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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. dslyecxi

    TrackIR use...

    People wanted a good video of the TrackIR being used in Armed Assault, so... I've delivered just that. You can check out a Google Video version here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4928428714571383685&hl=en Or you can download the full-res 105MB video from here: http://ofp.umbr.net/videos/trackir_in_arma.wmv Enjoy!
  2. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    People wanted a good video of the TrackIR being used in Armed Assault, so... I've delivered just that. You can check out a Google Video version here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4928428714571383685&hl=en Or you can download the full-res 105MB video from here: http://ofp.umbr.net/videos/trackir_in_arma.wmv Enjoy!
  3. dslyecxi

    TrackIR use...

    It won't be that long of a wait. More info as it develops.
  4. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    You do understand that the many, many amazing things that the OFP/ArmA engine has in it are not found in other games, right? Or are you just ignoring that and assuming that since Game X has such-and-such feature (but lacks a ton of things that OFP/ArmA has), ArmA should have it, too? There are only so many man-hours in a development cycle.
  5. dslyecxi

    TrackIR use...

    You're putting words in my mouth. Once I make a video, all will be explained.
  6. dslyecxi

    TrackIR use...

    I will post a very comprehensive ArmA TrackIR video as soon as I possibly can. It'll be worth the wait, and if you aren't sold on them yet, you will be after watching it.
  7. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    That video is not "2 months old". Also, I can clearly see the animated trigger finger in it. I guess you're just missing it somehow...
  8. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    Might as well link the GVid version I uploaded. Here it is.
  9. dslyecxi

    ArmA Photography

    I know exactly what he did, and I know exactly what the game looks like normally. By sharpening the images the way he is, he is making the game appear distinctly different than it actually does. There is a reason none of the press shots have been sharpened in this fashion - it would be dishonest from a marketing standpoint. You should know this, since you apparently saw ArmA in person yourself.
  10. dslyecxi

    ArmA Photography

    Do you really have to go and Photoshop them like that, is it really necessary? It comes across as completely dishonest, since you're giving the game a visual appearance that it does not have by default. Why not, especially this early in the release, just post resized screens without altering them in image editing programs? ArmA looks great without the screens being Photoshop'd. I wish people would recognize that and ditch the "sharpen" tool, amongst others.
  11. dslyecxi

    Latest screenshots available

    ArmA supports Z-axis movement on a TrackIR, and the logical assumption is that it controls zooming, sooo.. yes, it seems reasonable to think that Z-axis movement will cause you to zoom in. Really, if you don't already have a TrackIR for ArmA, you should be getting one for Christmas. They're going to be amazing in the game, mark my words.
  12. dslyecxi

    1944 game

    The big difference between Armed Assault and 1944 is that ArmA actually exists, is gold, and will be coming out soon. 1944, until proven otherwise, is basically vaporware with a STAGGERING amount of likely-to-be-unrealized hype. In short, no, I don't believe 1944 is a competitor. I don't believe 1944 will be out anytime soon, if ever.
  13. dslyecxi

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    Considering that the US Army has the M9 as the standard-issue pistol, this isn't likely to happen. I'm not even going to touch this part, since it's irrelevant due to my initial point.
  14. dslyecxi

    Latest screenshots available

    Nope, not trying to start an argument. I'm simply stating facts. Believe what you'd like...
  15. dslyecxi

    William Porter's Blog

    Looks like a new entry just went up, complete with a video. http://www.armedassault.com/william/
  16. dslyecxi

    Latest screenshots available

    Those aren't tracers, they're missiles or rockets.
  17. dslyecxi

    Track ir

    Ha, fair enough. You cater to the Euros, I'll take care of the US guys.
  18. dslyecxi

    Track ir

    Hold alt and move the mouse, and that moves your head around. It's definitely passed across in network games. I see people do it all the time in my group's Flashpoint sessions.
  19. dslyecxi

    Track ir

    Rumor has it that so do I. [hint: sig] You can see head movement in OFP, why not expect it to be in ArmA as well?
  20. dslyecxi

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    Not everyone enjoys more realistic games like OFP. There's nothing wrong with that, and it shouldn't make you "almost vomit" to think about it. I had a good time with BF2 when I first started playing it. It does some things very nicely, there's no denying that. I'm sure BIS has a vision of what they want their games to be like, and I'm sure it doesn't match up to DICE's vision in the least. Still, as I said above, there are some things in BF2 that would be nice to see in ArmA. Superior to you, but not to everyone. Try to remember that there's a huge variety of games that appeal to a huge variety of people, and there is no global "superior" game unless you're specifying the kind of qualifications that they should be judged against.
  21. dslyecxi

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    I guess you're the official BIS spokesperson for what will and will not be in ArmA?
  22. dslyecxi

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    Did you read the text in the video, or on the website? That's the sound supersonic bullets make when they pass close to you. "Hopefully" does not require a source. Here's another clip that showcases the sounds. http://dslyecxi.com/screens/Battlefield_2/prmm_sample_supersonic.wmv
  23. dslyecxi

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    Supersonic bullets making a loud, sharp "CRACK!" when they pass by you is something I've always wanted to see in OFP. Hopefully we'll get in Armed Assault. The page + video explains it all, so I'll make this post short and just link to said page. Supersonic Bullets in a Battlefield 2 mod
  24. dslyecxi

    Track ir

    I haven't seen anything new, but I'll be covering their usage in ArmA with my preview/review (remains to be seen what form it will take) that will be coming out prior to the game's release. I'll probably do something similar to my Aces High 2 video, with a combined in-game and real-world perspective on it.