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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. dslyecxi

    Tactical Guide available in print form

    Here's the shipping section of the Lulu site: http://www.lulu.com/help/index.php?fSymbol=shipping_options_intl
  2. dslyecxi

    Time for Weapon Saftey!

    I see no reason to put a weapon safety into ArmA, especially as a firemode that will further clutter the method of changing weapons. Keep your "trigger finger" off of the fire button until you're ready to shoot. It's really simple, totally effective, and it does not require any addons. I will personally be against any mod that introduces a "Safe" fire mode. It's just not necessary. The weapon selection method is clumsy enough as it is, we don't need to add any extraneous options to it.
  3. dslyecxi


    Oh, please tell me that a PR is given for this...
  4. dslyecxi

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    I almost feel sorry for those of you that feel so incredibly burned by ArmA. I guess you just haven't had a chance to play it with a good group, otherwise I think you'd be singing a somewhat different tune. Even with the bugs, issues, and odd design decisions, it's still one hell of a game with the right people in MP. There's nothing else on the market that can do what ArmA does in that regard. I hope that the future is brighter, but the present is not bad by any means. It helps to keep in mind that BIS is an independent developer that has a small fraction of the manpower of some of the big-name developers whose games ArmA is inevitably compared against. Is that an excuse? No, but it is something worth considering. For those wondering (it's no secret, you can see on the serverlist easily enough), ShackTac has been helping to test 1.08. We had a session last night with a peak of 58 people, playing a mix of coop and adversarial missions, and it was running great. Quite a bit different from some of our past MP forays into the game. BIS is definitely on the right track with their patches. I'm sure there will be people complaining about 1.08 (there always are, regardless of what a patch contains), but I think the majority of the community will be happy with what has been introduced, fixed, tweaked, etc.
  5. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    Haha. Ok, it's fixed for real now.
  6. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    Here's a highres version of said trailer: Armed Assault US Trailer Hehe, though so. But what about those sounds? A mod or edited into the video? And the part where the A10 fires FFARs but the sound for the cannon is played (maybe just didn't sync properly as the bit before it had an A10 firing the cannon)? It is a cool video though. Not surprised Atari got you to make one, after their attempt Edit: Link for the high-res version gives me a 404 error. Link is fixed now. To be clear, I provided the footage for the trailer, the sounds and such are not mine.
  7. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    Here's a highres version of said trailer: Armed Assault US Trailer
  8. dslyecxi

    Multi Core CPU and GPU

    Quoted for truth.
  9. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    When Server Testing Goes Oh So Horribly Right Words cannot describe this. Download it and see for yourself. (Note: People who cannot laugh should avoid this link.) http://dslyecxi.com/videos/may29_server_test.wmv Town Assault Battle Drill This video is a ten minute look at one of our random "battle drill" missions. We use these to teach around squad-sized elements how to work as a team. This one involves a random town needing to be cleared of enemy. It was fun. http://dslyecxi.com/videos/may28_random_town_assault.wmv
  10. dslyecxi

    Pub Training Server Up

    I would like to make the community aware of a telling aspect of the USM's behavior outside of these forums. I will be quoting directly from a post Spyder made on another forum, talking about how he encourages people to pirate ArmA. These will be selective quotes with slight edits so that I do not give information about pirating ArmA, since obviously I do not support it. So.. what's the justification for this one, Spyder & Co?
  11. dslyecxi

    Overloaded Squad.xml

    Testing seems to show that this does not actually work. We had people connecting and showing up as different XMLs to different people, it was completely unreliable. If it sounds too good to be true...
  12. dslyecxi

    Public Training

    Spyder, I'm not directing any of my posts to you. Someone raised a question and I addressed it. I think you're under the impression that because a post concerns your group, that you somehow can dictate who can and cannot post in the thread. Your buddy used some lame hyperbole to hype your group. I'm calling you on it. Others are calling you on it. You've obviously made up your mind to ignore it and pretend that it's not a problem, but that doesn't mean that I or anyone else has to ignore it.
  13. dslyecxi

    Public Training

    Hspd was using hyperbole to try to help his case. The reason they don't get specific about this mythical "50 year old" information is because it isn't in the guide. It's the only way he can attempt to devalue the guide. I take that as a compliment, though... to have to resort to such ugly hyperbole means that you couldn't think of anything legitimate to say instead.
  14. dslyecxi

    Overloaded Squad.xml

    Looks good, I'll have to give this a shot.
  15. dslyecxi

    Public Training

    It's not really about "being cool together", more about giving a different perspective to allow for people to make a more informed decision about wanting to participate. If this perceived pressure causes USM to step up their maturity to put on a good show for those that happen to show up, more power to them. That would be a nice outcome to all of this. I'm not exactly expecting it to happen, though...
  16. dslyecxi

    Public Training

    Not quite. I'm more interested in people being wary of this recruiting-effort-disguised-as-training. I don't run public training for my own reasons. There are other groups who do, and of those, I think they are a safer bet than USM, which I believe has less-than-pure intentions here.
  17. dslyecxi

    Public Training

    I'm sorry, you seem to have misunderstood me. I was asking about two specific things - why you stack, and why you cram so many people into a small structure. What you instead talked about is nothing new. Your first three citations (wedge formation, traveling overwatch, bounding overwatch) are damn near identical to what I described in my own guide, which makes me wonder why you'd slam it. Again we come back to the "promoting yourselves by attempting to discredit others" topic. Your CQB tactics are based on something other than ArmA, and that's where I have issues with them. The CQB aspect of ArmA is extremely limited. Aside from fragging rooms and knowing how to pie off an area, there really isn't much else that's applicable. The ArmA collision and movement model makes trying to cram lots of people into a small area almost suicidal. If you do your CQB training to come off as "high speed", that's one thing, but to snow people into thinking that it matters is outright misleading. You will get slaughtered en masse by a moderately competent human opfor if you try to do "By the book" room/building clearing in ArmA. It's just not designed for such things. Your "crossing an intersection" thing is nothing new. So I ask again - where do you get off proclaiming that your tactics are the best things since sliced bread? You slam my work, then damn near recite it when talking about your own tactics. It's mind-boggling. The best you can come up with if you try is nitpicking the differences. edit: You threw in the herringbone stuff after I had replied. I have never read any instance of the Herringbone formation being anything but a stationary formation. The fact that the name is taken from the angles of the vehicles relative to the direction of movement seems to back that up. So does the official Army definition of the Herringbone.
  18. dslyecxi

    Public Training

    You can't even justify one element of your tactics? One simple thing? Come on. It's not difficult to explain why you do things one way versus any other. If you're truly interested in "the good of the community", why not take the time to educate everyone as to why you think it's wise to cram people tightly together into a single structure? Or why you think that tight stacks outside of buildings are a good idea? Discussion of tactics is enlightening when done properly. You don't seem to be interested, which leads me to conclude yet again that this is nothing more than a thinly-veiled recruitment effort.
  19. dslyecxi

    Public Training

    I'm sorry, my dumb jarhead self cannot understand your spelling. What is "burry"? Could you perhaps run a spellcheck through your posts before they're sent to aid simpletons like myself in the future? A half-assed apology accompanied by an insult is not a real apology. I believe we already covered that concept in PMs yesterday. You want to promote your training, correct? I think a good way to do that would be by justfying your tactics and methods in this thread. Unless, you know... you can't... in which case I suppose it would be wise for you to not even attempt to do so and just hope people show up for your training and you can snare them for your group. I think... not. Forums are for discussion. Here's a discussion.
  20. dslyecxi

    Public Training

    Contradicted by: I like how you managed to sling a personal attack insult into your "apology". Bravo! Mission accomplished, though not in the way you intended. It is a desperate tactic to proclaim that you have the SUPER SECRET AWESOME TACTICS and will only show them to people who attend your training (recruiting) event. It is also desperate to claim that you are able to provide material that is better than anyone else's in the community. Your constant citation of having "military advisors" is comical in this community - almost every group out there has a slew of former military in it, they just don't typically harp on it to try to attract people. Would you like to discuss tactics, since the topic is about tactical training? I mean, based on your "example" screens posted? That could be a fun discussion. I think the title would have to be "Real Life Tactics, and how they don't translate 100% into a virtual environment". We could discuss how you unnecessarily stack tightly outside of buildings, put tons of people into small environments where they can get fragged easily, equip all of your members with M203s, and appear to enjoy staging scenes for the camera. The amount of stuff I have seen in your screenshots that would get players killed in actual gameplay, whether against AI or humans, is staggering. Why do you claim to be so above-and-beyond everyone else in tactical prowess? Why make such a bold claim that you cannot possibly back up? Why must you resort to bashing other people to try to make yourselves look good? Why not just stand on your own merits? For myself, I've had some really quality discussions with people about the tactics I wrote. There are lots of different ways to do things, and most mature adults understand this. No one group's tactics are the "END ALL, BE ALL" solution for everyone. Claiming as such is just silly. Everyone can learn from everyone else, whether it be in a positive way or a negative way. Giving you the benefit of the doubt about this being "for the community" and not for recruitment (which I personally do not believe), why could you not have approached this in a more mature manner? You immediately jumped at the opportunity to bash someone else's tactical writings in an attempt to validate your group. Instead of standing on your own merits, you had to insult others, attack and attempt to decredit their work, and so on and so forth. It's childish behavior, and my intent in this thread is to give a differing perspective from yours, because I think that people who attend this training may very well be burned by it. So now people can come in here, look through the thread, and make a more informed decision about whether or not they want to spend the time with you and yours. Some may, some may not. At least now they can see two sides of it.
  21. dslyecxi

    Public Training

    Hspd, you're contracting yourself a bit in the thread. I suppose I should point it out for those that haven't been paying attention. I replied to that, since it was obvious you were referring to my work. You replied with: Which is, quite frankly, a bald-faced lie. Proof? Your own forum post about this topic, where you use the same bizarre "50+ year old" terminology. Quoting from your forum, where you deemed fit to post a stickied topic decrying my tactics guide for some unknown reason: I'll refrain from posting the rest of it, since it's basically just an angry, bitter rant brought on by... well, I don't know. Anyway, the point is that you claim innocence in making a dig at me, when it's quite clear from the evidence that you have a serious grudge against me and feel threatened by the tactics guide. This doesn't exactly make you look all that great. Contradiction number two. What is this event about? Teaching the community (doubtful) or recruiting (likely)? I present the following quote: And yet, later on, you talk about scrubbing it and then cite that you "gain enough recruits daily" to not have to worry about having a training day. Gee, that sure does make it sound like a recruitment effort disguised as training! And yet again we see you taking a shot at a tactics guide that has received nothing but praise from the community since its release. Quoting: I think any ArmA player would be better served by reading my "half ass shit" than attending any kind of "training" (cough cough recruitment cough cough) event put together by the likes of you. Hopefully the community can see through your act, or at the very least observe your behavior in this thread and draw the appropriate conclusions from it. I would hate to think that anyone would show up to your "training" (recruitment) event and be as badly burned by it as they're likely to be. Judging by your own forum post about it, not only do you not recruit the best of players, but you're complete dicks about trying to make people look bad because they no longer had time to play with you. It's disgustingly petty and is another prime example of your general approach towards the ArmA scene. Why don't you just scrub this "training" (recruitment) now and save everyone the heartache? Or you can keep it going, attempt to spite me, and sprout a whole new batch of USM-haters after they have to deal with your shit. There's a reason your group is not welcome in the Project Reality community, and it looks like you're on track to repeat your earlier mistakes here. To those considering this "training" (recruitment), consider this. There are many great communities that have sprung up around ArmA. Many of the top-name ones from the past have transitioned over or are transitioning over (ie 6th Sense), quality new ones are forming, and there is a huuuge selection of groups that you can join up with. Shop around. My recommendation is to be extremely wary of USM, based on the behavior I have personally witnessed both in these forums, in PMs with their members, and on their own forums. If you want to play with a mature group of people who deserve and get respect based on their merit as a player and their ability to be a good person, instead of by demanding respect and treating members like shit, you would do well to avoid USM and seek out a different group.
  22. dslyecxi

    Public Training

    My issues with you and your group stem from your behavior on the ArmA forums and nothing else. I didn't even find out about your PR history until after our first exchange. If I were you, I wouldn't even bring up Project Reality - you're not going to help your case any by making people aware of the impression you made in that community.
  23. dslyecxi

    Public Training

    I would like to point the quoted post out as a prime example of the kind of attitude, lack of maturity, and generally poor behavior that you can expect from the USM folks. To those that plan to attend, you have been warned.
  24. dslyecxi

    Public Training

    It's typically a bad sign when a group has to slam someone else to try to make themselves look good. It's even worse when they resort to hyperbole to try to do it (50 year old info? Haha.). Unfortunately, it's perfectly in keeping with what I have seen of your group in the past, and it is not at all surprising that you must dig at other people to try to boost yourselves. It's a shame that your group does not appear to have changed since you made your initial terrible first impression with the ArmA community. Good luck with your training event. You're going to need it.
  25. dslyecxi

    Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for ArmA

    Put this in the video section already, but I think it's appropriate to post it here as well.