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Everything posted by Evishion

  1. Evishion

    Norwegian forces studio

    looking ace..,, norge rule
  2. Evishion

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    2 Dunno if u was able to fix or not, but the radio bug is still there  if I come over more bugs I tell the radio bug is still there cuz i told you its not a big deal. i etiehr leave it in and u deal with the bug. . .or i take it out all together invalid crew, that crew is from rudedogs latest M2A2 Bradly release. . . why dont you have the latest version of his bradly pack? sorry spencer, i fixed the links now Does them require the CBT crew ? sry, havent dlled them yet
  3. Hey.. not sure if this is the right place to post. but excuse me if its wrong the question I wounder on is that, does anyone knows where i can download a P3d -> Dwg ( autocad ) convertor ? and dwg -> P3d conv.. if anyone know where I can find, plz post here or pm me... -Thx
  4. Evishion

    P3d to dwg converter

    Ok. thx for the help
  5. Evishion

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    1 Selecting M113 from the editor or any missions with the M113 cause an error like : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Invalid crew CBT_crew_w_03 2 Dunno if u was able to fix or not, but the radio bug is still there  if I come over more bugs I tell
  6. Evishion

    P3d to dwg converter

    ahh.dident notice that.. but when I try I get this error: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Missing KFDATA section
  7. Evishion

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    DT's 5.2 BUG-LIST: 1: No entry error on the MachineGunner 2: Selecting Channels on the civ cars gives error before the song get played 3 Not really a bug though, but the swimming thing looks weird.. the water effects and the anim comes from the boat try if possible to add CoC script or something updates comes here from me whenever I find new bugs
  8. Evishion

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Im on it Gonna try to help u find some more hell bugs hehe... Testing now.....
  9. Evishion

    P3d to dwg converter

    Hmm.. ok I have successfully converted Back to ,3ds and shall now open it with O2 again. then I press open. select .3ds then I find the file and open.. then it takes 2 secons and O2 crashes whys that ? anyone know how to fix ? it crashes everytime I try to open the damned file......
  10. Evishion

    A new newbie here

    ahh right
  11. Evishion

    A new newbie here

    whats FSAA? I know what AA is ( Anti alaising ) but wtf is FSaa ?
  12. Evishion

    A new newbie here

    if u wanna a taste of the addons whos released look on the 3 threads called OFP Combat photography 1 ,2 and 3 there u see what u miss if u NOT get OFP:R
  13. Evishion

    A new newbie here

    there is some at www.ofp.info.. but NOT MANY!.. 99% f the addons now today are for OFP:R only.. Weird u find OFP CWC and noT OFP:R But if u find it, go for it u wont regret if u like the game itself there is TONS of addons for OFP:R so u wont be able to get tired of ofp, cuz there is so much new stuff Every Day! good luck
  14. Evishion

    A new newbie here

    yea.. OFP:R have some improved Graphics and more detailed Textured if I dont remember wrong.. and some new cool graphic options etc.. its ACE.. go and get it
  15. Evishion

    A new newbie here

    Just a little not for a newbie.. add -nomap to so it will get like: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> "C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.exe" -nosplash -nomap -mod=What_ever_mod_you_use That prevent the game from crashing and yea the 1.96 req OFP:R good luck
  16. Evishion

    A new newbie here

    I recommand using Pappys MODERN OFP mod who makes OFP more realistic and modern Â
  17. Evishion

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    OT: Placebo: u should really make a own thread with VBS1 pix ..like example: VBS1 Combat photography or something so we have a own section for that to dont u think so ?
  18. Evishion

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    I love the VBS1 pix... give us some more
  19. Evishion

    P3d to dwg converter

    hmmm...okay. where can I find the P3d -> 3DS ?
  20. Evishion

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class SoldierWSaboteur : SoldierWB { scope=1; picture="\misc\meciky.paa"; accuracy=3.500000; cost=400000; nameSound="blackOp"; displayName="Special Forces"; weapons[]={"HK","INQ_Mk23SD","Throw","Put"}; magazines[]={"HK","HK","HK","HK","INQ_Mk23SDMag","INQ_Mk23SDMag","INQ_Mk23SDMag","INQ_Mk23SDMag","PipeBomb","PipeBomb","PipeBomb"}; camouflage=0.700000; threat[]={1,0.500000,0.100000}; model = "\BAS_deraw\BAS_DeltaSoldier.p3d"; canHideBodies=1; canDeactivateMines=1; nightVision=1; class animations {}; class UserActions {}; //ECP - Dynamic Range - 199 additionalSound[]={"\DynamicRange\People\specopssoldiermoving.wss",0.000003,0}; // }; class SoldierWSaboteurPipe : SoldierWSaboteur { scope=2; displayName="Special Forces (Night)"; weapons[]={"INQ_M4SOPMOD","INQ_Mk23SD","Binocular","NVGoggles","Throw","Put"}; magazines[]={"INQ_M4SDMag","INQ_M4SDMag","INQ_M4SDMag","INQ_M4SDMag","INQ_Mk23SDMag","INQ_Mk23SDMag","INQ_Mk23SDMag","INQ_Mk23SDMag","PipeBomb","PipeBomb","PipeBomb"}; //ECP - Dynamic Range - 200 class animations {}; class UserActions {}; additionalSound[]={"\DynamicRange\People\specopssoldiermoving.wss",0.000003,0}; // }; class SoldierWSaboteurDay : SoldierWSaboteurPipe  { scope=2; model = "\BAS_deraw\BAS_DeltaSoldier.p3d"; displayName="Special Forces (Day)"; weapons[]={"INQ_G36CSD","INQ_Mk23SD","Binocular","Throw","Put"}; magazines[]={"INQ_G36CSDMag","INQ_G36CSDMag","INQ_G36CSDMag","INQ_G36CSDMag","INQ_Mk23SDMag","INQ_Mk23SDMag","INQ_Mk23SDMag","INQ_Mk23SDMag","PipeBomb","PipeBomb","PipeBomb"}; //ECP - Dynamic Range - 201 additionalSound[]={"\DynamicRange\People\specopssoldiermoving.wss",0.000003,0}; // }; change model = "\BAS_deraw\BAS_DeltaSoldier.p3d"; to model="\SUCHusmc\SUCHrecon2"; thats for the one with the bandanna on his head. i dunno the model path for the others. you would have to depbo the suchusmc.pbo look at the config and find the model path to the Force Recon model of your choice (with the helmet or without) thats all you have to do. theres a tutorial on my site on how to do this. change one model path with another. thats it. depbo one addon get the model path and replace it in the config thx alot
  21. Evishion

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    pappy.. what shall I edit if I wanna replace the Delta ( BlackOp ) with Sucheys Special forces ? can u qoute the lines here ?
  22. Evishion

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    yea lol
  23. Hey.. Im making a mission ( nam mission ) and I have added some music's but the music starts when ur in the chopper, so I thought,,, is it a way to shuth down all the game sounds while playing the music ? so I only hear the music... and in that case how do I turn it on again ? ( pretty annoying hearing the flap flap sounds from the helo to when the music are on ) -DT