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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. dslyecxi

    Getting TrackIR working??

    What he said. The odds are 10 to 1 that the game list needs to be updated.
  2. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    Here's a video of the new ArmA flight model, along with a look at the recently-released TrackClipPro accessory for the TrackIR. You can download the video here. I will have a Google Video version up soon as well. If you don't care about the TrackIR (for shame! , skip to ~1m40s for the Littlebird flight. I didn't take any footage of the other helos, but rest assured that their flight models are MUCH improved. You won't see the bigger helos doing the kind of acrobatics that you can pull off with a Littlebird - at least not unless they're quite high up off the ground at the time.
  3. dslyecxi


    I am completely amazed that you linked a Knob Creek MG shoot video and still argued that the current OFP and ArmA tracers are "accurate". That's so far from the truth that it isn't even funny. I hope that tracers are one of the things BIS improves in the coming months. There's a lot of potential to them, but currently they're simply sub-par and aren't all that realistic. If not, I hope that the community gets a good tracer visual upgrade out in the near future. For the record, this is coming from someone who has actually seen real tracers fired and has fired his own. It's not theory - I've been there, done that, and ArmA's tracers are not very realistic from a visual standpoint. They're practicall invisible at night - that's ridiculous.
  4. dslyecxi

    Free Alternative to TrackIR

    This topic came up on another forum I frequent... I'm going to copy+paste my reply from there for those who are wondering how a TrackIR is different from this hacked-together "head tracker". ------ Here are a few things to keep in mind about the webcam idea: 1. It's not a TrackIR. Obviously. This means that you won't have the software to tweak the acceleration/sensitivity/deadzone/etc. Games will not natively support it, either, and you'll never get 6DOF movement from it. 2. It's only pitch/yaw. You won't be able to lean with it, or zoom in/out. This becomes even more important in games that have full 6DOF (like Aces High 2 or Black Shark or MSFSX), where you would be able to move around a virtual cockpit in full 6DOF. 3. It's going to be pretty slow response compared to a TrackIR. A webcam not designed for the purpose will not be able to match the 120fps that a TrackIR gets, along with the software and hardware features which prevent the TrackIR from tracking incorrect things. 4. This is a BIG ONE. Because it's only 2DOF, every head movement you make will be translated into either pitch or yaw movements. This is NOT how a TrackIR4 works - it can distinguish all 6DOF, so that a sideways head movement does not get incorrectly translated into a yawing movement. This is a really, really big issue in my eyes - it's the reason why I never used my old TrackIR2 that much (it was 2DOF) but cannot get enough of my 6DOF TrackIR4. To be clear, this means you are going to either have to constantly re-center it, or you're going to have to sit very, very still - to an uncomfortable extreme - to keep your view from going everywhere. In short, if you try this out and think "Bleh, head tracking isn't any fun!", just remember that you're using a hacked-together thing that really does not approach the functionality of a true TrackIR4.
  5. dslyecxi

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    I don't know how this has become a "fact" for some of you. The unit portrayed in ArmA is a Stryker Brigade Combat Team, YES they are Army, YES they are wearing the right camo. Play through the campaign to see where the M1A1's, Cobras, Harriers, etc come from. It's part of the story.
  6. dslyecxi

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    You're posting an airsoft replica uniform as reference, buddy. Try http://www.usmc.mil instead. Or just look back through the thread and find the post where I put up pictures of my actual uniforms.
  7. dslyecxi

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    Hepcat, feel free to use these screens for promotional purposes if you'd like. http://dslyecxi.com/screens...._01.jpg http://dslyecxi.com/screens...._02.jpg http://dslyecxi.com/screens...._03.jpg http://dslyecxi.com/screens...._04.jpg http://dslyecxi.com/screens...._05.jpg http://dslyecxi.com/screens...._06.jpg http://dslyecxi.com/screens...._07.jpg
  8. dslyecxi

    ArmA Photography

    Full res I'm rather fond of this one myself. Hope you guys like it - it makes a great desktop image.
  9. dslyecxi


    I'd like to remind you that there are a good number of people who play WGL and enjoy for things other than simulation for the sake of simulation. My Flashpoint group, which you may or may not know about, is probably one of the biggest if not THE biggest WGL groups there is. If you do things like simulate ankle twisting, or having to eat/drink during a mission, you're probably going to alienate us and others. There is of course a possibility that you'll do something really compelling that keeps us playing, but based upon the post (as I recall it) I and others in my group are very apprehensive about the potential ArmA direction. I hope that you do not make a mod that only a handful of people will ever care to play. I hope that my group will continue with Wargames League in the future as well. At this point in time, though, it's up for question. I can't imagine the appeal of making a mod that only you and one or two others might actually want to play. I hope that you do not actually do that, as it would be a tragic end to a mod that has otherwise given myself and my group an enormous amount of fun in OFP.
  10. dslyecxi


    Please tell me this has nothing to do with PFT's, eating/drinking during a mission, etc. I remember seeing a post on the old WGL forums that mentioned such things, and it seemed like a terrible idea at the time. Hopefully it was a joke post and was never intended to become actual features.
  11. dslyecxi

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    The lighting today is pretty terrible, so these aren't the best shots, but they might be useful to you anyway. I'll try to get better ones when the sun decides to show up, if it ever does. http://dslyecxi.com/resources/marpat_woodland.rar The only change to these is that I fixed the colors as best I could in Photoshop and also blurred out my nametape.
  12. dslyecxi

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    The lighting today is pretty terrible, so these aren't the best shots, but they might be useful to you anyway. I'll try to get better ones when the sun decides to show up, if it ever does. http://dslyecxi.com/resources/marpat_woodland.rar The only change to these is that I fixed the colors as best I could in Photoshop and also blurred out my nametape.
  13. dslyecxi


    Of course there will be a Wargames League mod for ArmA.
  14. dslyecxi

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    Here's a .rar containing some shots of the USMC combat boots. http://dslyecxi.com/resources/usmc_combat_boots.rar Tomorrow, when the light is better, I'll take shots of my MARPAT woodland blouse and trousers.
  15. dslyecxi

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    Here's a .rar containing some shots of the USMC combat boots. http://dslyecxi.com/resources/usmc_combat_boots.rar Tomorrow, when the light is better, I'll take shots of my MARPAT woodland blouse and trousers.
  16. dslyecxi

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    Hep, as others have said, fading the camo would be helpful. MARPAT fades when exposed to the sun for significant periods of time, and since infantry are out in the field constantly, they end up faded. The second thing is that Marines don't wear the US flag on their shoulders, so remove that. Also, the shoulder pockets do not have green velcro on the outside. Look at pictures from USMC.mil's photo gallery for what the actual pockets look like. Finally, the division or brigade (or whatever) insignia on the left shoulder should be removed as well. Oh, and the boots should probably be a hint darker. They're a bit light at the moment. If you want any reference photos of my uniforms, let me know, I can provide some as time allows. (former Marine myself, if you weren't aware)
  17. dslyecxi

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    Hep, as others have said, fading the camo would be helpful. MARPAT fades when exposed to the sun for significant periods of time, and since infantry are out in the field constantly, they end up faded. The second thing is that Marines don't wear the US flag on their shoulders, so remove that. Also, the shoulder pockets do not have green velcro on the outside. Look at pictures from USMC.mil's photo gallery for what the actual pockets look like. Finally, the division or brigade (or whatever) insignia on the left shoulder should be removed as well. Oh, and the boots should probably be a hint darker. They're a bit light at the moment. If you want any reference photos of my uniforms, let me know, I can provide some as time allows. (former Marine myself, if you weren't aware)
  18. dslyecxi

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    Nice work. Give them Coyote Brown or woodland camo Interceptor vests instead of the current OD and you'll be all set.
  19. dslyecxi

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    Nice work. Give them Coyote Brown or woodland camo Interceptor vests instead of the current OD and you'll be all set.
  20. dslyecxi

    Helicopters in AA

    I think this is all that needs to be read in your post. You don't know how they should handle, so you try to justify why the ArmA ones are "correct", when in fact they need some serious work before they can be considered "correct". Try looking at some videos of actual helo acrobatics, or general helo flight, or try playing a helo simulation sometime. ArmA's helo FM is headed in the right direction, but it is NOT there yet, and to say that it is shows ignorance of how it SHOULD be.
  21. dslyecxi

    TrackIR use...

    Being able to look around is fantastic. I highly recommend it for that reason alone. As to leaning, it depends on how you set it up. If you adjust the acceleration curve to be more dramatic (meaning, require less movement on your part) with a bit of a dead zone, it's fantastic. If you try to use the default x-axis curve, it'll require too much movement to be useful. Once you realize that, and adjust the curve/deadzone appropriately, it's really nice and useful.
  22. dslyecxi

    TrackIR use...

    That's not even CLOSE to providing the same functionality as a TrackIR4. Not even close.
  23. dslyecxi

    TrackIR use...

    It's really not an issue. You can set the sensitivity to whatever you want, so if you don't want to look out of the corner of your eye, you don't have to. There was never a moment in any part of that video where my eyes felt strained. It's quite simply intuitive and natural. Think about it - you don't always look at something by keeping your eyes centered and moving your head. Very frequently in reality you will keep your head oriented one way and then shift your eyes to track and object or look at various things in a scene. This is the same basic idea, except backwards - your head moves and your eyes stay in place. It's really not an issue, as I said.
  24. dslyecxi

    TrackIR use...

    A few things about the video... To record footage in ArmA, I run it at 640x480 and do a 30fps full-res capture via FRAPS. This maintains a high framerate and allows me to keep my detail settings up, whereas if I play it at a higher res with the same settings, recording FRAPS makes things slow down too much (which is how it is in all games, that's just how FRAPS works). My specs are: Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz 2GB PC2-6400 RAM Raptor 150GB HD (important because of the FRAPS thing) Radeon X1950 XTX 512MB One thing that everyone should keep in mind about ArmA is that if you drop the resolution a notch, you'll see very significant increases in framerate. I forget the technical term for it, but there's a large increase in framerate when you step down in resolution (moreso than in most games I'd wager). With that being said, I can run the game at 1600x1200 with good settings (everything at least at normal and several things at High or Very High [esp shadows]). As to view distance, I don't remember what I had it set to. It was probably around 2-3k. If you go above 5K, there's no real significant gain in visuals (the atmospheric mist obscures things at range, but you can see the faint outlines of mountains for instance). I haven't noticed a significant difference between the default 1200 view distance and 2-3K insofar as framerate goes.