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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. dslyecxi

    ArmA Queens Gambit Packshot Winner ????

    Does it really suprise you? Honestly? Yes and no. No, it doesn't surprise me, because that screenshot is a really solid one and the overall design (which I will not give credit to the "creator" for, because it's a completely obvious design and only works because of that specific screenshot) makes it work nicely as a minimalistic piece with lots of ambience. Also, from a copyright standpoint, they have nothing to worry about - they own the trailer it was created from, and therefore they own the screen. This is a very safe bet from their point of view. On the other hand, yes, it does surprise me that they took this particular entry when so many people put so much more time, energy, dedication, and love into it. It frustrates me that someone who did practically nothing ends up winning (regardless of the prize) a contest that many others deserved to win due to the talent and passion that they put into it. On a personal level, it frustrates me immensely. I know people who submitted great entries to this contest, entries which turned out extremely well, and to see them lose to someone who is winning largely because of my work feels like a roundabout and unintentional betrayal of those people. That gets me a bit heated.
  2. Does it really suprise you? Honestly? Yes and no. No, it doesn't surprise me, because that screenshot is a really solid one and the overall design (which I will not give credit to the "creator" for, because it's a completely obvious design and only works because of that specific screenshot) makes it work nicely as a minimalistic piece with lots of ambience. Also, from a copyright standpoint, they have nothing to worry about - they own the trailer it was created from, and therefore they own the screen. This is a very safe bet from their point of view. On the other hand, yes, it does surprise me that they took this particular entry when so many people put so much more time, energy, dedication, and love into it. It frustrates me that someone who did practically nothing ends up winning (regardless of the prize) a contest that many others deserved to win due to the talent and passion that they put into it. On a personal level, it frustrates me immensely. I know people who submitted great entries to this contest, entries which turned out extremely well, and to see them lose to someone who is winning largely because of my work feels like a roundabout and unintentional betrayal of those people. That gets me a bit heated.
  3. dslyecxi

    ArmA Queens Gambit Packshot Winner ????

    What the hell? That guy put zero effort into it! That's a screen from the trailer I did, with logos slapped onto it! What a joke! Considering the amount of real talent and effort that went into the contest, that's a complete disgrace as a winning entry. The guy did nothing, absolutely nothing - stole a screen from a trailer (which incenses me more because it's actually my "art" that he's using - my footage), slapped logos onto it, and somehow he wins when countless entries were done with far more heart, energy, time, and effort? I call shenanigans on this. I could have shit that entry out in a five minute window, and at least I would be able to claim that I actually created the screen used for it.
  4. What the hell? That guy put zero effort into it! That's a screen from the trailer I did, with logos slapped onto it! What a joke! Considering the amount of real talent and effort that went into the contest, that's a complete disgrace as a winning entry. The guy did nothing, absolutely nothing - stole a screen from a trailer (which incenses me more because it's actually my "art" that he's using - my footage), slapped logos onto it, and somehow he wins when countless entries were done with far more heart, energy, time, and effort? I call shenanigans on this. I could have shit that entry out in a five minute window, and at least I would be able to claim that I actually created the screen used for it.
  5. dslyecxi

    Arma and VBS2

    This is what i dont understand. If BIA can make major tweaks to the ArmA engine, how come BIS cant do the same. It's there engine. Now if the answer is, BIS can do it, but wont, then you have to ask yourself is ArmA the ultimate simulation. Are we just getting a pale imitation of a simulation with ArmA and has BIS taken this as far as it can go without breaking into VBS territory. There are some glaring omissions in ArmA with regards to engine improvements, that were added to VBS2. Now if this is the ongoing trend, we'll have the same problem with Game2 with VBS3 taking the best features.... You are grossly over exaggerating things.
  6. dslyecxi

    Arma and VBS2

    I own ArmA and have unlimited access to VBS2. I have never once, not even for a moment, considered ditching ArmA to play exclusively with VBS2. Not once, ever. VBS2 has all sorts of great things for military training purposes, and I have a blast designing scenarios and such for it for my job, but there is nothing in it that would make me give up the fantastic community that my group has developed these past years in OFP and ArmA. We can get 60-70 people in an ArmA session on a regular basis, and out of the entire group, noone - repeat - noone has vbs2 aside from me, and I only have it because it is my job. There is nothing in VBS2 for us that would be compelling enough to get even a tiny fraction of us to spend our money on it and attempt to switch over to it for MP. Anyhow, that's my $0.02. As someone who has seen the good and bad sides of both games in great depth, I will always regard ArmA as far, far superior for civilian gaming purposes. edit: Oh hey, I missed this gem from your post, Monk. Funny how ArmA's still on my PC, eh?
  7. dslyecxi

    Anyone else using TrackIR in Arma

    Nice to see the TIR guys here, keeping up with what going on. He only posted to bump the thread because it's full of positive testimonials, cheap advertising, he couldn't let it go to waste. Yay cynicism!
  8. dslyecxi

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    If you wanted to buy a LaserShot system with VBS2 software, you could. It's not really priced towards an individual user, though.
  9. dslyecxi

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    The enemy is not reacting because that's how I scripted the scenario. That's about as far as I will go with details.
  10. dslyecxi

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    What do you mean by that? The FOV is roughly equal to what you would see in reality, seated where I was, with a viewable slice like what those screens provide. In any case, that's just something I was screwing around with on the systems.
  11. dslyecxi

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    I have no idea what you mean re: the helo FOV. As to the live-fire, I explained why it was registering low in the original post. http://www.lasershot.com
  12. dslyecxi

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    Yes, there are plenty of other things you would need.
  13. dslyecxi

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    There is enormous demand for this in the military. US Special Forces use it, for one example. The concerns you've expressed are baffling and aren't an issue in the slightest. This setup is a godsend for training people how to shoot. That particular scenario is set up with the AI not even knowing you're there. Other scenarios have them firing and maneuvering against you. This would be completely unacceptable for training with firearms. There are scenarios where VR can work (ie the VBS1 Loadmasters stuff), but this isn't one of those scenarios. Why stop at four screens? We can do a 360 view with 8-12 or so screens, it's quite impressive. No pics + videos of that currently, though. Perhaps in the future. As mentioned, that's because we were testing on bordered screens at the time. The actual final setup has seamless screens, so there's no "seam" in the center. If I wanted to, I could. There are many ways to implement that.
  14. dslyecxi

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    See this: It's already been taken care of.
  15. dslyecxi

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    "Very good".
  16. dslyecxi

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    That's by the company I work for, actually.
  17. dslyecxi

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    It can be adapted to pretty much anything. US Special Forces have a variant that is a shoothouse, with the screens being on the walls. You breach and flood the room, and enemy insurgents or whatever will be in a simulated extension of the room represented by the screens, and they may grab a rifle or surrender or any number of other things. It's a firearms training tool. More info on this site. VBS2 discussion isn't permitted, so posting "VBS2" footage would be silly, right?
  18. dslyecxi

    Anyone else using TrackIR in Arma

    One works perfectly.
  19. It took a bit longer than anticipated, but we finally got the print version of the ArmA Tactics, Techniques, & Procedures Guide ready to order. It's full-color, 8.5x11", and over 160 pages long. The design and layout was done by Mofo8, and he did a fantastic job of it. The price is $39.99 a copy for the full-color version, with most of that being due to the full-color aspect of it all. The black-and-white version is $19.99 a copy by comparison and still looks very nice. I received my copy of the full-color version recently, and I'm quite impressed by how it turned out. Everyone I've shown it to personally has commented on how nice it looks. Here's a quote from the back cover, written by Syixxs: If you're interested in ordering a copy, you can do so here: http://www.lulu.com/dslyecxi/ Hires Version Hires Version Hires Version Hires Version Hires Version Hires Version The online version of this guide can be found in my signature. If you like this idea, feel free to spread the news... the more exposure, the better. If the price is a problem for you, my apologies. I didn't want to sacrifice the color to make it cheaper, so that probably put a few people out of the market for it. I think the end result is worth the price, though.
  20. dslyecxi

    Advanced Combat Environment

    Color me surprised! Let's see if Phaeden and the others are going to be interested in throwing in your ridiculous laundry list of terrorist features so you can get your rocks off VBIED'ing or suicide bombing simulated US forces. My money is on "No", but hey! Maybe you'll be surprised!
  21. dslyecxi

    Advanced Combat Environment

    Show me an MP-compatible version. Good luck finding it. Can you stop making suggestions for "terrorist" features? It's very clear that you want the most realistic "terrorist" depiction possible in ArmA. You're probably not going to find that in ACE. There are much more worthwhile things to spend developmental effort on. If you don't want to cause a political debate, maybe you should avoid making political comments in the future?
  22. dslyecxi

    Advanced Combat Environment

    Mod tools would be needed, AFAIK. Yes, demand that they do something that almost certainly is not going to be possible in the engine. Better yet, demand that they do it and have it completed by the second release.
  23. dslyecxi

    Tactical Guide available in print form

    There is now a half-price black-and-white version available. Cover is still full-color, inside is grayscale. It looks quite nice and, as mentioned, costs half as much. Black & White $19.99 Version Also, the guide was just reviewed by Magnum of SimHQ. You can find the review here.
  24. dslyecxi

    Real artillery ranges on Sahrani map

    If only there was a mod team working on that... Liiiike... Chain of Command...
  25. dslyecxi

    Anyone heard of this CEX thing?

    It's going to be a big thing when it hits the public. The usability and user friendliness of CEX compared to the old OFP CE is about ten times better. For a group like mine, it will redefine how we plan and coordinate in-game. Here's a look at the current custom ShackTac CEX layout, with our platoon structure (minus PltHQ element). Hires version Also, if you never played Snakeman's OFP CE stuff, you're really going to enjoy what he makes for ArmA with CEX. It's ArmA SP at a totally different scale than normal.