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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. The video cited in the OP is showing something that I have trained to do IRL, live-fire, while moving, and while firing with one hand. The reason I was so happy to have that situation occur in A3 was because of that fact - I've done this "for realz" and it has always driven me crazy that prior Arma games lacked the controls to allow for such movements. I have extensive training IRL for shooting - both from the military and from my pursuit of tactical training as a civilian - and pistols in particular are a strong point for me. That video is something I could absolutely reproduce IRL with those timings, from that range, with that kind of pistol, I've done it before many times. Every complaint that can be leveled against proper mouse controls can be solved by simple aiming/shooting mechanics. Games like Rainbox Six and Ghost Recon, the originals, did this many years ago. A3 has some aspects of this currently, but they could (and should) be fleshed out further. There are things wrong with how A3 handles certain aspects currently - for instance, turning should be restricted in speed while prone (something I've done a concept for already), grenades should be fleshed out (I'm sure you're familiar with my concept on that), and the recoil and aiming penalties in general should be changed (again, something I've done a concept for - not for 'the forums', but for BIS directly). The Arma series has always had fairly quick movement speeds, and I personally think they should be toned down throughout - but who knows if that's something BIS would go for. Ultimately, A3's still an alpha, and there will be changes. What is there right now is extremely solid already, and a far better baseline than any prior game in the series has had, controls-wise. "Freeaim" is a junk system that should be retired - it has no basis in realism, except perhaps when prone. Sorry, but that's the physiological truth of how aiming works in reality. The stockholm syndrome that some Arma community members have developed over the years of having to cope with busted, flawed controls is kind of remarkable. Mouse movement represents your intent. Your crosshair is where you intend to shoot. It's akin to looking at something. IRL you look at a target and your weapon/sights move to match whatever you're looking at. Your crosshair/view in A3 represents where you're focusing your intent and trying to shoot - whether you actually can hit that point should be based on a large number of factors, and like I said - some of those are implemented, some aren't. You should not mush up the mouse response or add negative acceleration to the controls or any other such inertial nonsense, as none of that belongs at the human/computer interface. Those must be abstracted through other means. Period. To do otherwise is a fundamentally flawed system - and I'm not so blinded by fanboyism as to think that OFP, Arma, or Arma2 were anything other than fundamentally flawed in how their mouse controls worked. TLDR, the sky isn't falling, A3 isn't final, and those of you crying "realism!" might want to pick up an object and see how fast you can turn around IRL. I am not exaggerating in the least to say that what you see in that video is something I have done for real, live-fire, while moving, and while firing one-handed.
  2. dslyecxi

    Dslyecxi's 'Paper doll' Gear Menu

    If content is created according to the methods used for the default A3 gear, it should pick it up naturally. I haven't spent time testing that myself, but from what others have told me, it works for the most part. Any examples of what doesn't work would be interesting, but I would assume they'd happen due to the items in question being improperly configured.
  3. dslyecxi

    Dslyecxi's 'Paper doll' Gear Menu

    I don't mind, just give credit where appropriate.
  4. dslyecxi

    Ugly "blocky" shadows :s

    Go for it if you want. I've compared the two and the high shadows are vastly superior. You can make your own judgment with the alpha. The notion that the screens are at 'low settings' is completely inaccurate however.
  5. dslyecxi

    Ugly "blocky" shadows :s

    Those shots are with shadow detail on 'High', aka, the highest setting. The settings in general are all very highly set. If you want straight-edged, ugly shadows, you can set it to low, same as with how Arma2 behaves. Shadow render distance in A3 is as with TKOH, where it can be set much higher. The tradeoff is that higher shadow distance you get lower-quality shadows. That tradeoff, for me, is well worth it. Regardless, the shadow distance in these screens is roughly default as I recall. Those are the facts, plain and simple. Deal with them as you will. I think it looks fantastic. Some of you seem to have unrealistic expectations.
  6. dslyecxi

    Arma3 gameservers spotted

    Keep us updated.
  7. dslyecxi

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I've been using Steam since the beta of it back in... I don't even remember; long ago. I've encouraged my group to use Steam as our means of owning the Arma series since it first appeared on it. The shift of A3 to Steam-exclusive, for the reasons cited (and those alluded to), is a good one. There is a lot of knee-jerk reaction going on in this thread - fears of the impact on modding, as well as a lot of truly outrageous hyperbole. Dwarden's addressed the modding aspect. Only the most wildly paranoid and cynical would think that a company that has seen great success and worked with their community to the extent that BIS had would suddenly turn their backs on modding. Nothing they've said or done would indicate that, yet of course some select people freak out because of it. BIS very candidly explained their rationale, and it looks sound. The game and series will benefit from this. Steam is not the devil incarnate. BIS does not have unlimited resources. Focusing efforts to one distribution method, and using those time savings and other perks to further refine and flesh out their games, is a definite good thing from the end user's perspective. Whether you're there to experience those benefits or not is up to you.
  8. ShackTac in 2012, my tribute.
  9. All islands should be supported now, thanks to Nou's CCIP techniques. https://dev-heaven.net/news/745
  10. dslyecxi

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    The OME is the same as it's always been. The "old" editor is something else entirely, and I'm not quite sure what reason anyone would have for using that in VBS2 considering how great of a tool the OME is in comparison.
  11. dslyecxi

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Nope! OME has always stood for "Offline Mission Editor", while RTE is "Real-Time Editor".
  12. It is my distinct pleasure to present the brand-spankin'-new TrackIR5, as seen in ArmA2. Have a look at the video (please watch it in HD! ;) ) Direct download available here. A brief summary is that TIR5 + ArmA2 is frickin' sweet, and I'm really excited to be showing it off in such a capacity. Thanks to both NaturalPoint and Bohemia Interactive for the opportunity. The TIR5 has a number of neat improvements over prior models, as detailed to a degree in the video, and in further detail below. On top of that you have a number of welcome changes to A2 to better support the TIRs in it, and then of course we have A2 itself being shown off in wonderful 1280x720 HD for anyone who would like to see it in action. Both A2 and TIR5 are really slick packages, and I think that both will be well-received by the community. The by-the-book stats of TIR5 are as follows: You can find out more about the TIR5 (hopefully after you've seen the video) at this link. If you plan on grabbing one, feel free to use either of my referrals - normal TrackIR5 ($5 off), or TrackIR5 & Track Clip Pro ($20 off). As long as you're here, I'd like to take this opportunity to say a bit about ArmA2 beyond what is shown in the video, and this seems like a good place to do it. Many people in the past have expressed some concern about the movement model of A1, to various degrees of severity. Personally, I have been frustrated by some aspects of the A1 movement model, and was hoping it would get a good deal of attention in A2, to bring it more in-line with the movement fluidity of your typical 'modern' game, while still retaining the 'flavor' of OFP/ArmA. For those of you who have worried about such things as well in A2, let me share a little anecdote with you. In testing the A2 multiplayer in adversarial (and coop of course, but it is most noticed against humans), with a skilled set of testers, I have heard time and time again (and remarked the same myself) as to how much more fun A2 is over A1 thanks to the improvements they've made in character movement. We've played everything from basic deathmatch and team deathmatch, up to all sorts of mission-oriented adversarial stuff. Situations that I normally would not find enjoyable in A1 (example: basic deathmatch) have found new life with the A2 movements. This is not to say that A2 offers flawless movement - it doesn't, at least not yet at a pre-release state. Hopefully that will be the case in the retail release - suggestions are still being made on how to improve the movement, and changes continue to happen. With that in mind, what they have changed up to this point has had a really positive influence on things, and I think that those of you who were turned off by aspects of the A1 movement model will find the A2 changes to be very welcome and fun to work with. It definitely feels like the best movement model in a BIS game to date to me, and I have heard it echoed many times in MP testing. To note - I do not consider myself to be the type of player who enjoys 'deathmatch' in A1. In A2, though - it's a truly suprising amount of fun. It is much rarer to feel that you have died "because of the movement model". I've had dozens of situations where I was able to take fire and maneuver away at relatively close ranges in what felt like a very agile and human manner. Anyhow. Wanted to get that out there, since I know it is a point of stress for some of you. While it still has an OFP/ArmA 'feel' to it, there are so many positive changes to it that I really do think it is the best they've put out so far, and will be a greatly appreciated aspect of the game by the community. Now, to tie that back into the subject at hand - take that improved movement and tie it in with the extremely responsive TrackIR support in ArmA2, combined with a TrackIR5, as well as the fantastic visuals and sounds of A2, and it's one hell of an immersive experience. I am really hyped to see this game get released. Hope you guys enjoy(ed) the video. Thanks again to NaturalPoint and Bohemia Interactive for letting me put that out there.
  13. It auto-disables if the camera is BIS_DEBUG_CAM.
  14. A few of my recent works relating to training material Premiere episode of the video supplements to my TTP guides: My 'Art of Flight' series: CCIP/CCRP in ACE2:
  15. I'm creating this thread in order to have a place for anyone in the community, be they an MP or SP player, to have a one-stop place to contribute as well as look for training material regarding the ArmA series. Many communities out there produce their own training videos, literature, missions, and so forth, and as far as I can tell there hasn't really been a good place where one can go to contribute their part in an accessible, visible fashion. I would like to see this thread act as not only a repository of links/videos/etc, but also a place to discuss training, perhaps even for people to request training material on certain topics. As we all know, there is a lot of depth to ArmA, and with as multi-national of a community as ours, there are many ways to approach a given topic. :) I'll start off with some of my community's works in this respect. Our most recent filmed training events follow. While these are based on ACE2, they apply in part to vanilla or other mods as well. Videos AH-1W Cobra Training with Dslyecxi. This video covers the employment of the AH-1W TOW Cobra, though the concepts introduced in it apply to various other attack helicopters. TxXsfbXGQyY Fireteam Leadership with Bricks. The 'practical application' portion of a Fireteam Leadership course hosted by Bricks. YauJU3WcxxM Anti-Tank Gunnery with Bricks. All sorts of ACE-oriented AT weapon usage. SEIeEG7ttKI Scenarios I made a training scenario for my favorite aircraft some time back - you can see a video of it below, and also can find the full scenario for download from this thread. Note that this assumes the OA-style MH-6 (ie: top speed of ~140kph), not the more recent ACE2 style (~250kph). My group uses the OA-style M/AH-6 at this time for various reasons, though. 7ThNyR_fY0M Literature As far as actual written literature goes, I have my ArmA2 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Guide (TTP2). It's your turn! That's a good look at what we've done in A2 as of late. I look forward to seeing what everyone else has been cooking up. :)
  16. Uh......... what? I think you have the wrong thread...
  17. dslyecxi

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    No, it's an actual scenario with voice acting and everything. It's pretty neat as a recruiting tool. It won't be released, though.
  18. I don't believe so. If it's not a terrain we use in ST, the details need to be supplied by others. It'd be easy to add if said details were given.
  19. New version up on DH https://dev-heaven.net/projects/sthud/files Adds 29 Palms, Aliabad, Spiritz, Tropica, reshmaan, possibly some others.
  20. Neat concept. I'll stick with st_movement for now due to the glitchy animation behavior that happens from the .8 version of this, but I would be very interested in seeing something like this applied to A3 and any changes that have happened to the animation system in it. Nicely done from a technical standpoint.
  21. Sure, if someone wants to send along a set of configs to us, we can add them. There are probably some already ticketed on the tracker that could be added as well. With the way we're doing it, no, not easily. When someone gives us the configs for it, I suppose. Haven't done an update in awhile, but I could do one soon if the configs were provided for whatever people want.
  22. dslyecxi

    ShackTac Movement addons

    Updated link on first post (it's hosted on DH now). Should be v2 sigs in that one. Let me know if you have any problems.
  23. This is by design. There are too many factors that play into this to be able to give a definitive answer. Ambient noise, individual TS volume levels, whether people are using automatic gain control, etc.