I wanted to get some better performance in ArmA2:OA
So I started upgrading my PC
I created a scene in the editor to benchmark my performance
Zargabad on a rooftop with 27 idle solders in view.
AMD 240 (2.8GHz)
GTX 260 (216 stream processor, 896MB)
I read that ArmA2 is pretty CPU intensive so I upped from the AMD240 to the best thing my mother board could handle. AMD 1090T @ 3.2GHz.
That CPU upgrade gave me only 4 more fps :confused:
New top score
So I thought it had to be my graphics card seriously holding me back. So I changed the nVidia GTX 260 into a nVidia GTX 460 OC 1GB. That only gave me a 2 FPS increase.
New top score
Now running at 30fps from the old 24fps made the game more playable, but I was still not too happy with the small FPS gain for the money spent.
That's when I decided to look into better RAM. So I bought 2x2GB OCZ DDR2 1066MHz.
My frame rate jump up a whole 10 frames!
New top score
The game is now much much more playable!