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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. dslyecxi

    Best of First-Person Tactical/Wargaming

    As an update on this, PC Gamer UK mentioned this article in their latest issue. They ended the mention with "You'll never look at Operation Flashpoint the same way again", so hopefully it'll act as nice PR for OFP as well as myself. You can find the article linked on the front page of my site. http://dslyecxi.com/
  2. dslyecxi

    Latest screenshots available

    Quoted for truth. This forum never ceases to amaze me with people just losing their minds over pre-alpha footage that is already waaaaay obsolete.
  3. dslyecxi

    ArmA Progress Updates

    What do they mean by that? Slide with a tank down the hill? That's strange... how do we crawl fast then? Say it with me: It's the E3 demo, and the E3 demo wasn't complete. Do not assume that everything you've read about the E3 demo automatically applies to the full game as well. It was a 75% done work-in-progress. Tons of stuff was missing.
  4. dslyecxi

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Yep. People getting upset over things missing in a 75% complete demo need to calm down and take a step back to get some perspective on things. BIS is a fantastic developer. Have a little faith in them, people.
  5. dslyecxi

    OFP : Happy Birthday 5 Years

    Quoted for truth. Best game ever. Happy birthday, Flashpoint.
  6. dslyecxi

    Latest screenshots available

    Sound like a new command I wouldn't read too much into anything like that. He could be interjecting his own terminology for the "Danger" command, or it could just be as simple as like what the Wargames League mod does, where the same commands as usual have different names.
  7. You need to read how to actually use the mortar. Try the WGL5 manual, or look at the section on WGL5 mortar gunnery in our TTP. I did another AAR of WGL5 action from a session we had on Sunday, this one's about an Escape & Evasion mission we played. You can find it here: http://dslyecxi.com/shackposts/wgl_escape_and_evasion.html
  8. Congrats on the full release. WGL deserves all the attention it can get, it's one hell of an experience. I must say also that it's very cool to see my AAR's in the root post. I look forward to seeing what you guys do for ArmA.
  9. dslyecxi

    Latest screenshots available

    You're so wrong it isn't even funny. Wait until the ArmA demo comes out, I'll record some footage of what the TrackIR looks like in one of our MP sessions, if you can't appreciate it after that.. hey, whatever. Your loss if so.
  10. dslyecxi

    William Porter's Blog

    The US forces use ACU, the South Sahrani guys use the old BDU's likely given to them as surplus leftovers from the US forces (ditto with their equipment like M113's), and the North Sahrani wear whatever the Russians (or whoever) supplied them with. It makes perfect sense to me.
  11. dslyecxi

    William Porter's Blog

    Having a standard feature be the option to change your uniform is just asking for trouble. Having it as an option on certain user-made missions may be ok, but making it so that any player can pick whatever uniform they want for a mission is completely unrealistic and a poor design decision. As a user-created thing after-the-fact, perhaps. As a standard feature for the core game, only if it works within the realm of believability. Such that you can change your ammo loadout, or pick a different optic for your weapon, but not do something stupid like wear a totally different uniform than the squad you're with. It's absurd to have the player wearing the same uniforms as the rest of his unit? Ooohkay. You can jump in a vehicle as a normal human being in the "Real world" and start driving even without a license. I don't see any reason why the same wouldn't be true in a virtual world. There's no reason for a soldier in the heat of combat to not be able to take over as a driver in a HMMWV if the driver is KIA or whatever. I never said that I was the "voice of the people". The $0.00 opinion sword cuts both ways.
  12. dslyecxi

    William Porter's Blog

    I find it amusing to see how people can be all for realism in some regards yet totally dismiss it in others. I don't personally know how the Army is doing it these days, but if I had to guess it's something similar to my experience in the Marines when we were transitioning from the old style cammies to the new MARPAT stuff. There was a period where people could wear the old ones, but after awhile they were phased out and no longer appropriate for wear. So, if the same basic situation has taken place in the Army, there's no way you'd be able to "choose" to wear the old BDU's. Your immediate superior (NCO) would likely eat you alive if you tried it. As to your last bit, like you said, you don't have any field experience. It's nice to hypothesize on things like this without any real-world experience, but always remember that you, again, do not have any real-world experience and thus your opinion in matters like this is worth precisely how much we pay for it ($0.00).
  13. dslyecxi

    William Porter's Blog

    I can't speak for ACU, but having had extensive experience with traditional woodland cammies and MARPAT woodland/desert, I'd take the MARPAT stuff any day of the week. During the transition period from the old to the new cammies, I paid careful attention to how much people stood out in various situations with the different types of camo. MARPAT was far superior, no questions asked. The original woodland camo pattern is just pathetic in comparison to anything else out there... it draws the eye's attention much moreso than digital camo. But hey, whatever. If you want to believe the digital camo isn't superior to the old stuff, by all means, feel free. I think the number of countries using it these days (or moving towards using it) speaks volumes for how effective it is.
  14. dslyecxi

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Did we ever get any kind of report on the Q&A session with BIS on the last day of the OFP Workshop II? I was waiting to read about it, but AFAIK noone ever said anything.
  15. dslyecxi

    William Porter's Blog

    Here's a composite I just made to illustrate the different patterns (ACU, MARPAT woodland, MARPAT desert). Four years, got out last August. This explains what MARPAT is.
  16. dslyecxi

    Latest screenshots available

    I wish they'd give me something to work with. I could've written a much better AAR than that. Not that it was bad, it's just that it could've been so much more. For reference, read any of these I've written and tell me if you'd like to see me do an ArmA one: http://dslyecxi.com/shackposts/wgl_medic.html http://dslyecxi.com/shackposts/wgl_june4.html http://dslyecxi.com/shackposts/nogova_virus.html http://www.dslyecxi.com/shackposts/desert_ambush.html http://www.dslyecxi.com/shackposts/ofpshackbattle.html Those are the ones written as actual AAR's. Picposts/light AAR's are here: http://dslyecxi.com/shackposts/wgl_june4.html http://www.dslyecxi.com/shackposts/ofp_nostalgia.html http://dslyecxi.com/shackposts/ofpoctnovsb.html Anyhow, hopefully one of these days I'll be able to do some kind of ArmA preview. I think I'd do a good job.
  17. dslyecxi

    Realism, Teamwork and Enjoyment.

    This sounds like it should be a lot of fun. Expect to see some people from ShackTac and some of the SA OFP Goons show up.
  18. dslyecxi

    William Porter's Blog

    Let me rephrase what I said. As a former US Marine, who has seen more MARPAT than you could shake a stick at and owns both woodland and desert MARPAT and wore it ALL THE TIME, the shots we've seen are NOT MARPAT and are actually Army ACU. It's not debateable. It's ACU. Every shot of ArmA I've seen that has a digital camo pattern has been of ACU. Every single one.
  19. dslyecxi

    William Porter's Blog

    The USMC MARPAT pattern looks distinctly different from the Army's ACU. The soldiers we've seen are Army, since they're wearing ACU camo.
  20. dslyecxi


    Chain of Command: Unified Artillery v1.1 Beta Preview 48 screens, 7 videos, all showing off the new as-yet-unreleased UA 1.1. If you guys were wondering what kind of improvements CoC did to the UA addon post-release of CoC UA 1.0, you should probably check that little article out. Summary is basically that UA 1.0 was just the tip of the iceberg. UA 1.1 surpasses it in every single way, and it's faaaaantastic.
  21. dslyecxi

    Best of First-Person Tactical/Wargaming

    The article has been updated slightly on the third page to reflect the fact that the Wargames League mod for OFP is fantastic and would've been extensively featured in the article if only I'd been familiar with it before having started writing it.
  22. dslyecxi

    Distribution method idea

    They've already said they'll look into digitial distribution if they can't find a publisher. Thread over.
  23. dslyecxi

    about weapon sway

    I'd have to put the two side-by-side to really compare the differences in recoil, but AFAIK one of the things that makes WGL recoil potentially seem lighter is that the field of view (aka 'zoom') in ironsight mode is higher (meaning, less zoomed) than in FDF. So, all things being equal, a weapon will appear to recoil more in FDF. Get what I'm saying? As to M-16's, you can see a video of me shooting my AR-15 (basically a civvie M-16/M4) here. Very, very light recoil.
  24. dslyecxi

    about weapon sway

    Have you tried WGL yet? I think they did the weapon sway/stance effects even better than FDF, and FDF's version was pretty good to begin with.