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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. You're making a pretty harsh absolute statement there that simply isn't true. There are huuuge chunks of the guide that apply regardless of what mission you're playing, who you're playing it with, etc. There are other sections that depend on a specific organizational structure to be most ideally applied, though they can be adapted to other structures with a bit of creativity. That's to be expected, though - as mentioned previously, the tagline "For Shack Tactical" is not just thrown on there randomly.
  2. Both types, as well as a variety of gimmicky missions. We play a mix of coop and adversarial, though we often lean more towards adversarial stuff, as our players tend to put up a better fight than the AI does, and allow for more interesting tactics to be employed.
  3. Generally not. There's one, Operation Mongoose, that you can find in the ArmA1 mission section. If there's a demand for it in the future, we may look at making some available for general ArmA2 use. As a rule, though, we tend to keep them to ourselves, as they're made to our style of play and may not be 'public friendly' - ie, there are no measures in place to prevent people from griefing or generally being jackasses, since we don't have to worry about that sort of stuff.
  4. Considering that all of our missions are in-house created ones, it's relevant. We are ShackTac; the guide is about how we do things, in our missions. Hope you see where I'm coming from with that.
  5. Well, the guide's subtitle - "For Shack Tactical" - may give a hint. ;)
  6. A2 actually introduces a 'slow' ironsight walk. The speed at which you move in ironsights is determined by whether or not you have the shift key (by default) held down.
  7. dslyecxi

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    That sounds like your software is still set for the 'normal' track clip, and not the Track Clip Pro.
  8. Yeah, I did that in the first one but didn't worry about it on the second. I could go back and do it (and may do so at some point), but there are other projects I'd like to work on at the moment. Perhaps in the future. :)
  9. Care to share some examples of what you feel would be "non-common sense" topics for such a guide? I don't really agree with your trivialization of the guide into a "n00b bible", but I'm of course interested in hearing what you feel would suit something more 'advanced' in your eyes.
  10. dslyecxi

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    As far as I can tell from looking at pictures, yeah, it should. I'm sure they're doing all they can to be supported by as many games as possible. :)
  11. dslyecxi

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Shouldn't see any real performance hit these days - certainly nothing to require a resolution change. Man, are you in for a surprise. :) The 2DOF vs 6DOF tracking alone is a huuuuge difference in how it feels. Everything else is icing on top of that.
  12. Would phrasing it as "Full Index" work better? Or "Outline"?
  13. The point of a BZO (battlesight zero) is that you don't have to remember to "aim X cm higher" out to 350m or so, possibly more depending on how big your target is. As to a drop table - that's entirely possible to pull from A2, but I think that's out of the scope of what I was going for. It's very specific information about each weapon, when the intent was to be more general than that. The concept of sight picture is introduced, ballistics are introduced, and the center-of-mass hold concept should get someone on target from 0-350m. The idea of doing ballistic tables for different weapons just doesn't really interest me. It's the same as doing some kind of table for how many shots from AT Weapon X are required to kill Armored Vehicle Y. If someone else is interested in doing that sort of stuff, more power to them. I just don't see it as being a part of TTP2. Yes, in about a month or two.
  14. Nice catch. It's in the in-game credits as well. :)
  15. Frederf, I appreciate the feedback, but the guide is laid out as it is as the result of a lot of consideration as to how to present the information in a specific order. Your opinions in this case do not match my own, and I can't agree with changing it in any of the cited fashions. The whole guide was outlined many, many times during development, and the structure was shifted around several times before the current version was settled on. So, again - thanks, but I prefer it the way it is, and I organized it that way after a lot of consideration. edit: I was more interested in your feedback re: the last sections, and with what you've said, I'm happy with how they're laid out as well as what their content consists of. Thanks, though - it is appreciated.
  16. Quick start, as in, here are the bare minimum pieces of information from the current guide that will give you the most bang-for-buck, so that you can get started immediately and go back to learn more at your leisure.
  17. Send them my way and I'll take a look. You can e-mail them to me at my gmail account, dslyecxi@ you-know-what. For the record, the plan (if we do an e-book version, which seems likely) is to make it a PDF of the actual printed book, which will be laid out differently/more professionally and more like an actual book. So there's potentially value in a 'direct' PDF version like what Desrat mentions, and then there's the more book-esque value that will come from the 'pro' PDF version.
  18. To all - I have some plans to do a "Quick Start" version of the guide at some point. This may be as simple as providing a bunch of links in an indexed format that take you to various positions in the guide. My question to you guys is - from your point of view, what do you think would make the best quick-start sections? The intent of course being to convey the most common stuff as expeditiously as possible. I'm interested in getting feedback from a variety of different perspectives on this, as I'm guessing there are some varying opinions as to how much equates to a quick-start, what exactly needs to be known on average, etc. So, if you have a moment to think about it and reply, please do. It's appreciated.
  19. Same story as in the first guide - they're listed to flesh out that section, with the expectation that they'll show up in community content. So, for anyone reading who knows how to do vehicles... hint, hint... ;) It's at this page but of course I highly recommend the new one instead of it - much better composition, info, etc. Know anyone that'd be interested in translating it? I'm always open to that. @everyone else - thanks for all the kind words! It was a lot of fun to put together, and it's very rewarding to see that others are getting something out of it as well. :)
  20. There are dead trees in the forest already. The ones that you knock down won't provide cover, but the ones already there will. Correcting it to clarify.
  21. Not currently, but if you're really interested in that, there's a poll at the end of the guide that has some questions/feedback areas. If I get enough of a response re: an e-book/downloadable version, I'll look into it.
  22. (edited the first post to include that oh-so-mystical link... yeah, got a little carried away with excitement there. ;) )
  23. Not immediately, but the print version is in the works as we speak. Print version will most likely arrive 1-2 months after the online version premieres. As before, the free online version will continue to be available after the print one is out.
  24. Well, if you're like me (US based), and it comes out before the official US release... you should have a week to read it before playing the final game. ;) Might be enough time, depending on how fast you read. :D