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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. dslyecxi

    Jamming weapons

    I'm really not angry with you. Curious about how it works - yes. Angry? No. Unless you're talking about someone else, in which case I'm not familiar with the incident. So, is there no way to prompt after "the loudest sound in a gunfight" happens? Meaning - you fire a few rounds, get a jam, there's no indication (no action menu option, no icon in the middle of the screen), and then when attempting to fire the next round you get an audible indication (ie: click) as well as an action prompt on your screen? The problem is basically that, in reality, the reaction to "Weapon No Go Bang" is called "Immediate Action" for a reason - it happens instantly. Adding in the necessity to scroll to select an option to perform something that should happen instantly as a mindless, muscle-memory reaction to stimulus ("No boom"), serves to add a level of cumbersomeness to it all that distances it a bit from reality. If that's the best you can do, that's one thing, but if you think you can change it, it would certainly be worth looking into. Re: #2, one thing that might be worth seriously considering is removing the animation from it entirely. I think that in this case in particular you really have to come to grips with the fact that forcing an animation, with ArmA's animation system, results in behavior that is counter to what you would see in reality. With ArmA2's animation system - ie reloading on the move - I can see it being acceptable. In ArmA, though, locking the player in place in yet another situation (aside from the countless ones already present, such as reloading) is painful and can result in death in many situations where a real person would have more flexible options available to them. At the very least it would be worth experimenting with a version that removes the animations to see how that influences the gameplay. I would side with gameplay over graphics in this case, and when ArmA2 comes out, you would be able to have the best of both worlds thanks to the animation changes. If you want any reference footage of immediate action applied to an AR-15 (or Glock 19 for that matter), let me know, and I can film some stuff next time I head to the range. Also - when transitioning from immediate action to remedial action, the key difference should be (and excuse me if this is already in) that the magazine is not retained when doing remedial action. By the time you get to remedial, you assume that the magazine is potentially the source of your issues, so you rip it out and discard it before moving on to the next steps in remedial action. Thanks, glad you like it. Sorry I haven't been able to put anything new up on there in awhile.
  2. dslyecxi

    Jamming weapons

    If you want to read an attitude into it that wasn't there, fine... I won't follow you down that road, though. Perhaps I wasn't clear. The question is more oriented towards why it shows up in the action menu versus it showing up as an icon on screen, already selected.
  3. dslyecxi

    Jamming weapons

    I have a few concerns about this. Haven't had an opportunity to test it yet, but from the description there are a two items in particular that worry me. 1) The fact that you have to manually select the "Immediate Action" drill option from the action menu doesn't make sense. Why was this chosen/can you justify the choice with regard to realism? I'll save my thoughts for now so that my reasoning isn't an influence. 2) The fact that a slow reload animation is used for the immediate action drill is another confusing element of it. Is there no way to speed this up or change it to a faster animation, or do you think the slow method is justifiable somehow? I am not against the idea of jamming weapons, don't get me wrong. I just don't currently like that #1 and #2 are seemingly issues with this method of doing it. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on them. On a somewhat related topic, what's your personal firearms experience, Q1184?
  4. dslyecxi

    TrackIR Pros & Cons???

    You can configure it however you want. You can set acceleration curves, deadzones, smoothing, etc. I've been using a TrackIR4 in ArmA for over a year now, and I can't imagine playing it without it. It is most beneficial for vehicles - aircraft in particular - but even the infantry gameplay can be significantly improved by the situational awareness it gives you. I've also had quite a few people purchase TrackIR4's on my recommendation, with the discount promo I have with NaturalPoint (the one in my sig), and I've yet to hear any complaints with it. Everyone who tries it seems to really enjoy what it adds to the experience. I'm completely confident in recommending TrackIR's to people because of that fact, and the fact that I've been using it in ArmA specifically for as long as I have. I love it - it's easily the best peripheral I've ever bought.
  5. dslyecxi

    New interview with Maruk

    I hope that this is reevaluated. A squad being broken down into fireteams, or a platoon being broken down into squads and then fireteams, is not a "complex chain of command". It's how real military units are structured, and it has dramatic ramifications on tactics and such, both from the player's point of view and the AI's. I am worried that the general combat against the AI in ArmA2 is going to be the same that we had in OFP and ArmA, but with a few upgrades. I'm personally tired of having squad-based units that do not know how to work with each other to carry out proper military tactics. I don't know if I'm ready to go through that same style of combat yet again. It was fun in OFP because it was new - it was good for a while in ArmA, but the thought of facing it yet again in ArmA2 without serious reworking is very, very worrying. Again... I hope that decision is reevaluated.
  6. dslyecxi

    Intel Combat Marines (ICM)

    If it makes you feel any better, I thought the attitude of the post in general was pretty off-putting, and I don't think anything they said (and particularly because of how it was said) is going to "make them look good".
  7. ...wait, it's only 5v5? What do they expect to learn from that? Seriously, that's disappointing. 5v5 will tell you very little - 30v30, on the other hand, would get you into an area where real teamwork happens (or, in the case of unorganized people, doesn't), and from that you'd be able to draw some very useful data.
  8. dslyecxi

    Realism in ARMA2

    It's not "realistic" in how it appears (magical zooming eyes), but it does realistically compensate for various gaming factors that do not exist in the real world (limited resolution and screen size). I work with these concepts in my profession, and I've been in this argument before. I'm not interested in arguing it (since BIS already knows the right course to take and has proven this in both OFP and ArmA), but did want to chime in here to simply state what it is - a compromise, and one that is necessary. And, if you're wondering, yes, I have plenty of shooting experience.
  9. dslyecxi

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    That's a pretty mediocre trailer. You'd think that they'd spend a few dollars to have a community member make them a good one, I mean after all it's going to be viewed by tens or hundreds of thousands of people and will influence many purchasing decisions. At least it's better than the travesty of a cut-together trailer Atari originally tried to get away with.
  10. dslyecxi

    shack tatical

    ShackTac does not recruit from the ArmA forums. We have very specific join procedures, and the criteria for becoming a member are strict. Based on what I've seen from you in the forums here, operation madman, you're barking up the wrong tree. Can a moderator lock or delete this post? There's a reason I don't link straight to the ShackTac page in my sig or in my posts.
  11. dslyecxi

    CoC Command Engine X

    Congrats, Spinor. Looking forward to seeing this evolve in the future, it has such a solid foundation already that any future improvements will truly be a sight to see.
  12. dslyecxi

    ArmA 2

    Probably because a "VBS-styled city" is so vast that you'd never be able to fill it with enough AI to make it convincing/fun? Bigger is not better in this regard. I enjoy playing in the ArmA-sized cities much more than in As Samawah or the Green Zone in VBS2. That's not theory, either - it's based on actually having played in them.
  13. dslyecxi

    CEX video new functions

    Let me chime in here to say that CEX is going to really surprise people. It's slated to be the most significant addition to ArmA since... well, since ArmA itself. Spinor has done a bang-up job with it and it's going to change how many people play the game, as well as how they create missions. A few shots of mine from the latest CEX beta: ShackTac Platoon Structure in CEX: http://dslyecxi.com/screens....ex1.jpg Other stuff: http://dslyecxi.com/screens....ex2.jpg http://dslyecxi.com/screens....ex3.jpg http://dslyecxi.com/screens....ex4.jpg http://dslyecxi.com/screens....ex5.jpg http://dslyecxi.com/screens....ex6.jpg
  14. dslyecxi

    ArmA 2

    Haha. I love how you just pulled that out of your ass and would like to pass it off as a "fact".
  15. dslyecxi

    ArmA 2

    400km2 is significant. What he probably meant is that all 400km2 are used for the terrain itself. This is NOT the case for Sahrani - it's only about 250km2 of landmass, the rest is water.
  16. dslyecxi

    ArmA 2

    Fantastic news. I can't wait to see what they do with this.
  17. dslyecxi

    ArmA 2

    Fantastic news. I can't wait to see what they do with this.
  18. The picture + videos say more than words can, so let's jump right into them. This is all stuff that I've been working on lately at my job - this is the first time I've really had an opportunity to post about them. Here's 40+ feet wide worth of beautiful screen real estate. The kicker is that you can shoot at it with laser-equipped, Co2-powered recoil weapons and kill stuff in the environment. (Note that the black borders are only on those screens, the final product has seamless screens) http://www.dslyecxi.com/lsthingsthatareneat/4screen_sml.jpg Here's that same setup, flying around in a helo. http://www.dslyecxi.com/lsthingsthatareneat/four_screen_ah6.wmv And last but by no means least, we have the icing on the cake - live-fire! This is me, with my own personal rifle, with real bullets, shooting virtual bad guys. The calibration was off a bit (shots were registering low, hence the many leg shots and near-misses below the enemies), but still, it was pure awesomeness incarnate. Dumped about five magazines through some of my scenarios in a 10 minute period. http://www.dslyecxi.com/lsthing....r15.wmv
  19. You just linked four things that aren't Interceptor vests. Again, we're talking specifically about Interceptor vests here. That's an important distinction. Hey, let's make things personal! Whee! Wonderful attitude to adopt. I suppose I should have expected it though, eh, considering the source? Wasn't really planning on using them to begin with, to be perfectly honest, but considering that you're claiming them as accurate it seemed like pointing out an inaccuracy would be useful to you. Instead I guess you took it as some personal insult and reacted accordingly.
  20. The texturing of the MARPAT itself looks good, but the woodland Interceptor look terrible by comparison. The colors are too bright and strong on it (and generally a bit off), and the MOLLE webbing is not green as it should be. Compare your version to this: http://www.usmc.mil/marinel...._05.jpg I never once had an Interceptor or Flak in the Corps that had a camo pattern as strong and bright as the version used in this addon. Aside from that, though, the MARPAT itself looks good.
  21. Tactics, techniques, procedures, and more. This is the definitive ArmA tactical resource as of this moment. (Oh, modesty! ) http://dslyecxi.com/armattp.html I hope you all enjoy it. It's a whopping read, over 60,000 words, and it took me from December until today to write and illustrate it. I think the time investment was worth it, though... but please, do feel free to let me know what you think of it. Here's what Marek Spanel, CEO of BIS, has to say about it: As I said.. feedback is welcome! And, again... hope you guys enjoy it. http://dslyecxi.com/armattp.html
  22. dslyecxi

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    Limited time thing. There will be some PR stuff available in the next few weeks that will be better, so no worries...
  23. dslyecxi

    Beta testing is a joke.

    You're saying this as though die-hard OFP fans would have rejected an invitation to beta test without monetary compensation. Yeah, right. You're missing the point entirely. If you think that a group of unpaid testers are somehow responsible for whether or not any given bug exists in ArmA, you are a fool. If you would slander a group of unpaid testers based on the fact that ArmA shipped with bugs, again, you are a fool and do not understand the various things that factor into the situation. But really, based on your limited posting history and the content of your posts up until now, I think the "fool" thing was settled already.
  24. dslyecxi

    Beta testing is a joke.

    I would suggest you stop slandering people you know absolutely nothing about, based on a complete lack of knowledge of what beta testing involves, especially when external parties are participating in it for free, for love of the game alone, in their spare time.
  25. dslyecxi

    Beta testing is a joke.

    Yeah, insult people you know nothing about. Good form.