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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    PM'd you a link to the hires versions.
  2. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    5 hours of time spent on "Just Like You Imagined", start-to-finish, vs how many for Alberts' mythical unreleased vid? What video?
  3. dslyecxi

    VBS2 Trailer!

    I think you're overlooking the fact that there is an entirely different team working on VBS2 elements. There is no conspiracy here like you seem to be thinking.
  4. dslyecxi

    VBS2 Trailer!

    Thanks, glad someone caught my nick in some of those scenes.
  5. dslyecxi

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Something else from ArmA 1.06. Full Resolution Full Resolution Full Resolution
  6. dslyecxi

    Some info on Modern NVGs as used by US

    No, this happened well before this topic started. There's not much noise in them in reality, aside from when things get extremely dark - then it gets grainy.
  7. dslyecxi

    Mk-19 AGL

    Fair enough. You're losing something via the language barrier. Again, let me restate what I said already. Prioritization is a factor in all of this. I am positive that BIS knows about the ArmA Mk19 bug, and I am positive that they will address it. Whether they will address it as fast as some people would like is up for question, but I understand the issues that factor into such a bugfix and I will not jump on them because it's taking time.
  8. dslyecxi

    Mk-19 AGL

    These are exactly the kind of assumptions I'm talking about. Don't lecture me about my job, or my responsibilities, as you have no basis with which to do that, and no knowledge of what I do, what I may or may not have suggested both for ArmA and VBS2, what the responses to those suggestions would have been, and so on and so forth. You are in no position to make the assumptions that you are making, I find it offensive and insulting, and I will not be baited into discussing the specifics of VBS2 in such a manner, nor the specifics of my job. As I said before, I would appreciate it if you'd stop making these assumptions about my job and my responsibilities. At the very least, if you feel compelled to think like that, at least do me the common courtesy to not post your thoughts.
  9. dslyecxi

    Some info on Modern NVGs as used by US

    Thought you guys might like to see that BIS did improve the NVG effect for 1.06, this is what it will look like in the US release. Full Resolution Full Resolution Full Resolution Full Resolution
  10. dslyecxi

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Screens of the new nightvision effect present in ArmA v1.06/US release. Full Resolution Full Resolution Full Resolution Full Resolution
  11. dslyecxi

    Mk-19 AGL

    You missed the part in my original post where I more or less said that it was a known issue and was likely to be addressed when possible. Prioritization happens, and you cannot expect a small team to fix every single bug at the same time. Please stop bringing up my job at every possible opportunity. That's what, the third or fourth time in as many posts from you to me where you've mentioned it? I've been involved with ArmA for much longer than I've been working here on VBS2 stuff, and the two only vaguely mix. You assume a great deal with absolutely no actual foundation of knowledge in this area.
  12. dslyecxi

    Mk-19 AGL

    It wouldn't hurt for you to stop taking every possible opportunity to snipe at ArmA/BIS. I can't even begin to imagine what kind of crazy things you managed to read into my post to come back with a response like that.
  13. dslyecxi

    Mk-19 AGL

    You must feel compelled to post your "I think ArmA's flawed" opinion at every possible opportunity, eh? Try doing something instead of just bitching, you might be surprised at the results. Use the bug tracker, post constructive feedback, do something aside from just complaining. As to the issue at hand, this has been brought up before in the past. It is no-doubt on the "To Do" list, but how long it may take to get addressed is up for question.
  14. dslyecxi

    The Top 10 Arma Trailers

    I'm going to go ahead and add the two other ArmA trailers I've done to my Youtube account in a bit. I'll post their links here when I do, or add them to the Youtube group.. or whatever. They're on GVid at the moment. US Forces: Google Video Downloadable ArmA Montage: Google Video Downloadable Surprise, surprise. So, as I was saying in the previous post... remixing a video that consists mostly of footage I shot doesn't sit well with me. It's flattering, yes, but I think the originals are much better. edit: Yeesh, nevermind. Youtube's upload limit is lower than I thought, and I don't feel like converting the Montage video just to be able to upload it. Someone else already has it up there anyway. "US Forces" is too old to be a contender, too.
  15. dslyecxi

    The Top 10 Arma Trailers

    It's kind of amusing that a remix video is listed among the top 10, when the videos it uses as source material are all better on their own merits than the "remixed" version. [specifically, the "US Forces" (not listed) and "Montage" (listed, but with credit incorrectly given to s1mattias - better to put "BIS" as the source), which "Retaliation" uses footage from extensively along with an earlier BIS trailer.]
  16. dslyecxi

    Some info on Modern NVGs as used by US

    One thing you did not list is that the PVS7 and PVS14 have "day" covers that allow them to be used in normal daytime lighting. This is contrary to ArmA's modeling of them in which bright light causes them to be unusable. Putting on the day cover is easy - you just pop a little lens cover over the front of the device, and it has a small pinprick hole through which it gets light. Also, with the day cover on you can use ironsights. With it off, you cannot - things up close become blurred, whereas with it on everything stays in good focus. By "use ironsights" I mean that you could take a pistol and use those kinds of sights. Rifles or other weapons where you need to achieve a stock weld would be much more difficult. There are many things that could make the ArmA nightvision more realistic, but they honestly are not that important, and many of them would be difficult to do - such as ironsight restrictions based upon NVGs/NVG mode/etc. Infiltration did a good job of many of the things mentioned, though - if you haven't seen my article on it (in my sig), check it out. They did IR lasers, nightvision scopes, etc.
  17. dslyecxi

    Awesome ArmA trailer

    The tracers are not changed in that vid. When they appear shorter, it's because those sections of the video were recorded at slower speeds and the way the tracers render caused them to look shorter than usual. If you want to see crazy-awesome tracers, you'll have to wait for an official VBS2 video or something.
  18. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    Are you talking about the CoC Command Engine? It runs the same as normal ArmA. I haven't seen a performance hit with it. It's very, very slick, too. I'm all kinds of excited to see that stuff show up in ArmA.
  19. dslyecxi

    Awesome ArmA trailer

    There are no dead US soldiers in that video. The ones you see are South Sahrani. The only US personnel in that video are not engaged in combat, aside from the aircraft pilots.
  20. dslyecxi

    AI natural Artillery, without script.

    Yes, it really did work.
  21. dslyecxi

    AI natural Artillery, without script.

    My idea? Wait for the Chain of Command team to bring Unified Artillery over to ArmA. http://dslyecxi.com/shackposts/ofp_cocua11.html
  22. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    The song is "Nine Inch Nails - Just Like You Imagined". Nice to see that everyone seems to be enjoying it.
  23. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    I'll put it on Youtube, give me a bit. Need to establish a Youtube presence anyway.
  24. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    This video was inspired by both the excellent "300" movie trailer from awhile back as well as the terrible ArmA trailer that Atari recently released. This was created on one day in the space of about five hours. It's an abbreviated look at an attack from the North Sahrani against the South Sahrani forces. Oh yeah, and there are A-10s in this footage. Enjoy. Download ArmA: Just Like You Imagined