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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. dslyecxi

    Infrared (thermal) vision

    The video depicts multiple WIP systems that are not meant to be shown off at the present time. You, as a tester, should not be making such videos - that's the job of the ACE team. Please remove that video immediately and contact me or Q next time you'd like to contribute towards an ACE media release.
  2. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    Too (f*cking) bad stage 6 has been shut down, one of the best video sharing website: source. Yeah, kind of a pisser. I'm using the DivX web player to stream movies from my site now, though, so it wasn't a complete waste. (you can see this in: http://dslyecxi.com/articles/arma_airborne.html )
  3. dslyecxi

    In terms of realism

    I'm not speaking for BIS - as you can see, they're perfectly capable of speaking for themselves. What I wrote is from my perspective, as is everything I write. I have nothing further to add - I already said my points, and nothing you've said gives me reason to revise my comments. To reiterate: You can suggest things and make positive changes without being so negative and rude on this forum. Acting polite, mature, and civil does not turn you into a "toady", either.
  4. dslyecxi

    In terms of realism

    Here's a tip, since you obviously do not grasp the concept. If you are trying to make helpful suggestions to BIS, the way to do it is NOT to constantly insult them, their intelligence, and their employees. I cannot even begin to fathom why they bother to respond to you given your utterly atrocious attitude towards them and their company. Seriously, you come across as a holier-than-thou jerk in the majority of your posts. You insult them at every opportunity, demand information, demand changes, and read them the riot act over every little thing that you think you can. It's ridiculous, it's insulting, and it's not how anyone should be conducting themselves when trying to improve a product. I am simply disgusted at your attitude and I know that I am not the only one that feels this way. You really, really need to take a long hard look at how you're presenting yourself and try very hard to strip out all the negativity. It's not accomplishing anything.
  5. dslyecxi

    Arma beta patch 1.09 - released

    It's not my place to post such things. It will be done when BIS thinks it's done. If it's taking longer, it's for good reason, and the end product will benefit from that.
  6. dslyecxi

    Arma beta patch 1.09 - released

    I was burned by this very forum community the last time I tried to tell you guys anything about an unreleased version of ArmA. Excuse me if I don't feel like getting burned again so soon after.
  7. dslyecxi

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    That's not a bug - that's how the process you described should work. You took the weapons away from an Abrams and gave it an M107 instead. Tic-Tac explained how to do it correctly and get the desired results.
  8. dslyecxi


    There's a reason we don't recruit from these forums, or have any dedicated topics about our group on this forum. Mods, please close this topic. Inkompetent, please remove the links. (or mods, whoever)
  9. dslyecxi

    Arma beta patch 1.09 - released

    You're basing this on what exactly? You pretty much hit it on the head. BIS is busy actually creating the patch, testing it, etc, not to mention the fact that they're working on another full game at the same time. Have patience. I'm sure they're working as fast as they can, and complaining about their speed isn't likely to change anything. On a very closely related note: Once upon a time I went through the trouble to get permission to talk about an unreleased version of ArmA (1.09, article is linked in my sig), thinking that the community would appreciate information about it. Certain elements of this forum community (what I would characterize as the "Negative Nancies") decided that they didn't like such information and went on little personal crusades that ended up getting the topic locked. I don't speak for BIS, but from a personal standpoint, I can't see myself trying to do something like that again anytime soon, based on the oh-so-loving reaction it received. You guys want information, and yet when it is delivered to you, some of you take that opportunity to lash out at the messenger for no good reason, to the detriment of the entire community. It's ridiculous.
  10. dslyecxi

    Are Hellfires etc really this innaccurate?

    ACE does this and a lot more. If you like the idea of an accurate representation of the Cobra (and associated weapon systems), you're going to dig what's being done.
  11. dslyecxi

    Advanced Combat Environment

    Ah, ok. The interview with Enven will be happening in the not-too-distant future - timetables are hard to work out, thanks to everyone being rather busy on the mod itself at present.
  12. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    I made the move over to Stage6 recently. Many of my videos have transitioned over, and those that haven't are in the pipe. Here are a few representative samples. I won't link any VBS2 stuff directly as it's not relevant to the ArmA forum, but you can find VBS2 videos in there as well if you're curious. Serious(ish): Shack Tactical Compilation Vid Forest Firefight (VON testing) MOUT Battle Drill (VON testing) Airfield Raid Last Breath Comedy: FriedFish on the edge Glorious Charge Medal of Honor Run Loop This Older but still good vids: TrackIR4 in ArmA MH-6 Training ArmA Just Like You Imagined You can find the whole collection here: http://www.stage6.com/Dslyecxi/videos/?page=1
  13. dslyecxi

    Advanced Combat Environment

    Work is taking precedence for most. What "SimHQ Review"? As far as I know, noone from SimHQ is involved at any level currently, and I don't believe anyone from there is a tester, either. They have their own little mods that they're working on. If you're referring to Enven's blog interview with the ACE team, that's a different story.
  14. dslyecxi

    Not time for a final LINUX dedicated ?

    Does the version number really matter to you? Maybe they'll release it as 1.11? Maybe it'll be 1.13? Who knows? What does it matter?
  15. dslyecxi

    Arma beta patch 1.09 - released

    Why do you assume that fixes to ArmA1 do not carry over to ArmA2?
  16. dslyecxi

    Arma beta patch 1.09 - released

    Oh, give me a break. VON is not "new", it was working with Operation Flashpoint 4-5 years ago before Sockets became the standard for MP. It's one of the oldest OFP bugs, and it's getting fixed. Just because you were not aware of the prior presence of said functionality does not mean that the current bugfixing is "adding a new unneeded feature". What a ridiculous load of nonsense. Also, if you honestly believe that 1.09 is being delayed only because of VON fixes, you're under some wacky misconceptions. BIS is currently making 1.09 the best it can be. Would you rather wait a few extra weeks for that, or have it right now so you can complain about something that would have been fixed by a few extra weeks of development? You really can't win with certain elements of this community, though...
  17. dslyecxi

    Arma beta patch 1.09 - released

    Just because you don't know what's happening, doesn't mean that nothing is happening.
  18. dslyecxi

    Escapist article on Arma

    "The article is all about coop groups". Reply says "Hey, they mention this group, and that's not a coop group". Pretty simple unless you try to read too much into it... The article is more oriented towards people outside of the ArmA community. Of course people who play the game are going to already know most of what is being talked about.
  19. dslyecxi

    Escapist article on Arma

    God forbid! The author wrote about something that he found to be interesting. Perhaps PvP is too similar to other games for it to stand out to him the way that the ArmA coop scene did? Perhaps he was never exposed to it? Perhaps he didn't like it? Who knows? It's his article and his choice. Someone mentioned that PvP wasn't addressed - it was. It may not have been addressed in the way some of you want (perhaps a nice lovey-dovey poem about Berserk or somesuch?), sure, but it was certainly touched on. They talked to a coop group and received information about mostly coop experiences, with some PvP thrown in. If you want to spin it in a negative light, by all means, be my guest. I'm amazed that this is an issue at all. I never said that it was. Calm down and take a few deep breaths next time before you try so hard to make an issue out of something that wasn't even said. They mention PvP, as you yourself cited. I don't know what more you're looking for, aside from a reason to argue.
  20. dslyecxi

    Escapist article on Arma

    ShackTac is an equal mix of large-scale coop and large-scale PvP. They mention ShackTac, so...
  21. dslyecxi

    Arma battleye support for 1.09beta

    This is a terrible idea. There are plenty of private groups around that have a playerbase that does not need to be policed in such a fashion. BattleEye is worthless to them, and forcing them to run it is counter-productive at best.
  22. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    He survived, you can actually see him crawling away later in the video. The mission uses a wounding script developed in-house, so the shot hit him, dropped him and stunned him for several seconds, and then he "came to" and was able to crawl off to tend to his wound.
  23. dslyecxi

    Armed Assault videos

    It's late at night with a full moon high in the sky. A South Sahrani RACS army patrol has just reached their staging point in the woods near a series of small villages they will be patroling through. Only one of them, the patrol commander, has nightvision goggles. In the hills near them, a small but skilled band of North Sahrani troops are poised to disrupt the patrol. The one pair of nightvision goggles that this group has has been given to their sniper, armed with a single SVD rifle and one magazine of ten rounds. He's perched up on a hillside about 650 meters away, watching as the RACS patrol disembarks their vehicles. http://dslyecxi.com/screens/Armed_Assault/0801/12/s_part2.jpg http://dslyecxi.com/screens/Armed_Assault/0801/12/s_part1.jpg As he scans, he notices two people dressed in non-military attire. War correspondents. They strike up a conversation with one of the nearby RACS soldiers. http://dslyecxi.com/screens/Armed_Assault/0801/12/s_part3.jpg The rest, as they say, is history. This video was filmed by one of the "War correspondents", Madcows. They were interviewing Fer at the time of the above screen. What they caught on film was, in a word, epic. Youtube version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzRxmMi8Z1E Hires: http://dslyecxi.com/shacktacviduploads/Madcows/SniperShot.wmv Aftermath screens (check after you've seen the video itself): http://dslyecxi.com/screens/Armed_Assault/0801/12/s_part4.jpg http://dslyecxi.com/screens/Armed_Assault/0801/12/s_part5.jpg
  24. dslyecxi

    Infanty tactics

    My group bases our tactics off of the tactical guide I published at ArmA's US release. http://dslyecxi.com/armattp.html We have been very successful with such tactics so far. They apply quite well to gaming, without some of the cumbersome "real world" tactical fluff that some people are so gung-ho about.
  25. dslyecxi

    Program(s) for taking screenshots.

    Please god no.