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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. Ticket it to be sure - https://dev-heaven.net/projects/stmh6/issues Check the OP - I don't plan to do any other vehicles aside from the xH-6 family. Yes, ST uses an old version of ACE Littlebirds that match how the default OA ones behave. Yes, and it's on my to-do list. Celle. Server-side only isn't really a practical solution for this.
  2. froggy, fixed it. Version 0.81 has been released. Update should resolve the pilot FFV issue. More info https://dev-heaven.net/news/711
  3. This definitely should not happen. If you find repro steps (ie: what mods you're using, what helo, OA version, etc) post them to the tracker. W/S (or rather - moveForward/moveBack) should only work when sitting on the bench seats. If you're in FFV mode, W toggles into it and S toggles out. After that, normal action menu bits apply. Check the wiki if you're not sure how it's supposed to work.
  4. Can you report this on our tracker with some repro steps? Not quite sure what you mean.
  5. Added, it'll be in the next release. I like that you only have awareness out to 50m, and then have to start looking around. The core intent of STHUD is to represent peripheral/local awareness, not 'global' awareness, so I think the absence of any 'minimarkers' on the edge is in keeping with that intent.
  6. dslyecxi

    Dslyecxi's MH-6 Practice Scenario

    Can't repro that here, works fine for me.
  7. New release, changelog is: * Added configs for: Moschnyi, Cicada, Hazar-Kot Valley. * Markers for units inside vehicles use the vehicle's direction. * Potential fix for missions that use assignTeam in unit inits. * HUD compass requires having ItemCompass in your inventory. * Marker distance ignores height differences. * Partial A2 compatibility (no support for team colours). * Fixed a bug where restarting the HUD would recreate an internal local object. You can find the download here: https://dev-heaven.net/projects/sthud/files
  8. Not really - the placement of the direction indicators is more a move of convenience than an attempt to mimick any given other game's method. Haven't tested it on A2 alone, it's primarily intended for OA with the assignedTeam changes that came in 1.60.
  9. This release introduces a cardinal direction compass integrated into the HUD. This can be toggled off through the fthud_usermenu (alt-shift-h) for those that don't want to use it. Also has the 'names only' option in the usermenu added. Get it here: https://dev-heaven.net/projects/sthud/files
  10. I was going to add that until I thought that it'd probably go unused. I guess I can enable it. It's a bit amusing to think that a floating name display is 'ok' for 'hardcore realism' types, yet a situational awareness indicator (the HUD itself) isn't. But hey, whatever. :) This has been considered and will likely show up some day. Shouldn't collide unless you do the full combo of shift-alt-H.
  11. Latest version includes an optional addon called fthud_usermenu. This is something we intend to flesh out a bit more in the future, but for right now it has two functions: Allows you to restart the HUD. This is useful if you change into/out of window mode and the HUD distorts/disappears, but shouldn't need to be used otherwise. Allows you to change to radar-only, names + radar, or turn the HUD off entirely. The key combo to bring this menu up is shift-alt-H. You can find it here: https://dev-heaven.net/projects/sthud/files
  12. Sort by date, pick the newest. I think that's reasonably clear. The naming convention will stick to the latest format in the future.
  13. We'll have something out in the near future that will allow you to toggle those names if you want. We may have a version that addresses this in the future (though it must be said that the STHUD is designed to work on the latest Combined Arms setup), but for now, you should just use the 1.59 version.
  14. Sounds like the mission you were playing has a map area marker near origin. It requires 1.60+ OA to function. If A2 didn't get the updates for the assignedTeam scripting command like OA did, it presumably would not work. The old 1.59 version is still available on DH if so. If not, if it's something else, make a ticket with details and we'll look at it. As a general thing, though, the intent is to support the current version of A2+OA, so if there's some obscure A2-only bug, the probable response will still be "1.60 OA is required".
  15. dslyecxi

    ShackTac Movement addons

    Oh wait, this is the STmovement thread. Whoops. SThud should be 2.0 - if so, I can update STmovement with v2 sigs. Let me know if SThud v2 sig works and I'll do so.
  16. dslyecxi

    ShackTac Movement addons

    As far as I was aware, the method used to sign the last few releases was v2. If that's not the case, someone needs to provide documentation for it, because I simply CBF to try to sort it out via the lacking documentation I attempted to use previously.
  17. No, the group leader is in charge of that. That's how it's worked since Operation Flashpoint, and that seems to be the best and most logical way to handle it.
  18. Minor update, fixes an issue with assigned teams having the wrong fade-out method. http://dev-heaven.net/attachments/download/16095/120104_sthud_160.7z Also adds configs for the CWR2 islands. @froggy - I think you imagined that. :) It's not something we have planned currently, but if someone wanted to contribute code for that, we could integrate it.
  19. dslyecxi

    Shack Tactical - Serious Fun!

    Another year and ShackTac's still tickin' - today marks our sixth anniversary as a group, whee! :cool: If you're looking for a group where the community experience is paramount and your personality means more than your tactical proficiency, ShackTac is the group for you. When we say 'serious fun', it's more than just a catchy tag - it's an ethos that we strive to maintain and refine year after year. If you want the ultimate in hardcore milsim, look elsewhere - that's not our thing. If, on the other hand, you're looking for a community atmosphere that is second-to-none, with "where it matters" pragmatic, no-nonsense tactics adopted from our detailed TTP2 - step right up and apply. :) I've put together a page of images used in our internal discussion of the year's events - accessible here. Our own CHKilroy has once again made a fantastic video recap of the year - HD recommended as always:
  20. dslyecxi

    ShackTac Movement addons

    Pretty sure it's still relevant. We still use it, at least.
  21. New version released. This includes significant performance improvements - the HUD draws much, much faster and just looks sexier all around. Find it here: http://dev-heaven.net/news/686 Yapal is included.
  22. We've released a version of the ShackTac Fireteam HUD that supports group color-coding (as well as support for a few more islands). To use it, simply use the in-game interface to select team members, then hit 9-> assign them to a team, and a few seconds later you will see it reflect your changes (which are propagated to all clients in your group). You can find the new version on our Devheaven page, here: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/sthud/files
  23. Hey Messiah, We ran into this issue in ArmA1 awhile back. Our solution was to do our session joining in what we call a "Join in progress presession mission". This is basically just a simple, zero-frills mission which has sufficient slots for our anticipated turnout. People start connecting to this ~15 or more minutes before the session actually starts, and join all the way into the mission (which is just people messing around in-game). Once we are at the real 'start time' for the session, we go back to the mission select screen, pick the real first mission of the night, slot in, and start from there. This prevents the sort of hang-on-connecting issues that happen if you "dry" slot into a mission with many clients connecting in a short period of time.
  24. dslyecxi

    Shack Tactical - Serious Fun!

    October finds ShackTac making the transition from ol' faithful Yoma's AddonSync over to Sickboy's 6updater program for our mod distribution. YAS has served us well for years, but as the times change, it seems inevitable that 6updater is the way to go for us. Many thanks to Yoma for YAS and his past efforts and support, as well as to Sickboy for both his program and his ever-chipper support and enthusiasm for his projects. Aside from this, we've been doing some training events lately - one of them is posted below, showing a Fireteam Leadership course hosted October 2nd by Bricks & assistants. This event was a fun way to give some aspiring and current leaders a way to develop and refine their skills, reinforce the good habits, and correct the bad ones. It went quite well, and CHKilroy put together a video of it for the benefit of those unable to attend - both in and out of ShackTac. It's about an hour and a half long, but if you're looking for some good leadership tips and examples of how to conduct interesting and engaging training, it should entertain. Then of course we have stuff like this next clip, showing a slice of the kind of high-intensity engagements we're so fond of getting into - perfect opportunities to practice the sorts of skills gained in the above training. Like what you see and want to know more? Check out our site, where you can find joining instructions & prerequisites, session galleries, and more.