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About Premises187

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  1. Premises187

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Outrageous! I guess this supporter badge signifies that I'm the idiot for buying the supporter edition. Never again.
  2. Premises187

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Has anyone looked into RAM speeds? With ArmA2:OA I recall getting a whole 10fps from a RAM speed upgrade. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?111764 Is anyone running 2400mhz or 2133mhz?
  3. I got kicked from #2 server earlier today by Battleye for CreateVehicle. I chose independent > Priest unit > Start Before I got into the game I got a Battleye kick message. On the server list screen I could see I was a seagull. Anyway I joined a next server and it was fine.
  4. Premises187

    Memory Speeds Are Important?

    Typo. No need to act like a dunce about it. Lol I highly doubt having 2x SSD will give you 20 extra FPS just for having them hooked up. On my test there is hardly any HDD activity after load.
  5. I wanted to get some better performance in ArmA2:OA So I started upgrading my PC I created a scene in the editor to benchmark my performance Zargabad on a rooftop with 27 idle solders in view. AMD 240 (2.8GHz) GTX 260 (216 stream processor, 896MB) 4GB DDR2 24fps I read that ArmA2 is pretty CPU intensive so I upped from the AMD240 to the best thing my mother board could handle. AMD 1090T @ 3.2GHz. That CPU upgrade gave me only 4 more fps :confused: New top score 28fps So I thought it had to be my graphics card seriously holding me back. So I changed the nVidia GTX 260 into a nVidia GTX 460 OC 1GB. That only gave me a 2 FPS increase. New top score 30fps Now running at 30fps from the old 24fps made the game more playable, but I was still not too happy with the small FPS gain for the money spent. That's when I decided to look into better RAM. So I bought 2x2GB OCZ DDR2 1066MHz. My frame rate jump up a whole 10 frames! New top score 40fps The game is now much much more playable!
  6. Ok guys. I've done my own benchmarking before updating from 1.04 to 1.05. I basically used the Chernarus map and placed a few idle infantry groups. Graphics settings were put on medium for the tests. I just loaded this custom made mission and let it idle while watching for a steady framerate with FRAPS. Results 1.04 got 40fps 1.05 got 39fps Also I decided to remove all units accept myself 1.04 got 66fps 1.05 got 63fps Also I made screen shots for comparison purposes ArmA 1.04 http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/2600/arma2104.png ArmA 1.05 http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/4531/arma2105.png The results show a very small frame drop with the new version. In 1.05 you can see some nice distance improvements. SPECS AMD 620 x4 2GB DDR2 @800 Geforce 260 GTX