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Everything posted by DaSquade

  1. Yeah forgot to mention. Afaik it is normal like in the eye case, i think (you can check with BIS face UV) the eye lid it already mapped for the moment the unit has a blinking eyelid, so then there is no stretching. But in current non static form it is in deformed statues...but wild guess. Same goes about the groin. -> Like said, two types of ST errors that i know of. Guess texture deformation (in non flat case) can slip through the bin process.. Again wild guesses and no time to test here.
  2. [sPAMEXAMPLE?] Forumrules broken anyone: -§1)No Flaming/Flame-baiting/bigotry. -§4) Advertising commercial products (lada is a commercial product....so in your words half eastern-europe is "wOOt and FTW"). -§5)No Spam. -§13) Write in English. But be happy i'm no mod..and even this post can be considered as a valation of the rules . Anyway acog99, what we mean is, this is a 'show your stuff' topic, so some can help finetuning it. Not a spam like above example or a post your ideas/project topic. No offence . So feel free to post some pics of actual work... In your case this is hard, so that is why you get the critics it doesn't deserves a post here. Maybe a wire of your script will ease some ?
  3. DaSquade

    How to fix/merge sections in parts from old models

    Thanks for the tutorial. I always wondered how do clean up the sections....Like above said, in frensh models you normally don't have to clean up, but sometimes it can help when you had to fix small stuff (st errors) and other stupid things you overlooked... It already helped me with one of my models where i knew it had to be lower by default. Again, big thanks. ->Mod, can this be sticked please. This is very imported info (kicks wiki). OFFTOPIC: If time allows, i or someone should make a tutorial about ST errors, Non-planar faces and Non-linear mapping errors.
  4. With the help of Adam i was able to fix my shadow casting on faces that doesn't need it. A simple rvmat witht he NoZwrite code did the trick. There is one in the Ca pbo of BIS itself. I'm not on my computer, but it was called something like empty_nzw.rvmat.
  5. I haven't checked the 6thSense eotech, but i suppose it works as the aimpoint simulation. I also haven't check that ingame, but from what i have seen in the editor of the aimpoint that won't work on the eotech. But we haven't looked into that. Imho it is not even worth it... If you have some logic check the timestamp when i showed the pics of my just finished EOTech and the timestamp of Jahve pasting it on one of his models...Aimpoint (the camo artist) needs a life aswell. In other words: patient.
  6. *Inserts clock icon . Indeed nothing wrong beeing a Zenith instead of Shortdot. Heck, wonder if i inserted Shortdot text on scope etc..if anyone would of known . ->Anybody a suggestion on the EOTech shadow bug, shadow casting on lens/glass? A few guys i know (Jackal, Adam) have looked and tried a few magic things, but no luck. Very strange. Could it be the texture itself? = _ca.paa No lens part is in shadow lod. Normal or inverted shadow lod makes no difference. Adding + inverting glass object in shadow doesn't help. I haven't tried if adding a rvmat to glass helps though. . On the other hand no big deal as i didn't noticed or got enoyed by it ingame so far. EDIT: Nevermind the shadow bug. It has been taken care off. Big thanks Adam. Appreciate your time and effort hunting the bug .
  7. @Jackal: Hm, might be a fix but somehow i don't understand (->Will continue on MSN if i catch you). An other scope in the making: Was supposted to make the shortdot, but used wrong ref. pictures. So 'a Zenith' instead of Shortdot... 1409F/1359P (mix poly-tris), decided to keep LaRue low poly. Only one lod yet.
  8. EOTech 553 model: LOD 0.00: 1228F/1232P (mix of tris-poly). LOD 0.25: 1076F/1073P (mix). LOD 0.50: 839F/859P (mix). LOD 1: 470F/477P (mix). LOD2: 227F/233P (mix). LOD3: 97F/97P (mix). LOD4: 30F/24P (mix). LOD5: 15F/12P (mix). ShadowVolumeLOD 1.00: 2300F/1170P (tris). Textures: -1024x1024 (main). -1024x512 (holo+glass). ->Problem: shadow is casting on my lens. Don't know how to fix atm. Help!
  9. Not sure where to post it as i didn't wanted to mess up other topics, but feel free to merg it into the replacement tutorial topic if that would be better (mods). So i had this dream.... Nah, well with the release of Johns marines pack i was wondering if it is possible to somehow use his 2 styles. What i mean is, would it be possible to have 'something' in a replacement cfg or side cfg so before loading a mission it checks what island it is. So if the island is mainly woods it would replace stock units with the woodland marpat camo units...if it is mainly desert island it would use the desert marpat units. Like some sort of 'checkWorld' command or something in the lines of that with a list of worlds. So you user define all islands (Sahrani, porto and custom maps) in a list or group. I suppose it isn't possible (noob here when it comes to scripting and cfg codes), but would be a nice addition aswell then we would be able to get twice as much candy. Just wondering...
  10. VXR was refurring to the 'tennis-court' netting that is hanging over the open parts on the bunker. Like said, to prevent grenades beeing thrown into the bunker...
  11. DaSquade

    Can i play Arma on Dual monitors?

    A: dual monitor isn't usefull for FPS (maybe has value for flying..except shooting). It is triple or bite my niple . B: 19" LCD and 19" monitor aren't the same dimensions afaik, so this will be an even bigger ugly outcome.
  12. DaSquade

    Cessna 182

    *hears the marching of the Gestapol in the alley ->If this is considered SPAM, i accuse the original poster of spamming too (aka search). EDIT: value to the topic itself. I haven't checked the cesna out, but nice to see this isn't a simple 1-2-3 convertion and some time and effort has been put into.
  13. Because you do look like a patient fella http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/removeAllWeapons <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">removeAllWeapons player ->with 'players', 'this' (nameless unit) or 'unitname'. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addWeapon <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player addWeapon "G36"; ->same 'players', 'this' or 'unitname'. + http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addMagazine <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player addMagazine "G36"; Copy past that line as much as the amount of magazines your unit needs... Kick me in the arse is the magazine don't work, as they can have different name (like G36mag)..but i can't be arsed to search it all for you .
  14. DaSquade

    W.i.p. windrunner .50 cal bmg

    Afaik and have searched, there isn't a subtract tool in O2. Thanks god we already have extrude these days...But i agree a subtract tool would be a very handy tool (would make it a more complete 3D program). Atm you will have to manually allign your cilinders to the face(s) you want your holes in and recreate the faces again based on your cilinder. Old fashion time comsuming job, but it works... Might be better to stick to a pro tool for all model and mapping stuff.
  15. DaSquade

    W.i.p. windrunner .50 cal bmg

    I haven't googled but that RIS looks very very small imho.
  16. @neon: check into your cilinders mate like jenny suggested. If you don't understand, we mean you make the same object out of seperate cilinders (same radius segments) so you don't have the extra polys that connects the two cilinders. Makes a big impact in polycount -> can use those then for other detail. In the end with that methode you don't loose any form of detail. Win-win situation. EDIT: also personnally i think it might be better to leave out any inverted extrudes on the smoke launcher tube. Meaning, big poly impact and in the end you still 'only' have a low poly 3D effect (due to the 8 corner segment inverted cilinder). I think it will looks much better when you leave the 'holes' out and do them in colour-normal maps. It will look much smoother (perfect smooth circle versus crappy 8 segment 3D look). Just my idea on it. PS: i like 3D details as long it looks better then what a texture-normal map can do.
  17. DaSquade


    Thanks, works as planned. Changing time is also covered (Envirement Editor ).
  18. DaSquade

    ST point errors

    Not sure if there is an option in Max... Not sure if it causes bad performence.. What i do know 99% of these errors is the result of bad unwrapping and normally should be noticable in your maps. ->colour maps maybe not that bad (if not noticable). ->shaders probebly more noticable and to be avoided imho. Well once you know witch faces are bad mapped (ST errors) you should be able to fix them in your mapping (in max-modo or O2). Good luck.
  19. @Maatz: No harm done mate (see PM). Anyway, was pretty proud on the textures (when they were made some years ago). You can use them, but as you know in ArmA envirement they are useless (shaders). Good luck.
  20. @Maatz: Can i please ask where you got that texture from. It looks exactly as the one i made years ago (afaik i never released my hesco pack). Anyway, just checking...
  21. DaSquade

    Addon Research Topic

    http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=4286269841 Sadly no High-Res photos availible anymore of this album. You need to sign in... Anyway, i suppose most and maybe a bit more are identical as link of Jonny.
  22. DaSquade

    Jonny´s Marines

    Somehow i originally found it sad BIS didn't added that to stock units. Jonny would you consider adding it? Jenny did this on her marines she made for VBS1 (afaik they were released for OFP aswell?). The principle was very easy and simple. Add a face (where ever name pathes are..be it sholder, helmet, front of armorvest) and map it with the top-left part of the face texture. That way anyone can use his custom face aslong he integrates a nametag in that region of the texture. If more info needed, check with Jenny or me. Downside, AI won't have it and will have a 'bad' unnamed nametag (part of the headhair texture). But this can be fixed by releasing a custom addon where you add virtual nametags to all stock faces. Just a suggestion.
  23. DaSquade

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    I'm glad you tried to explain it a bit more and i'm happy you still take my (harsh) feedback friendly . ->I'm still playing BIS games, because it is the only thing that kept me interested all these years in this type of game, witch no other dev. brought on the market untill current days. So even if my critics and feedback sound harsh, i try to give it a possitive and constructive twist. 1. Direct Speaking: Was more or less aware of how it worked (distance etc). Haven't much noticed during my play due to the stat of VOIP at those point, but that is offtopic atm. Well, "single most significant teamplay-enhancing aspect of ArmA", i agree but honestly...i can't see how it actually produces anything value beside a RL part. I mean, somehow ok it is RL, but i want my coms clear. I don't want to be forced to SCREAM here in the room so an other teamplayer on the other side of the road or after can hear me clearly (understand? Keep it simple but effective?). ->Pro over TS, afaik everybody can hear it who is nearby (non group players and enemy). RL and userfriendly yes. 2. Group chat: indeed an alround pro as it does it automaticly compaired to TS where you need to arrage your players over Channels. I noticed on GOL this is only a mather of a few seconds. Indeed when you talk big clans like yours...this is a welcome feature. 3. Vehicle chat: same as Group chat. User friendly and auto. Well i agree once BIS brings a stable and proper working VOIP it can be a good thing, especially since it all gets done automaticly. Maybe a suggestion: allow players to keybind channels. I already noticed during 'action' this can be a bit frustrating if you speaking with crew and then need to speak with group and then back to crew (multiple tab + in stress situation this results in passing the correct channel etc). If this could be done i think it would combine the quickness of TS wisperkeys? with the userfriendlyness of the channel use and assignment. Maybe an HQ channel could be added, mather of having a clean chain of command channel or how do you guys share fireteam leaders coms? EDIT: How about autocreated subgroup channels in case you split your team with the ingame assign command? Ah nope, thanks for saying , but yeah not a great concept. I know it was a bad point to bring up (SPAM and the JIP rambo servers). I need to life with it, but it is the daily fact. Again didn't knew. But yeah that is server related. Might need to get used to it. Fact is i'm using my secondairy monitor for TS. I want to keep my FOV as clean as possible. ->Christmass wish: VOIP on secondairy screen BIS (ala TS bulps lights)? Anyway, time will proove what VOIP brings. I'm all up from COMS, more userfriendly use and an overall improvement of gameplay.
  24. DaSquade

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    @Dslyecxi: Don't get me wrong and i might have come off to harsh (seams to be a trend). It can be a fact that VIOP is much better regarding more then XXX players over TS. I'm no techn or have any knowledge about that, so i guess i have to beleave you. Nor did i have a dedicated server, time, knowledge to go figuer out what exactly is causing all these problems with VOIP. But i guess some are on the right track that on 'open' servers JIP screws things up. But if not mistaken we encountered simular issues even on 'closed' server with maybe a maximum of 15 players. I'm refurring to GOL server witch sometimes locks server. Maybe they can provide more info regarding their server settings and connection. ->I'm just posting (feedback) what i'm expericing with the current availible beta. I'm extremly glad the public gets the change to test the beta's aswell as there is still some difference between beta testers envirement and day in-out use (public servers with it comers and go-ers). Regarding the fact that you point out VOIP offers more then TS. Again don't get me wrong, maybe i'm simply missing what it actually is all about. COOP all the way here. Don't blame me most OPEN servers apparently only offer rambo type missions (EVO-DOMINATION etc) witch seams to only atract rambos . It only offers me two options: Connect to one of these servers and make the best of it (many players, small or no dissapline). Connect to 2-3 player servers... What i mean is i'm all up for some form o dissepline and great teamwork. Armaholic (currently down due to hardware problems) and GOL (thanks for allowing me during LOCKED or PRIVATE sessions). I'm happy for you you are part of a big family (clan), but if you want please share with me what VOIP offers what TS doesn't (wisper keys and more structured channels comes to my mind in TS). Again i haven't experimented with VOIP that much (due to the fact it was only working at times for me, including crapping incomming sound). Please post names of server that make use of proper teamwork (where VOIP makes a difference). If your list is bigger then 10, i will be silinced . No offence, but you make it sound BIS partly added it on your clans request. I mean, lets face it. The actual MP playing cummunity is small. Overall if you find a +25 playerlist server, it is a meeting place for the rambos who don't need this VOIP. Did you actually ever join that kind of server? Chat was a dissaster, now my screen if a flashlight with names flashing up (player1 says...+player2 says...list goes on on screen). I know we mean it good, but at least TS offered a safe place where only people with some dissipline joined to speak or just be silent if needed. Anyway, i do hope VOIP in the final version works as planned, but some of the above mentioned stuff will simply doesn't make it what it could be (SPAM over voice instead of CHAT?). I agree and i'm all up for COMMUNICATION, just think TS covered it pretty good and BIS didn't had to extra develop that feature, while other things would could of been developed. I mean, i don't think BIS will gain some now customers because they have a desent VOIP now.
  25. DaSquade

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    BIS should somehow include a LOD switching controle imho. I suppose the slower lod switching was introduced for those with lower spec systems and they might have some increase in FPS. I'm running a (by now dys) a mid system but i don't notice much visual increase if frames. I don't run a frame count program or anything....you can 'feel' if it runs better or not. 1.09 versus 1.08 is a big decrease in visual quality imho. Like said, it simply doesn't play smooth if every time you turn the LODs of all stuff starts from low detail up to what it can and must be depending on your system. In most case it is just way to visual. I'm not taking about trees etc...buildings and units etc are effected aswell here. TEST: Go to South Sahrani airport and stand near the intrence of the hangars. Turn and BAMM...it has low res textures, 'closed' doors...few (mili)secs later...highest lod. That is simply a big NO imho, especially compaired to 1.08 or lower. I understand BIS is trying to give us extra performence, but please not in this way and don't let lower systems effect our (mid-high) systems suffer because of this. I'm finally happy the fog bug is fixed....now this . AFAIK BIS told they could gain performence in the tree department (shaders?), but why did BIS alter the rest. I feel they should go back to 1.08 and only adjust slower LOD switching to the trees, if that is the only way to fix the performence. Maybe we should be using more desert maps (less vegitation and more preformence) or BIS should bring out a bigger desert map . Like said, the VOIP is imho a big joke . I tested it a few times in MP envirement. Maybe it is peoples sound settings or something else, but i often wish they didn't spend their presious development time in this. -> What does it bring more then TS can't do? TS is still imho much better. Quality and user friendly. Performence wize? The only extra it brings imho is the animated mouths, but lets be honest...who cares. I rather had had other animated things...like a STAND-UP/CRUNCH AT shooting position ( i really miss that from VBS1....patch update by the way). Anyway, beta i know, but if this is one of the last patches (afaik) i really hope FINAL 1.09 brings some extra changes then current beta (fixes of changes + some extras). Good luck BIS.