at, then you come out and use the smaller sight in first person view, it points the launcher to the left and therefore a miss. - L96A1 seems a bit weak, I'm hitting people in the torso from about 4-500 metres and it's not killing them. L96 is a powerful weapon, and really should be a kill up to the higher ranges. - L86A2 - seems to use default BIS sounds and doesn't work with my soundpack? Not sure why that is. - Any chance of grenade vests for the UGL that hold 24 grenades? Plus I would love you forever if you were able/allowed to get the WMIK and Warriors over from OFP. Mmmmm. Very good work though mate, these DPMs and weapons are now standard on our missions.
  23. dr_chris


    Forgive me for posting here and not PMing, but as he is away and people are so eager I've hosted it on our website temporarily until there are some more mirrors around: Sorry for being a noob, not sure how to make those links work.. tried the http:// button and it didn't link to the download.