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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. dslyecxi

    Breath Holding?

    Obviously you have never in your entire life ever fired any kind of weapon. Holding your breath (or a natural respiritory pause) is a critical element of precision shooting. Sprinting so hard that you're breathing heavily is not conducive to precision shooting, on the other hand.
  2. dslyecxi

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    The word you're looking for is "zeroing".
  3. dslyecxi

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Yes, that works. However, that's the same thing that was already posted... whereas the ArmA.eu link listed it as 37MB, which had me interested, as that would've been new footage.
  4. dslyecxi

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Do you have to register on the SAF site to actually download it? Nothing shows up for me.
  5. dslyecxi

    ArmA Progress Updates

    That links to the Swedish Armed Forces page... nothing to download there that I see.
  6. dslyecxi

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Yeah. For those of you that haven't downloaded the videos yet, don't get your hopes up. They're both very short, and show very little. Cool, yes. Worth getting extremely excited over? Nope.
  7. dslyecxi

    Track ir

    For those of you that wonder what TrackIR's look like when being used, and how smoothly it translates into in-game movements, I made a video that shows off simultaneous in-game and real-life movements in Aces High II. You can find it here on Google Video. Yes, they're awesome. I can't wait to use mine in Armed Assault.
  8. dslyecxi

    United States Military Team

    Spyder, I like how you manage to insult people with every single reply you make. You just keep digging that hole bigger and bigger, buddy...
  9. dslyecxi

    United States Military Team

    Oh man, it just keeps getting better and better. With the attitude you're sporting, and the fact that you're spouting this stuff in your own squad recruitment thread... well, I'll be surprised to see the kinds of people you end up recruiting. If any. And yes, since it apparently means something to you, I'm former military. US Marine Corps, in fact. I also run a rather large (130+ member, along with another 100 or so from another group that play with us) Flashpoint group that manages to do these crazy tactical things without having to resort to an artificial rank structure or any of that nonsense. Oh, and we have a few other former/current military members ourselves. Perhaps one of these days we'll even challenge your 8-man squad to a match? I'm sure that would be entertaining...
  10. dslyecxi

    United States Military Team

    Cheers, buddy. Good luck with your 'squad'. Hope that whole military ranks & promotion thing works out for ya, Colonel.
  11. dslyecxi

    United States Military Team

    Or if you'd like to actually properly reflect what I said, it'd be more along the lines of "You're coming across as a dick on the forums, people aren't going to respect you or your opinion, or your squad for that matter, if you continue behaving like that". But hey, whatever. It's clear enough already as to what your stance is. Good luck raising the platoon that you hope to have for ArmA with the attitude you show.
  12. dslyecxi

    United States Military Team

    Could you be more specific of how he has a arrogant attitude? Read through his posts. I'm not going to disclose a private conversation on here, but the attitude shows through just fine in his past posts regardless.
  13. dslyecxi

    United States Military Team

    Having briefly conversed with this poster in PM's, and having seen how he's behaved on these forums, I hope people who think about joining his squad really stop to consider what they're getting into. I personally would hate to be in a squad led by someone with such a needlessly arrogant, high-horse attitude. If you're looking for solid groups to play with when ArmA comes out, there are going to be many... many of them the same guys we've been playing with for OFP these past years. The are a lot of fish in the sea, so to speak... enough to ensure that the experience stays enjoyable for you as a squad member.
  14. dslyecxi

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I don't want to ignore him. I want Placebo or some other mod to notice the trend, look at his past history, and take appropriate action. The guy's a black hole of negativity.
  15. dslyecxi

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Why are you still here? You have absolutely nothing positive to say about ArmA or BIS, so.. uh.. why do you stick around?
  16. dslyecxi

    Latest screenshots available

    As someone who actually trained people on these weapons in the Marine Corps, you're wrong. The picture you're referencing shows an expended AT-4 tube. The "star" thing on the front of the launcher, as seen in the ArmA screenshot, is a "dust cover" to prevent objects, debris, dirt, etc from entering the tube prior to firing. edit: To clear the rest of the confusion up: His hand placement is wrong. His right hand should be back more, and should be placed such that he can manipulate the cocking lever, safety paddle, and trigger button. His left hand should be holding onto the front of the sling, with the weapon pushed back such that the shoulder stop is up against his shoulder. In addition to that, the weapon should be rotated clockwise (from his perspective) so that the sights line up with his eye. Oh, and the sights need to be deployed - in that shot they're still folded up (they're the two green textured boxes near his hands - his right hand is clipping through the rear sight box). Here's a shot of what it looks like when holding one correctly.
  17. dslyecxi

    Latest screenshots available

    Uh, wrong. He's holding it wrong, but it IS pointing in the right direction.
  18. dslyecxi

    Latest screenshots available

    Ukraineboy is a huge shit disturber. I'm surprised he's lasted on these forums as long as he had considering the behavior he exhibits.
  19. dslyecxi

    Track ir

    Did you read about that product? It has a supported resolution of 800x600 at 60hz. I think I'd much rather stick with a TrackIR 4 on my 20" LCD at 1600x1200. I wish the best of luck to anyone who would even attempt to play Flashpoint or Armed Assault with an 800x600 resolution..
  20. dslyecxi

    Track ir

    This could very easily be a really, really bad idea. Sight alignment in real life relies a great deal upon the shooter having a stock weld with the weapon - you can't (or at least can't easily) simulate that in a game. Having to jiggle your head around to get your sights aligned properly may sound cool to people who have never actually fired a real rifle and don't understand how the process works, I'll grant you that, but it's not a good idea.
  21. dslyecxi

    Track ir

    That new video is beyond fantastic. That's exactly what I was hoping ArmA would support, and it actually ended up looking better than I was expecting (from third and first person). Absolutely beautiful.
  22. Maybe there's an engine limitation involved, same thing as why the Cobra TOW is not actually gunner-guided but is instead fire-and-forget? Why don't you stop busting the WGL guys' balls over stupid little things like this? They clearly state that they try to go for realism and gameplay. There are several obvious places where WGL5 avoids hardcore realism for the purposes of fantastic gameplay.
  23. dslyecxi

    FlashNews 100th Edition!

    Cool stuff, thanks.
  24. I've written an article that deals with first-person tactical/wargames and the best features that have been implemented in them, along with commentary on the genre and some ideas for future implementations. There's a lot of Flashpoint & Armed Assault references within, along with a slew of videos, screens, and pictures to illustrate it. I would highly recommend that anyone who's a fan of this genre (which all of you should be, if you're in the ArmA forum) should check it out. The article can be found here. This should give you something interesting to do instead of endlessly refreshing the forum in the hopes that new screens have been posted. Feedback is appreciated, of course. Discussion is also welcome. Enjoy.
  25. dslyecxi

    Best of First-Person Tactical/Wargaming

    "This guy" being me. I appreciate you having a hate-on for expanding reticules, but if you note what I'm actually saying and don't jump to the conclusions that you went to, you'll see that I'm referring to them SPECIFICALLY in Raven Shield and no other games, and I use this funny word called "despite" which strongly implies that it's unusual for a game without ironsights to do such a good job of modeling the various factors that end up affecting weapon accuracy in a combat environment. If you'd like to actually address what I said, feel free. To say that I "lose a lot of credibility" from that one thing is both ridiculous and insulting, as it shows that you didn't try to comprehend what was being said and instead took it as an opportunity to preach the ironsight gospel to someone who is already converted.