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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. I don't think it's appropriate to start a new thread for this, so while I'm not quite press, I think this fits here better than anywhere else right now. The new Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Guide for ArmA2 will premiere later this week. Date is TBD (probably Friday or Saturday), but the whole thing is done and ready to go, pending me finishing my final read-through pass of it. The guide ended up being almost exactly twice as big as the previous one, and contains a great deal of new and revised goodness. For an example of the changes, take a look at this - it's part of the new Fireteam Leader section. For comparison, here is what that section looked like in TTP1. Looking forward to getting this out there for everyone to see. It's been a huge effort, but I think the result is well worth it. :)
  2. dslyecxi

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    If you're tight on funds, you could always get a TrackIR4. They're less expensive at $100.
  3. The system is described in detail on the biki, here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Artillery_Module
  4. I am confused as to why you are talking authoritatively about features within a game that you have no first-hand experience with. :confused:
  5. dslyecxi

    We need a strategy guide.

    Have a new teaser up for this - showing the overhauled fireteam leader section. For comparison, here is what that section looked like in TTP1.
  6. dslyecxi

    DevHeaven official launch

    It's been very clear how much work has been going into this project... best of luck to all involved in it, good to see it being launched officially. :)
  7. It's not hard at all to find a variety of BIS staff posting in the forums about all manner of issues. Just because they don't do it on your schedule, according to what you think are priorities etc, does not change that fact. :rolleyes: Hey, you don't have to convince me.
  8. Oh, I see. They're replying to threads, but they aren't replying to enough threads to satisfy you specifically. Thus, they're not replying to any threads at all. What a load of nonsense. :rolleyes: My reply to your post was pretty clearly about you using hyperbole (again) to try to make a point. Same as this reply.
  9. dslyecxi

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    TrackIR5 by itself is with the hat + hat clip. TrackIR5 "Pro" is with the TrackClip Pro, which is the active LED thing that clips to your headphones or whatever. They have the same eventual functionality (6DOF), they're just worn differently, and one (TCP) is active IR, the other is passive (reflectors).
  10. You know that they don't visit the suggestion threads... how, again? :rolleyes:
  11. dslyecxi

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    For me, it was more a matter of convenience. The TrackClip Pro goes onto my headset and stays there - I've had it on my headphones since I got the TCP however long ago it was. Whereas with the normal TrackHat/Clip, you put it on/take it off each time you want to use it. It may increase the tracking fidelity, but I have never tested that myself. To me, the convenience it adds is worth it.
  12. dslyecxi

    Will ArmA 2 support FreeTrack?!

    Don't worry - it not only does not support Freetrack, it also doesn't support TrackIR or independent head movements at all.
  13. dslyecxi

    Shooting out of a car/truck?

    If the turrets were not configured that way, due to the expectation of them never moving, they would exhibit the behavior you see in that video. Thus, it may just be a change in a config that's necessary to 'fix' that. As to the assumption that 'non-stabilized is the default behavior' - that's just that, an assumption. It could easily be the other way. Turrets that should be stabilized, are. LAV-25 should be, same with M1, etc. AAV isn't, HMMWV isn't. etc etc.
  14. dslyecxi

    Shooting out of a car/truck?

    The video is of attachTo, though, not a normal game vehicle. Whether an attachTo'd turret can be set to not stabilize is a different issue. It could be a matter of changing the config of the turret, or it could be deeper than that.
  15. dslyecxi

    Shooting out of a car/truck?

    This simply is not true. Try hopping into an A2 HMMWV as a gunner and order the driver drive around and turn in circles. I mean, unless you don't have A2, in which case I would have assumed you would say "in A1 no matter what" instead of also including A2. Whether or not this works with attachTo is a different question, but the core fact is that A2 models turret stabilization (or lack thereof).
  16. dslyecxi

    We need a strategy guide.

    @ Bravo/twisted/sparks - Honestly, that sort of enthusiasm is what makes it so much fun to do anything regarding the A1/A2 community. You get a real sense of appreciation and shared enjoyment from such ventures. Thanks for being positive aspects of the community in that respect, to each of you (and many others, of course, but you guys get singled out for the above posts).
  17. dslyecxi

    We need a strategy guide.

    I haven't decided on what to do regarding a print version. My main focus of effort right now is getting it out there in an online format that anyone can read for free. The print stuff is more of a bonus item, for those that also want a hardcopy. It'll have to come after the online version. As to the changes - the new guide is significantly reorganized and restructured, for starters. There are many, many new sections, including an entire page on in-game leadership. The tactical section has been significantly revised and added to, and the Combined Arms and Vehicle Usage sections are maaassive compared to their A1 TTP counterparts. Every other section has seen lots of additions, revisions, etc, as well. The "ShackTac Platoon" and "Attachments" sections are both really nice examples of that. Here's a rough breakdown of the guide pages, and how their wordcounts were as of about a week or two ago: Intro The Basic Rifleman (~20k) The ShackTac Platoon (~9k) Attachments (~7.5k) Communication (~5k) Leadership (~13k) Battle Drills (~5.5k) Tactics (~16k) Combined Arms (~17k) Vehicle Usage (~12k) Finale So, over 100,000 words in total, compared to ~60,000 for the first guide. Quite a bit of new content. :) The key 'feature' of the new guide is that it builds off of two plus years of our (ShackTac's) experiences in ArmA1 as far as tactics, leadership, etc go. I think it is a very strong and useful resource because of that - it's all stuff that we actually use, versus "fluff" that looks nice on paper but doesn't work in-game. Hopefully you guys end up liking it as well. I'm really excited to get it out there and start receiving feedback on it all. :)
  18. dslyecxi

    We need a strategy guide.

    Our guides cover completely different topics - gameplay and editing - and I don't think it would benefit anyone for us to attempt to combine them. Both guides are free, so if someone wants to read them both, it's quite easy to do. As to mine - it's almost done. I'm about 95% of the way complete, and expect to launch it to coincide with the UK release on the 19th. Just have a few more things to add to it before it'll be ready to go. It has ended up being a muuuuch more massive guide than the first one, with a ton of new and revised content. Should be a great read regardless of whether one is new to the series or not. In my humble opinion, of course. ;)
  19. dslyecxi

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Those are some pretty nice changes. Somehow I'd missed the update myself. Checking it out now, thanks.
  20. dslyecxi

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Yes, it's just to power the LEDs. If you do a wireless mod for it and are successful, let us know - I'd be interested in the details.
  21. Not to salt a wound, but VBS2 has this on one of their special terrains. It basically works as an addaction that anyone (IIRC) can do when close to specific fences. There are spots every few meters where it will cause the bottom portion of the fence to get split open, which allows a unit to crawl through. Of course, it only works on specific fences, on that specific terrain (which is VERY small), but as far as I know the idea was to show that it's possible to begin with. It would be nice to have this for a 'breacher'/engineer type unit with a cutting tool of some sort. I don't really expect to see it in A2 at this point, however.
  22. dslyecxi

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Haven't tweaked mine that much yet. I've been too busy with my A2 guide to really sit down and spend time on tweaking it. I like the default profile, if you bump the speed up a bit. Not exactly sure what I'll change when I find the time to do so, but once I do, I'll post it here for anyone else to try out.
  23. dslyecxi

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Yep, that will work fine. That's what I use.
  24. dslyecxi

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    You can find them on this page, Soulfly.