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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. dslyecxi

    Increased view distance, quite stunning

    I'm pretty sure your "8800 bug" happens on all cards and is the result of the issue cited in the root post.
  2. dslyecxi

    Increased view distance, quite stunning

    I'm pretty sure the "lame fog" you're talking about is exactly what this fixes. Unless it just somehow happens to be an identical problem caused by something completely different.
  3. dslyecxi

    Increased view distance, quite stunning

    It doesn't really have much to do with sniping. The previous higher view distances, though foggy at times at the extreme ranges, were more than high enough to accomodate sniping. Tank combat, flight, artillery, etc are much more heavily affected than anything infantry related.
  4. dslyecxi

    Increased view distance, quite stunning

    I don't know, I didn't test it that extensively. I'd hate to say one way or the other and be wrong about it.
  5. dslyecxi

    Increased view distance, quite stunning

    I would imagine that it's for whatever the next patch ends up being. No ETA or anything like that, but it is something to look forward to.
  6. If you're like me, one of the most frustrating aspects of both OFP and Armed Assault is how the view moves when you're in ironsight mode. Anyone who has fired a real rifle while on the move knows that your view stays relatively stable while the weapon shifts and bobs within it. OFP/ArmA, however, had it set so that your view followed your weapon precisely - this resulted in an annoying and disorienting view bobbing and jerking when moving. Fortunately, BIS is the kind of dev that is always open to feedback. They have introduced something in an upcoming version of ArmA (possibly in this next patch?) that is going to blow people away. Without further delay, take a look at this: Enhanced Infantry Ironsight Movement This changes the gameplay from an infantry perspective IMMENSELY. I cannot overstate how dramatic of a change this is. It makes the recoil feel much more lifelike and smooth, dramatically influences the way machineguns are handled and fired, and makes shooting while moving a distinct possibility while retaining the real-world issues inherent in it. For those wondering if this will be exploited to get "Counter-Strike gameplay", pay careful attention to what happens in the video. There are many, many points where I fire from fairly close range yet miss because I'm moving and my sights aren't properly aligned. Firing from the move will be effective in the following situations: 1. Very close quarters battle 2. As area fire/suppression at other ranges This is one hell of an amazing change. MOUT/CQB is going to become so much more enjoyable because of it, not to mention the way it makes the recoil feel and all the other benefits inherent in it. I think everyone who gives this a shot is going to love it compared to how things currently are. To say that it reminds me of how Infiltration works is a pretty high compliment. Thank you, BIS. edit: Quoting from later in the thread where I discovered that this change actually enables freeaim ironsights and TrackIr movemen while in ironsights.
  7. dslyecxi


    VBS2 is $1500/seat. VBS1 with all of the addons is pretty expensive as well. They're not worth the price for the average ArmA or OFP guy who has access to realism mods like Wargames League. However, for the military, they're fantastic training tools thanks to the special military-oriented features they have (like the after-action module, for one example) and the extra emphasis on realism compared to the base games they come from. For the average guy, though, it's nowhere near worth the price.
  8. dslyecxi

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    This was one of the more subtle changes in 1.05, and the results are quite impressive. At night, shadows are now based off of the moon's position, whereas previously there were no shadows at night and everything thus ended up looking very flat. Here's a before/after example. BEFORE: Full Resolution AFTER: Full Resolution Full Resolution Full Resolution Full Resolution Full Resolution
  9. dslyecxi

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    You're assuming that that's a problem. I'm not going to get into the technical side of things here, though. Look at this. We supply the Army with a variety of things, and much of it is based off of the America's Army engine. You can see plenty of pictures of it on that page.
  10. dslyecxi

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    This is an animation issue and a side effect of the "true first person" system. The fact that it happens is not related to the freeaim irons. The same issue is what caused the non-freeaim/view-locked-to-weapons irons to be so impossible to use. I work for LaserShot on exactly what you're describing, actually. http://dslyecxi.com/images/lasershot/oh_noes_a_bad_guy.jpg
  11. dslyecxi

    Ingame VOIP - a small missed opportunity?

    I'm guessing you don't know how the "Direct Communication" channel is supposed to work.
  12. dslyecxi

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    I guess you're SOL for now, eh? I can easily live with that considering the absolutely overwhelming positive response to this change when weighed against the few people who have issues with it. If you want to ask for some sort of feature that turns freeaim off in ironsights, nobody's stopping you. Shall I throw out my credentials as a shooter so we can compare? I find it to be a very good way to model something that is hard to properly express in games. Infiltration did it, it was great in Inf. It was only natural to see it in ArmA considering the way ArmA works. Freeaim ironsights can be interpreted to be several things. Your interpretation is that the rifle is "magically moving within your view while maintaining perfect sight alignment". I don't really see it like that myself, but.. to each his own.
  13. dslyecxi

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    If you think it's "unrealistic", feel free to turn freeaim off.
  14. dslyecxi

    Final news on the WGL mod

    Many thanks to everyone who had a hand in WGL for OFP, it provided great times for my group and was our mod of choice these last many months. Here's hoping for a bright future for ArmA with AngusHeaf/Tactician/Phaeden/et al and their ArmA realism mod.
  15. dslyecxi

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    Here's a good example video of what is being talked about re: reflex sights... from my own personal rifle. EOTech Holographic Weapon Sight
  16. dslyecxi

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    This was a very hastily created video... I didn't spend more than a minute or so practicing with the freeaim irons, so it's not exactly the pinnacle of marksmanship. Still, it gets the point across. Oh, and there's a bonus surprise at the end regarding TrackIR... Freeaim Ironsights in Armed Assault 1.05
  17. dslyecxi

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    On further observation, it turns out the ironsights behave as freeaim ironsights when you have freeaim turned on. I've been playing with it off, so I didn't initially notice it. I'll record a new video that shows this for everyone who is curious.
  18. dslyecxi

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    Err, what? I think you're a bit confused. This change is excellent for the game in general, and most definitely coop. It certainly was not suggested with CTF or DM in mind - I personally don't even play those, so... it would be a bit illogical (to say the least) for that to be the inspiration for such a change. Also, you gain nothing by trying to further the idea of a "rift" in the community, drawing a line in the sand or whatever. Might as well just leave that out of this.
  19. dslyecxi

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    It's fired in bursts because firing it sustained wastes ammo at most ranges. The first few shots are the most accurate, after that the sight alignment is being disrupted by the recoil and you're getting some vertical and lateral shifting of the weapon which is a prime factor in why the "beaten zone" exists with machinegun fire at range. CQB sustained fire is entirely possible. You simply need to have your stance correct (leaning slightly into it, like with any full-auto wepaon) and you'll be golden. Really, what sense would it make that the weapon would "get away from you" when firing it sustained for more than five rounds? Once the first few rounds have fired, you'll have adjusted to the pattern of the recoil and will be able to hold the sights (roughly) on target. Again, the reason bursts are preferred is due to ammo expenditure and that the first few rounds are the most accurate.
  20. dslyecxi

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    It could probably use some tweaking, but please pay careful attention when I'm firing at people with the SAW. There are lots and lots of missed shots due to the weapon recoiling. The firing rate is the primary reason it's still effective in such a situation, and that's basically how it should be.
  21. dslyecxi

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    Did you pay attention to how often I missed even at close range? I wouldn't be too worried about this being "abused". As to recoil and such, this brings some new aspects into play and I'm sure that there will be tweaks to various weapon recoils now that things work more naturally.
  22. dslyecxi

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    If someone is 100 meters away and is walking towards you with his sights up while firing, simply take a knee and put a bullet in his chest. I guarantee you'll win unless he's just lucky and lands a shot on you. If you use proper cover when fighting, you'll win 9 times out of 10, I'd wager.
  23. dslyecxi

    Spectating Script v1.01

    If you play with a group of people that has such a lack of self-control that the first dead person acts as a gods-eye for everyone else and spoils the entire mission, I must say that I feel sorry for you. Dead men tell no tales. Try it sometime, it's a hell of a lot more fun than what you're describing.
  24. dslyecxi

    Full report on Armoury in ArmA

    If you want to be taken seriously, you might want to cut it out with the "OMG, WTF!" type comments, and the "Community was raped" photoshop in your sig. Presentation means a hell of a lot, and you're currently lacking in it. Insulting the people you are hoping to help is not the best course of action. Try adapting some tact next time if you want to actually make a difference.