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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. dslyecxi

    ArmA Progress Updates

    It's a light machinegun. The range/accuracy/control isn't going to change dramatically when you cut a few inches off of the barrel. The weapon is ineffective or only mildly effective well before the barrel's shortened length comes into play. The only valid point there would be the "damage" being higher for a longer barrel at closer distances, but even then we're talking about maybe 20-40 yards of extra increased effectiveness. Maybe 50-75 if we're being extremely generous, and even then, unlike a rifle where you're only hitting the guy with a shot or so every time, an extremely easily controlled LMG like the 249 or Para is going to put a lot of rounds on target at your average engagement distance. So, in short, you're exaggerating the difference between the two weapons. Congrats for knowing that the barrel is shorter and that M855 fragments at "high" velocities (above 2700fps, to be precise), but to jump to your other conclusions based on that is erroneous.
  2. dslyecxi

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Seeing as how the M-249 SAW and the Para are the same basic weapons, firing the same ammo, just with different barrel lengths... oh, and considering that they're both MACHINEGUNS... someone with a SAW facing off against someone with a Para at any distance between say 100 and 500 meters would stand equal chances of killing each other. They're both light machineguns, anyway. What gave you the impression that the SAW would somehow triumph over the Para in such a situation, anyway?
  3. dslyecxi


    Type "bloom 0" in the console to disable the bloom, that's what causes it to be blurry. Alternatively, turn to DirectX instead of DirectX9c.
  4. dslyecxi

    DMA Lean-Roll-CroucRun-Croucmove

    The server I'm administering is a private server, and thus the modified config option for FDF is doable for us. In in the interest of not screwing up the config.cpp by editing it myself and breaking things, would you or anyone else be willing to modify a default FDF 1.4 config.cpp so that it uses these new animations? It'd be greatly appreciated.
  5. dslyecxi

    DMA Lean-Roll-CroucRun-Croucmove

    To be clear on this, if I want to use a collection of addons that aren't a "standalone" mod with a custom config like FDF, I can just have the server load the @DMALean mod folder and it'll work as long as clients have that loaded as well? Now, if I want to get the server running the @DMALean animations with FDF 1.4, I'll need to edit both the server's config.cpp and send out a new modified FDF .cpp for clients to download prior to connecting to the server? Am I correct, or is it possible to just use the @DMALean mod folder as explained above to get the same results without having to worry about config editing?
  6. dslyecxi

    Mission ideas

    This is a Hollywood-induced misperception of yours. "Real-life" artillery behaves basically like what you see in the CoC UA.. you call for fire, they dial it in, load the guns, fire the mission, and then you have to wait for the rounds to fly to your target before you get any of those satisfying booms. That's assuming that you don't fire spotting rounds first to make sure everything's aimed in properly. If you want it faster, you'd better pre-plot some locations for arty so that you can call fire on pre-plotted stuff when the SHTF. Bear in mind that BIS has developed an extremely high-fidelity artillery simulation for VBS1, so they of all people will have a good idea how the "Real stuff" works. It's up to them whether they simulate it at the same level for us PC gamers..