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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. dslyecxi

    Dslyecxi's MH-6 Practice Scenario

    This "shouldn't" happen due to how the mission works. Provided that your helo is powered on and rotors are spinning (as it defaults at the start), as soon as you 'prep' a course it will place you in the starting position and disable simulation of the helo, effectively freezing you in place. I have heard of someone having your issue before; for them, the problem was that:
  2. dslyecxi

    ShackTac Movement addons

    It's clientside, and as of 1.56 it is still relevant.
  3. New version, see root post for link. Changes are:
  4. XTUShyevIl0 Something neat made on a whim. :)
  5. dslyecxi

    Shack Tactical - Serious Fun!

    You can find a nice ShackTac MH-6 training mission over in this thread. Video preview below. 7ThNyR_fY0M
  6. dslyecxi

    Dslyecxi's MH-6 Practice Scenario

    You only have to restart if you actually die. If your helo is broken, get out... get back in... helo fixed, problem solved.
  7. dslyecxi

    Dslyecxi's MH-6 Practice Scenario

    I'd thought of doing this, but decided against it because it's typically not how we fly. For troop drops in particular, it's very rare to have a smoked LZ. Instead, you're following your flight lead into the area and making your landing based on their lead. Part of the skill-building aspect of it is in being able to follow a dynamic lead, mimic what they do, without it having to be a completely pre-planned approach. Often you end up in situations where at the last second an LZ has to change for a variety of reasons, and when that occurs, being able to seamlessly switch over to that sort of on-the-fly follow-the-leader becomes key. It really wouldn't be hard to make a from-the-ground-up training mission based on the record-a-path BIS functions. I'm sure someone out there is working on such a thing.
  8. dslyecxi

    Dslyecxi's MH-6 Practice Scenario

    This is why it's called "practice" and not "training". It's not intended for the strictly novice (though there are a few basic things you can learn from it), more oriented towards intermediate/advanced pilots. If I had a lot more free time, I'd look into doing a from-the-ground-up pilot training mission. Sadly, that is not the case for the present time.
  9. 7ThNyR_fY0M From the MH-6 practice scenario I created - more info on it can be found here.
  10. dslyecxi

    Dslyecxi's MH-6 Practice Scenario

    Nope, I've been flying mouse/keyboard since OFP. I'll use a joystick in a proper sim out of necessity, but in ArmA's case I find the mouse/keyboard to be a better combination.
  11. dslyecxi

    ShackTac Movement addons

    I see no evidence to support that at present, so until proven otherwise, I'd say that no, it isn't "obsolete". I won't be checking 1.55 until after it's on Steam, so there's no way to compare currently, and the changelogs do not mention it.
  12. dslyecxi

    ShackTac Movement addons

    They are aware of this.
  13. dslyecxi

    ShackTac Movement addons

    This has no change on how your fire geometry is. What you see is what you get, still - if it hits the weapon, it hits the weapon, if it hits the character, same deal as always.
  14. While waiting for everyone to pile in for our Saturday session, someone suggested doing a pinnacle extract of a bunch of players I'd inserted onto a mosque via Littlebird previously. Not having tried that before, and certainly not on such a tricky LZ, I figured... sure, what the hell! :D The result was pretty nice. Very tense thing to do, got to give a lot of credit to Madcows, the impromptu ramp crew chief, for talking me onto the LZ. ABIczvmhGzI
  15. dslyecxi

    ShackTac Movement addons

    Wishing for a robust solution is nice, but that isn't a reflection of the actual options available right now. How BIS can do it, and how a mod can do it, are two completely different things. You can stick with wishes for the future, but I (and clearly many, many others out there) want a solution that works now, even if that means it isn't 100% perfect from a "realism" standpoint.
  16. dslyecxi

    ShackTac Movement addons

    Unfortunately that's something that is beyond a modder's grasp. It'd require BIS to work up a solution like that. Really, though, if you plot out the speeds ArmA characters move at, you're going around 5.5mph when walking with ironsights up already. That's definitely a "fast walk".
  17. dslyecxi

    ShackTac Movement addons

    Presumably they aren't.
  18. dslyecxi

    VBS 2 1.40 new features video

    Didn't see this thread until now, but... the system used to record that 1.4 video isn't even top of the line these days. Geforce 285, 2.8GHz quad core. There's no trickery involved. It's not some magical supercomputer or anything.
  19. dslyecxi

    ShackTac Movement addons

    The A2 weapons fire from the chamber, not the muzzle, so while you can stick the muzzle into/through thin walls in theory, you can't shoot through them, due to the chamber still being on the 'correct' side of the wall. So, no, you should not see any exploits like that, to the best of my knowledge based on having played with it for awhile now.
  20. dslyecxi

    Shack Tactical - Serious Fun!

    We just released our movement addon to the public, you can find more information on it in this thread. It's quite a nice change for CQB, amongst other things. Enjoy! :)
  21. Probably the last one for now, but here's another MH-6 vid, this time showing some tail rotor loss recovery scenes from various angles. Another example of liking the music and wanting to put together a quick video with it. ;) qwLwQLZO6Do
  22. Another one, this time showing some practice LZs in an MH-6. Shoot & edit time was about three or four hours start to finish, pretty happy with how it came out as I've wanted to do a video to this music for awhile and this worked as a nice excuse for it. :) 6HFfV0SWBjs All piloting is by me as with the prior video ( ).
  23. Nothing too special, just a fun Littlebird chase scene. HD recommended of course. KHEOp75doYs
  24. If you (or someone else) could provide the details for it per the instructions in the root post, we could include it in the next update.